Jimmy Neutron: Attack of the Twonkies Xbox Edition

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Note from Feggit: This is a WIP: Shit ending will be replaced sometime soon.

Hi, my name is Rob, and I'm a HUUUUGE Nickelodeon fan. Well, the early 90's cartoons mostly. I have every Spongebob Season on DVD, every Danny Phantom Episode on tape, and a disk containing cartoons that failed and had episodes. I had dozens of Rugrats tapes and countless amounts of it's merchandise. My room is packed with poster. action figures, and rows upon rows of tapes and DVDs.

One of my favorite things to collect are the video games.

I have almost every Nickelodeon-themed videogame. Everything from Danny Phantom to Spongebob, I have it all.

One of my favorites was The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Attack of the Twonkies.

If you don't know what this game is, I'll explain it to you: Jimmy Neutron goes to space and gets some meteorite dust to prove that meteorites don't have "tails" in space. However, when he returns home, he accidentally releases bootleg furbies (called Twonkes) onto planet Earth. Twonkes grow into monsters when they listen to music, and Jimmy has to stop them using Sheen’s singing to change them back to normal so Jimmy can capture them. The game was an obvious Luigi’s Mansion knockoff, but it is still fun to play despite it’s difficult boss battles.

One day I looked the game up on Wikipedia and learned that the game had a planned Xbox edition, but was cancelled. I wanted to learn why the game was cancelled so I browsed the internet to find more information. After blindingly following links to other websites (I must have gone onto twelve porn sites during my search) I finally found a Gaming website that said that the game was produced for play testing in small numbers. I went onto in Ebay and found that someone was selling a Xbox playtest disk. I quickly bought the game, as it wasn’t up for auction.

The game came five days later. i signed the delivery man's paper and quickly went to my TV to set up my Xbox. The disk was in a manilla slipcase so I had to take special care to take it out and put into my system. The disk was plain with “JN:AotT” written on it with black Sharpie. I started the game and waited for the game to start.

The game started up like usual, with Goddard shining the hologram menu over a overview of Retroville. However, the Retroville looked a lot more damaged than in the original  menu screen. Some houses were burned down and some looked as if they were ripped apart.  I ignored this, believing that this was made to make the game more exciting. I started a new game and watched the intro begin. The intro was the same until Jimmy got angry at Cindy’s belief that meteorite’s have “tails” in space. Jimmy’s face looked incredibly disgusted and angered when he corrected her, and ended with  Jimmy muttering: “You naive bit-”. The principal walked in and told the class about the choir tryouts in the same fashion he did in the Gamestation version.

I was a bit surprised at Jimmy’s swear, but I assumed it was a joke for the playtesters and kept playing. The game went like normal (Jimmy builds a small rocket ship before going to space to get the meteorite samples) until the scene when Jimmy discovers the Twonkie in the meteorite sample. In the original game Sheen, Carl, and Jimmy discover the twonkie in the sample before Sheen hears his favorite song on the radio. Sheen turns up the music. causing the twonkie to grow into a hideous monster. Jimmy and his friends escape the room and the game continues on.

However in this version the monster had much longer claws. Jimmy and his friends bolted to the door. The monster threw a chair, blocking off the door. Carl tried to push the chair, but the monster threw another chair at Carl’s head. The chair hit its target, making a sickening crack as it caved in Carl’s skull. Sheen turned to the monster and said “With the power of Ultralord, I’ll-” Before he could finish, the monster thrusted it’s calw into Sheen’s abdomen. Sheen went limp as the twonkie pulled its claw out of him. The monster looked at Jimmy and charged at him, blood dripping from it's claw.

I turned off the game before the creature killed Jimmy. I felt angry.

I blew fifty bucks on a cheap bootleg.

If I wanted to get a bootleg, i would have bought a copy of Somari or someshit.

I threw the game in the trash and began to play the real game on the Gamecube.