Just a Dream, Right?: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "I'm going to be honest. This is a truestory I never told, and I will tell you as best I can from my memories of what Happened that night. This isn't going to be a trueblooded creepypasta because it's just an experience. It was a regular night really. Sophomore year in highschool I had everything going ok. My year was rocky honestly I was just getting back up on my feet for my grades. Just a normal Highschool kid. Around 8 I decided to just plain lay on my bed in the da...")
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Latest revision as of 13:06, 30 May 2024

I'm going to be honest. This is a truestory I never told, and I will tell you as best I can from my memories of what Happened that night. This isn't going to be a trueblooded creepypasta because it's just an experience.

It was a regular night really. Sophomore year in highschool I had everything going ok. My year was rocky honestly I was just getting back up on my feet for my grades. Just a normal Highschool kid.

Around 8 I decided to just plain lay on my bed in the dark, maybe try to sleep early. I decided to lay on the otherside of my bed at the end of it near my closet. Now my closet used to have a door on it but we took it off due to how old and creaky it was. What was left there was just an empty space with clothes on the floor and hung up on a white bar. The closet is generally 1 1/2 feet wide while it goes 8 feet high we put a nice blue drape over the top to work as a type door. Later I was laying down thinking to myself about that day, just reconsidering where I'm headed with my life I felt empty. Nothing was guiding me my life was only moving forward due to the fact that I am in highschool. As I layed there I began to delve deeper and deeper into thought, but something alerted me and I quickly jumped out and regained my focus on the realworld. I was looking at the ceiling my eyes then darted across each area of my room although it was dead night I could still see the figures and darkened tint colors of where my tv stand was. I looked first at the large window in the front the tidbits of light from the streets below (as I am on the third story in an apartment complex) the curtains were hung perfectly still as usual white texture with the blue circles made of uncountable lines that continuously intersected and overlapped. I could makeout the figures of the framed pictures from my childhood and the large dull shape of my ashed black televison in front of my pitch black workdesk. My shelf with little sentimental toy figures, a trophy, a mechanical chihuahua that sings merry christmas in spanish and english with 2 wooden globes set cornerside to the light blue K that was dead center to it. On top of the K I had placed my favorite game on ps2 at the Bully as the seal on the case looked pretty badass. I finished my little examination and my muscles started to ease from the sudden dense tension it had recieved at an instant. As I eased I then began to feel a sigh of relief, which was certainly shortlived. My eyes almost instantly widened with intensity to which I could not understand I just knew without a doubt I shouldn't close them. While hastily trying to configure what was going on I then realised I hadn't looked at my closet. I felt fear grip me like nothing I'd felt before so to try and combat this I tried to get up, yet I couldn't. My body was moving... but my limbs were stuck as if they were bound to the very areas they were from the beginning. Unusual, because my bed is a queen and my wrists and ankles were on the bed. Nowhere near and bed edges in fact they were placed flatly near the center. I struggled and fidgeted though gave in after only moments due to the circumstances. While laying still I gave in and began looking to the right of me. As my eyes rolled over to where my closet was I noticed that earlier before laying in bed I had closed the drape over it usually I don't but I just had this urge to close it shut. To my suprise it was wide open. The dark blue draked frosted with white snowflakes in a repeating patter had been wide open allowing me to see dead in. I was very reluctant to look but When I did I could see the clothes I had put on the floor, although where I hung my clean and freshly washed clothes there was a black empty space. I kept staring wondering why I couldn't see in as I could before. I have always been able to clearly see what's inside. As soon as I started raising questions they were immediatly expelled out of my mind, because the dark space began to form into a black cloud. It's shape began to convulse and retort. It looked to be made of circles from the way it was moving. To my dismay and confusion I had nothing to do. All I could to was try and configure If i was dreaming or not, though I have never had full function of my mind. I have never had a clear image. I have never ever been able to have my mind fully active while dreaming and everything looked real felt real and sounded real. So why couldn't I move? It had to be a dream. Soon the black cloud was releasing something. As if transporting an object or being. The problem with this is that it let out something, but to this day what it is I do not know. At first it had just been opening up but now it had taken full form and was emanating black mist from the closet. I then noticed that the form had take full human shape but befor I could get a good look it dissapeared as if sucked back in the very same way it came. My eyes then started rapidly darting around the room again.Instead of disappearing though it reappeared in the corner above my closet. Then It began repearting this in the 4 corners of my ceiling zipping around hastily leaving black and silver outlined streaks frome every movement made. In doing this I began to notice the form and shape of the being. I noticed the hair first it was a pitch black. The kind of dark purple devoid of anything that ahd first made it as if it only sucked everything it came to contact with into devoid hole and darkened it's tint. The hair was spikey at the tips. It's body was slender in fact I could tell it was a he. The more I looked the worse I began to feel but the bigger my interest grew. I noticed He had a tail it was pitch black, in fact it matched his body color, My mind had been boggled the entire body of this being was a pitch black. There was something at it's side though some case or bag. I could not tell. Before I could bother to configure anything in my brain he stopped. Only momentarily. As I searched for my unknown intruder I then noticed his face popped up from the end of my bed and I got a good look at his face. The lips were the same as the skin along with the nose. Although the eyes. There were No eyes as it seemed, but that face. I will never forget that face as he brought on a sinister smile. In this event a sudden chilling realization ran through my spine. That thing. Whatever it was. Looked to be me in every way like me except for skin and hair colouring.. There was even a slight pointed canine tooth showing just as I would from my mouth whenever I try to smile(makes me feel like an ass because I have to smirk.) His arms were crossed and as he closed the distance between my face and his he then said.(In a confident yet pompous manner)

"Ha ha ha"

"Long time no see brother"

"Remember me, because we will meet again....... Alkelel"

In that entire instance I did not blink but once right as he closed in on my face. He was right in my face. I could not comprehend a responce. I also felt something ignite in me that day. He not only felt familiar but that name. I'd heard it before. I knew this thing? Yet just as quickly as he had appeared he disappeared by backing out from my face and just plain falling into the ground that had once been ever so solid between where his feet should be. The black mist was gone. Any tension I'd previously had only retained itself due to confusion and the many questions I had. Yet I couldn't help but have this new feeling and in moments I noticed I could move and began rapidly making my way to the lights. I turned them on but nothing Not a single trace to prove what just happened was real. I figured I was just sleepy and turned the light out and went to sleep. The question that reflected in my mind was: What was he? Where did he come from...

Credited to Thatbrownkid

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