Killing Garu

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I found a creepypasta online that was created a long time ago. It hasn't been posted to creepypasta yet, in fact the pasta was Spanish. I translated it to a more accurate translation. This pasta though, has clichés and spelling/grammar/translation errors though. I was originally going to put the translated version in the Spinpasta Wiki, but it does have spelling/grammar/translation errors. If anyone would like to spell check this, You may.
If you want to find the original creepypasta with the original language, click here.

Since the series of Pucca was created in 2000 by the South Korean company Vooz Character "System " and by Boo sacking Calvin Kim and Kim started to become famous even though they started being clips of 2 minutes and 30 seconds, then the union of the company before named and "Jetix" of Europe have been able to create a series of Pucca as such with 26 episodes of 22 minutes, divided into 3 segments or three short, the series was released in the year 2006, where he was added to dialogs all the secondary characters execot Pucca and Garu.

That was sometime in the early months of the year 2007 and worked as an intern in the post-production of the episodes of the series, my work together with two other people more was to see each one of the chapters and detained minusiosamente to correct the errors of these episodes and as well letting them hang to perfection to the air, it was a good job, I really can't complain about it, but with the "boom" that had caused the series in Latin America the working environment was the tension and a climate in which almost unable to work, but I really can't complain about the as i said before, because the pay was really good and perhaps was increased by the same work climate, we were Working a day and we got an envelope, with a disk in a album art in white and had written in the "Killing Garu" and came with him a letter guided us to the post-production by saying that the episode was already bent(the ofiicina or division of dubbing was on the same floor as the post-production), then my 2 colleagues and i we take care to make our work, while thinking that the disc was a joke we put in our player without knowing that we were going to haunt you have placed.

The episode began in the same way, with the same intro, the same music, the same scenes and when it completes the screen goes black for about 30 seconds and then nothing appears in the title of "Killing Garu" in red letters and escurriendole blood of a very realistic way as if the letters had cuts and would seep into the blood, the episode began in Sooga village, with all the lights off as if you had a power outage and with an electrical storm with lightning and thunder, change the socket and you can see to Pucca in a dark room as if they were found plotting something against someone, with a macabre smile and with a few Different eyes to the achinados that you often see, a lightning bolt allows us to see that does not have its usual dress, but that, on the other hand is dressed all in black, still a very dark, the screen changes and new is a dark room but at this time Pucca is not single, is speaking with the Master Soo, who is now floating on a cloud of black that the rays, with a few hyper realistic eyes, reds, different to the arrows that we are accustomed to seeing on your face, dressed in red, with a 5-pointed star in its tunpica that now is red" is once again in the cane tiee a Oz of the Death, in this dialog only listened to the Master Soo talking with Pucca and saying, "The is the basis of your frustration, you must finish with this, with the live you can never be happy, but not all must realize that what thou killedst why you must do the following: You have to take this bottle(at that time you pass it a bottle), and place a few drops on your noodle dish, that would kill him without anyone account and so you can live happy, while this conversation was happening the best friend of pucca Ching was listening everything from behind the door and the Master Soo gives an account of what is happening and moves quickly to his side, the Mind in the room and after that the screen goes black and only hear a few groans super realistic that you transmit fear until the last of your pores, you freezing the blood, after approximately 1 minute and a half is placed the room again and the lightning huliminan to Ching dead and dismembered and the Oz of the Master Soo, fills with blood and we see to Pucca with a smile even more macabre than that of the principle and its characteristic sound of when something he likes, and the Master Soo tells you "You have to kill to Garu", before the end of the first segment the scene remains on the body of Ching in this comes His hen gwon going on Ching and Pucca the takes and breaks the neck strap on your owner and looks with a devilish smile terribly to the camera.

That was only the first segment of the series, but none of my two companions resisted continue watching the chapter by which they left me alone in the room where we saw the chapter, began the second segment, Pucca spoke with his uncles Lunguini, Uncle Dumpling Bar has and Ho, on the plan that was at the end to tell them your plan looked to Pucca and at the same time said "Pucca seems to me that this plan is very dangerous, but you are our niece and Garu has made you suffer a lot, because it is we'll help you but before we have to deal with Abyo(The friend ninja of Pucca) and his father the official Bruce", in this change the socket to the police station where Find the official Bruce talking with Abyo, again all is darkness, and on the official Bruce was avalanza Linguine with a knife sphincterotome"and Cole, at the time of thes This Abyo is petrified to see how they kill his father, then of this Ho cuts the head of Abyo, now the camera focuses on the body of Officer Bruce blinks a while, that part i had to return it to make me realize that the scene is intersperse with a photo of a official equally Degollado, after this the Uncle Dumpling Bar has dissects the official Bruce and looking at the camera figamente and said "this meat you gusaras to Garu in their noodles", again the decision goes to the village Sooga now drawn in a similar way to the underworld with green mist and groans were heard fund which you placed the ice skin, then this veinamos to Garu fighting with his arch-nemesis Tobe accompanied by the gang Ninja, this time not Garu was fighting to defend itself, in its looked you could see the frustration, after a few intense 4 minutes of fight Garu achieves declaw the swords to Tobe and begins to stab him up to kill him and then he does so with each one of the members of the Gang Ninja, each time that knifed one the moans become more realistic to the point where you feel like you are stabbing it, which made me so completely flush To the sound, without achieving fail to scare, because followed by focused to Tobe and to those of the Gang Ninja stabbed and they were interspersed scenes every 2 or 3 seconds with photos of children killed or stabbed until his death, in this second segment ends in, at this point because I didn't know what to do, I was absolutely petrified of the fear and there were only a few minutes to finish viewing the chapter already that rarely the third segment was really short, it was ice cold and sweaty, very nervous about what I was seeing and already in my mind not around the thought that it could be a joke.

In the third segment focuses on a little lit restaurant of the uncles of Pucca(linguine, Uncle Dumpling Bar has and Ho), entirely deserted, only Garu sat at a table alone and ordering our noodles, then we look to the uncles of Pucca and to the same Pucca dressed in black in the kitchen, putting the pieces of meat from the official Bruce to noodles of Garu and turning them over to Pucca for placement in this pucca takes the bottle that gives the Master Soo in the first segment and the empty full in the noodles of Garu and the delivery, we see Garu eating the noodles for about one minute, then of this Garu is ice cream And it falls to the ground dead perhaps by the amount of venom the throat begins to matched by budget and gets to see your esophagus drawn in an hiperealista and then this also begins to disintegrate leaving well see your spine, Pucca with eyes and smile diabolical calls his uncles, all surround to Pucca and Garu blows the candles thus leaving the black screen, then this only Olle to one of the uncles of Pucca say "the penny dropped Pucca, Garu will have the same fate as the official Bruce", after this again, we see with light to the village and the restaurant of the uncles of Pucca completely filled, all eating noodles as neither had not eaten by Weeks ago, and the episode ends with Pucca Master Soo and her uncles unemployed in the kitchen door, dressed in the same way to the series staring at the camera and in the last seconds, all to see with a devilish smile, giving the impression that all are eating to Garu.

Thus end the chapter, the room completely avandone ice cream, i was asked what happened, I just took the elevator and leave the studies for a good time, I was given a medical low and with an increase in salary, i will respond to that salary increase was due to the atrosidades that he had seen in that episode of diabolical Pucca, i couldn't sleep for about 3 weeks, then when I returned to work and then I was called to Chair of Jetix, they told me that it should not tell anything about what happened, and i promoted to Chief took it into Post Production , although a few months later I was fired, and therefore I have decided to tell what happened on that day in the Studies of took it into Post Production of Jetix.

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