Love you to Death

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It was January 2nd, 2012. I woke up around 9:00, I usually wake up between 10:00 and 11:00 but today was different, today was important. I got a shower and brushed my teeth, the kind of stuff a 22-year-old like me usually does on a Monday morning. I was so nervous I couldn’t concentrate on anything; I just sat on my bed until it was time to go.

I got to the movie theater half an hour early. I just waited by the door until my 20-year-old girlfriend got there. We went in to see the movie, it wasn’t one I wanted to see but I wanted to be with her. We sat in the front of the theater. When the movie started I held her hand, the second I touched her, a shock went up my arm and I felt amazing. My heart rate was steadily increasing through the entire movie because I knew I was going to kiss her that night, I just didn’t know when. At the end of the film I started thinking about all the reasons I love her, and all the reasons I was going to kiss her. When the credits started to roll I tapped her on the shoulder. When she looked at me, and I stared into her beautiful eyes I couldn’t stop myself from telling her I loved her. I did love her, she meant everything to me, when I met her my entire world changed, it’s like it wasn’t gravity holding me to the earth anymore. It was her. I gently put my hand on her arm and I leaned in to kiss her. Everything just stopped; we were the only two people in the world and all I could feel was my hand on her arm and her lips against mine. It was the single best moment of my life.

After the movie was over we walked to the door. I hugged her and said goodbye. I honestly don’t remember what happened next. I don’t know whether or not that should worry me. I’m pretty sure the reason I don’t remember is because I was so happy. I don’t think I got to bed until around 1:00 a.m. I wish I could have stayed asleep.

I woke the next morning to the doorbell and incessant pounding on the door. I went downstairs and answered the door. It was a UPS worker; he had a package for me slightly bigger than a fist. I signed for the package and took it to my bedroom to open it. It was a human heart. I was so disgusted I almost vomited, but for some reason I pulled it out of the box and there was a small slip of paper in the bottom, it simply said: “TURN AROUND!” I was terrified but I did so anyways. What I found was even worse than what was in the box. I saw “LIVE THE FIRST LIFE! IT HAS BEGUN!” written on the ceiling in blood. My girlfriend was hanging next to it. Her throat was slashed and there was a hole in her chest. I could see a diary where her heart should be. I pulled it out and looked in it. Everything was blacked out with a sharpie except for two lines “my heart is his” and “I love him to death” I suddenly felt something cold and sharp pierce my back… and everything went black.

Credited to Thenichols1
Originally uploaded on January 7, 2012

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