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I've always liked Nintendo. My first video game console was a Nintendo 64. I played a lot of Banjo-Kazooie, 007, and the eternal classic Quest 64. Obviously, like everyone else, I was also in love with Mario. But after what happened to me years ago, I never touched that damn cartridge again.

The story I am going to tell happened to me around the 2000s. I had just gotten an N64 for my 12th birthday. Along with the console, I also got the 3 games I mentioned above + Super Mario 64 (the third best 3D Mario game, in my opinion, behind only Super Mario Sunshine and Mario Party 9. But that is beside the point).

Of course, I was impressed with the game. During the first month with the console, it was the only one I played. But on my second playthrough, something horrible happened.

All of us, gamers, are familiar with the snow level in Super Mario 64. We had a lot of fun sliding down the cabin chimney on that big track. But what happened to me when I revisited that level wasn't the least bit fun. Something horrible happened.

In the game, to earn one of the stars from the snow level, you need to return a lost penguin chick to its mom. So far so good, but the problem is that the mom is on the edge of a cliff. Let him who never threw the little penguin off that cliff to see what happens cast the first stone. I did it myself the first time I played it. But on the second one, something horrible happened.

I, penguin in hand and a mischievous smile in my eyes, approached the cliff. Shaking, in a mixture of fear and desire, I pressed the button. And the poor bird fell into the darkness.

Normally, that would have been the end. It would in no way affect the game. The most the player would have to do is restart the level so that the penguin would return to its proper place and he could catch the star. But a few seconds after I threw the animal, something moved on the screen.

It was the Penguin Mother. Walking towards the cliff, flapping its wings and quacking desperately. And then, in a sudden movement, she threw herself off the cliff, in search of the youngling.

My heart skipped a beat and my hands froze. This had never happened before. But after getting my act together, I decided to continue playing. I moved the analog stick and... nothing! Mario no longer responded to my commands. I pressed all the buttons and nothing happened. Until, without me doing anything, Mario knelt down and started to pray.

As I didn't speak Italian at the time, I couldn't understand what he said. But from the tone of his voice he seemed to be asking for forgiveness. After praying, he moved slowly, and from the edge of the abyss, he threw himself. I screamed. It was at that moment that I considered turning off the console and going to sleep with my parents. But curiosity screamed louder, and I continued to watch that bizarre scene. The screen went black, as if it were loading, and when it loaded, Mario was lying face down in a totally dark place, where the walls and floor became one, and it was only possible to see the plumber clearly. Him, and a blue and red speck far away. I tried to move the analog stick and this time it worked. Despite low on life, Mario controlled normally. I ran to that little speck to find out what it was. And what I saw scared me.

It was the poor little penguin. Dead under a pool of blood. Mario looked at his own hands. Probably thinking "I did it". But the truth is, he was just a marionette. I was to blame.

Then I heard footsteps. And when I turned the camera around, I was startled. It was the Penguin Mother. And she had blood in her eyes. A dialog box appeared, and she started talking to me

"Look what you did to my baby! You will pay."

It was then that she pulled out a Glock, and fired 3 times at Mario, who fell dead on the floor. The silhouette of Bowser's face appeared covering the screen, along with the classic game over tune. The game restarted as if nothing had happened. Except for one change: none of the penguins appeared in the snow level anymore.

I still don't know what happened. I think it was a glitch. But even so, I don't like to remember that story. This is probably the last time I'll share it.

Stay tuned for the next time when I tell you what happened to me when I played Final Fantasy 7 years later.

Credited to KaeporaGaevota 

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