Madagascar Alternate Ending

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Does anybody remember the movie “Madagascar”? You know, it’s a movie that is based around a quartet of animals ending up stranded on an island after a tragic accident.

I watched a lot of DreamWorks movies when I was a kid. They were phenomenal and still are. Plus, there's a lot more Dreamworks Movies I like, also my favorite is the Shrek Franchise.

But there’s one memory that still haunts me in my head for days. It always will…

It was a warm day in my area; not too hot nor too cold. I was browsing on my laptop looking on the classic DreamWorks films. At that moment, I got a notification on Google Mail. The message was from no other than DreamWorks. The email read this:

“Hello, DreamWorks fan from Australia. We would like to privately share an alternate ending of one of our old films, Madagascar, made by a sacked animator James Winterstone. After you watch this, please do not screen this anywhere. Kind regards, the DreamWorks team.”

I was surprised; I just got an email from DreamWorks. I received many emails from Pixar before. But there was a link to the file, so I downloaded it straight to my laptop. I saw the file and its filename was “”. I had a bad feeling about this. However, I had the courage to watch it.

I clicked on the file. But before the video played, there was a warning;

“This alternate ending of Madagascar was changed to match its demographic and has unsettling themes that are not suitable for children or people with sensory issues. If either you are a child or someone with sensory issues, please don’t watch this. Viewer discretion is advised.”

The warning screen before the video started.

I had a blank expression on my face.

“I hope it’s just a parody ending.” I spoke, trying to reassure myself. "but I don't want to waste time. So, I'll cut right to the point." The video started. It started with the best scene where Marty, Melman and Gloria were trying to escape from the Fossas.

"What's the plan? Marty asked to Gloria. "This is the Plan!" Gloria Answered. the gang's still running from the Fossas, and one of them said. "Fossa hungry." "Fossa eat." another Fossa replied. "This is the plan?" Marty asked in shock. The penguins then came to the rescue, and skipper block the Fossas holding, a command pistol. "Fossa Halt." Skipper said bravely to the Fossas. The Fossas Stop and gasped Shockley.

The trio then stopped running and noticed the penguins has come to the rescue from the Fossas. Just then, Skipper pointed his pistol at the sky, shooting it. Then the Fossas got distracted by the red fire after the bullet exploded into the gray cloudy sky. "Fossa Ooh." Said The Fossas "Fossa Aaahh." Skipper Crawled into the Distracted Fossas and One of them said. "Fossa Ooh." The Penguins then built a trap for the Fossas.

After That, Private then jumped into the plate with whip cream on top of his head, and Rico put the cherry on top and then he whistled, "Come and get it." Private said, getting the Fossas Attention. But before They eat Private whole, they're bamboozled, by the Penguins. In that moment, The Animals and The Penguins of Madagascar fights the Fossas before they snicker the gang. "Take That." Melman said. while he Wack a Fossa in the head like Wack-a-Mole. "Fossa Ow." A Fossa said. Grunted in Pain.

However, there were too many Fossas for the animals and the penguins to fight. "There's too many of them skipper." Private said, noticing too many Fossas. "it's been a real pleasure serving with you boys." Skipper Remarked.

Just then, the gang heard a ferocious roar. It was coming from no other than Alex. “Alex?” Marty asked, before punching a Fossa in the face with his hoove.

“That’s my kill! Mine.” Alex said, before dropping down to the ground. He proceeded to walk towards Marty, growling, looking deranged. “Alex hungry… Alex eat…” he spoke, still walking towards his best friend.

Alex then bared his claws, as the ominous music kept playing. A couple of the Fossas sprinkled salt over Marty as the lion was still walking up to him.

Alex’s eyes begin to form into a shade of dark red. And when he moved his teeth towards Marty, instead of whispering “it’s showtime” as in the final film, he bit Marty on the neck.

Marty screamed in a blood curdling and agonizing way, as if his actor “Chris Rock,” was getting tortured.

Alex with dark red eyes, slowly approaching Marty.

Melman and Gloria stared in shock at what was happening before exchanging glances.

It showed the shot of the penguins staring in shock as well, but without exchanging glances.

I even got a few glimpses of the Fossas as well, with wide smiles and their tongues sticking out as they enjoyed watching the lion who has now turned predator like them mauling his best friend to death.

Alex continued gnawing his teeth in Marty’s neck, until small drops of blood can be seen dripping from his neck.

Then, his pupils began to dilate. Alex pried his teeth away from Marty and the latter collapsed with no pulse. Marty was now dead

“Holy Crap!!” I said in horror.

Alex then sucked the blood off his fingers and sighed in relief.

“That was a good, tasty zebra.” Said Alex, before looking directly at Gloria and Melman.

The blood on Marty was minor, but it was still shocking to see his corpse. His eyes were blank, his mouth was a gape, and he was crying blood.

It cut to a shot of Alex staring at the two animals, however Melman and Gloria were suddenly off-screen as if Alex was actually staring at me. I felt extremely uncomfortable watching this I closed my eyes until the staring was over. Melman broke the silence by shouting, “RUN, GLORIA! RUN!” The giraffe and hippo then made a run for it before Alex chased after them on all fours.

He lunged onto Melman and started biting him. Melman began screaming, but it wasn’t comical, it was blood-curdling and agonizing as well, as if the actor “David Schwimmer,” was being eaten alive. Gloria screamed realistically watching her boyfriend being mauled by her friend-turned-predator. The blood on the giraffe was also minor, but it was still shocking to see Melman’s corpse. His corpse was even similar to Marty’s. His eyes were blank, his mouth was a gape and he was crying blood.

Alex then slowly turned to Gloria, grinning sinisterly before saying, “I’m hungry for some hippo…”

Gloria ran away screaming so she can find a place to hide as Alex chased after her. Gloria hid in a bush, and she panted to catch breath. She looked through the bushes to catch sight of Alex, but he was nowhere to be seen.

Gloria sighed in relief. However, she heard a voice saying, “let’s play Hungry Hungry Hippos.” Gloria turned around it was Alex with his eyes now fully dilated. “Alex, please! We’re your friends, not food! Don’t do this!” Gloria pleaded.

"Spare me your lies, Gloria. Your friend is gone. And I am involved to my hunger FOR FOOD." Alex said as he stared right at Gloria before the latter lunged onto her.

It then cut to a shot of the bush rustling as we could hear Alex roaring and Gloria letting out a realistic blood-curdling scream as the actress “Jada Pinkett Smith,” was being eaten alive. The screaming stopped as soon as the bush stopped rustling.

It then cut to the shot of the two lemurs, “King Julian” and his assistant “Maurice” on top of a tree as they saw Alex devouring his own friends.

“Oh my Gosh!! Maurice this is terrible!!” King Julian said in horror.

”It Certainly is Julian. Now that Alex is a true predator, sooner or later he and the rest of the Fossas will gobble us up in their mouths.” Maurice remarked worriedly.

”Absolutely not Maurice, not while I am still king, and I shall find a safer place for all my Lemurs especially you.” King Julian said in bravery.”

“Actually Julian that’s not a bad idea, of course there's another safe place for everyone to hide. Let’s hurry while we still can.” Maurice said in an agreement.

“Affirmative!” King Julian replied.

The two lemurs quickly got off of the tree to make it back to the rest of the lemurs.

Just then, Alex jumped out of the push after devouring Gloria and found the two lemurs.

“Good evening lemurs. You’re just in time for dinner.” Alex said.

”Mr. Alex please you must stop this nonsense!! This isn’t you!!” King Julian pleaded.

“Say all you want King. This is who I’ve always been, and will have you and all lemurs in my teeth!” Alex yelled as he stared right at them.

The camera focused on Alex’s face again as it looked like he was staring at me instead of the lemurs. The camera then turned to the lemurs staring in shock at me instead of Alex, until Maurice came up with an idea to distract Alex.

“Look over there Alex, steak.” Maurice shouted pointing his finger to his right.

Alex looked to his right with excitement on his face but there was nothing there. He looked back at the lemurs in confusion and noticed they’ve made a run for it. Alex then growled in anger and roared as he began chasing the lemurs on all fours. “Good thinking Maurice.” King Julian said to Maurice in amazement. ”Thank you.” Maurice replied.

The lemurs hid behind tree by one of the bushes to catch breath and hid from Alex. They looked behind the tree to catch sight of Alex, but he was nowhere to be found once again.

The lemurs sighed in relief, just then one of Alex’s paws with his sharp claws came out from the bush and grabbed Julian and pulled him into the bush as his crown fell off, devouring him offscreen. “No Julian!!!” Maurice yelled, as we can hear Julian screaming in a realistic blood curdling scream as he was being eaten alive by Alex.

After Julian stopped screaming, Maurice then immediately started running again before Alex could devour him next. Alex then quickly pounced on Maurice and began to eat him alive while screaming in terror.

It then cut to the rest of the lemurs and Mort looking for King Julian and Maurice and calling out for their names. The lemurs heard a noise from a bush as they began to feel scared.

“King Julian? Maurice?” Mort said still feeling scared, thinking it was them. However Alex jumped out from the bush like a jump scare and attacked Mort, as the latter screamed in pain before the lion could swallow him hole. The lemurs screamed watch Mort being swallowed hole by the lion and they all began running to find a place to hide.

Alex managed to slice some of the lemurs with his sharp claws while the others escaped. “You can run lemurs but you can’t hide!” Alex yelled.

”What the hell am I watching, and why does this alternate ending even exist?” I asked myself in horror.

It then cut to the penguins alone in the rocky setting.

“Well, boys, this is it. The lion has come down a dark path.” Skipper said. Private began to sob in pain, but his sobbing was rather realistic. “I don’t want to be poultry. I’m just a cute little penguin.” Kowalski heard Alex’s roars.

“It seems like we’re done for. The oversized feline had found us.” He remarked worriedly. Alex emerged from the bushes and walked up to the four penguins. “It was nice knowing you, boys. It was nice knowing you.” Skipper said sadly. Alex began to pick Private up with his jaw while the latter screamed before swallowing him whole.

Rico was shocked before he started to run. Skipper and Kowalski ran, too. Alex pounced on Rico and ate him whole, too. “Kowalski, what do we do now?” Skipper asked in concern. Kowalski thought for a second before saying, “We have to get back to the cruise ship before any other predators try to consume us!”

“Affirmative!” Skipper said. The two remaining penguins ran through the forest, catching sight of the cruise ship as seen earlier in the film. However, Alex jumped out from a bush like a jumpscare and attacked Kowalski, rolling offscreen. I can hear Kowalski’s agonizing scream as he was being eaten alive by Alex.

Skipper watched in horror before falling to his rear and sulking. “You’re next, Avian Boy.” Alex teased, as he slowly approached Skipper. "Alex! Maybe We should talk this over and think about being friends. Right?!" Skipper said. "Not a chance, penguin! I am already hungry at the tip of my claws!" Alex yelled. It showed a shot of Skipper’s point of view of Alex’s face until he threw his face forward with a slack jaw, and it cut to black with Skipper screaming in pain as Alex mauled him to death. I could even hear his blood splattering everywhere while he was screaming. It then faded to a scene where the Fossas were chatting. Just then Alex approached the hideout.

“My Fossas. I am now your king. We prey, we hunt, we eat, and we roam. Together we will rule Madagascar. Bow down to me.” Alex monologued. The Fossas bowed to Alex, accepting him as their king. He then lifted his head up and roared into the sky. The Fossas then roared with him alongside as dramatic music played while the camera panned into the grey cloudy sky. It then faded to black. Then the video ended.

I was shocked. I’ve never seen a Horror version of Madagascar before. I grasped my hands over my face, like if I was crying. I never knew people could add Creepy Escapades in animated DreamWorks films, like what they do with Pixar.

I then went to delete the file, but I thought it would be a good idea if people would believe me. I posted the video to Google Drive and sent my friends a link via email. They were appalled, too. Madagascar was a good movie from my childhood, but what I saw will always be in my nightmares forever.

James Winterstone is technically the DreamWorks counterpart of Adam Kennington.

Be careful what links you click on.

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