Madder Hatter: You're LATE for Tea: Difference between revisions

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'I can imagine!' He laughed, a little too loudly. 'I'm Raul, by the way. What's your name, beautiful?'
'It's…Alices...Alice. Nice meeting you.' It was then that Raul detected a light British accent.
'You from England?'
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<nowiki> </nowiki> ●◇◆◇★◇★◇◆◇●
His first feeling after returning to consciousness was ropes tight around him, making it impossible to move no matter how hard he tried. Telling himself to stay calm and analyse the situation, Raul carefully opened his eyes to find that he was still in his home…andhome...and he was bound to a chair beside his dining table. He tried to free himself, but in vain. Raising his head a bit more, he gasped as he saw Kristine at the opposite of the long table, also bound and seemingly unconscious. He was confused even as he forced down the panic. What the hell happened, and where is…is...
'I see you're awake~ Excellent! You're almost late for tea, you know~' A nauseating high-pitched yet oddly familiar voice startled him.
Raul froze, not daring to turn his head as the clicking of heels grew near. From the corner of his eyes he could see a blur of purple, green, and… Crimson red hair. Raul felt a chill run through him. And there she was. Alice in her green top hat, but in a different outfit. Red high-heeled boots, pencil pants stripped with green and black, green vest laced in black, purple shirt buttoned all the way up, and black-and-green collar with a… ribbon? It seemed so out of place that Raul could not help but stare even in his situation. And how did he not notice that she was flat-chested? Raul shook his head. No, this couldn't be happening. It just couldn't be! It would be ridiculous if he and his girlfriend were threatened by some random, frail girl!
Swallowing, Raul tried, 'A-Alice? What did you-'
A scratchy shrill laughter cut him off and he could not hold back a wince. 'If we're going to have an enjoyable time together, <em>cupcake</em>, you should know my name first~' She lifted a chair onto the table, hopped on with ease and sat down with her long legs crossed as she grinned down at him. It was only then that he saw the long stitched scar that ran from her left cheek to her forehead and up – did she put make-up on earlier to hide it?! Even stranger, a teardrop was painted in purple below her left eye. She was so full of colours that Raul felt almost dizzy looking at her. 'I'm Hatter~ No, not Mad Hatter, silly muffin. The MADDER Hatter, at your acquaintance!' She let out another high-pitched laugh as she tilted her head and winked, sending a chill down Raul's spine.
Mouth dry with fear, Raul managed to ask, 'H-Hatter, why…why... What do you WANT with us?!'
Alice – no, the Madder Hatter's green eyes darkened with an unknown emotion. Raul held his breath. Had he asked the wrong question? No God no…no...
'Only my friends and myself can call me that, sweet cheeks,' she practically spat, all trace of a grin gone, 'It is ''Madder''Hatter to you. Understood?'
'Yes! Yes! Sorry…Sorry...' Raul stuttered, 'Could you p-please tell me-'
'Why I have invited you and your little girlfriend?' The Madder Hatter giggled, 'Why, you're not very bright are you, ''scone''? For my tea party, of course! I know you're so excited now that you can't think straight, ehehehe~ And that's delicious! This world would be more fun without logic, wouldn't you agree?'
Raul nodded frantically even though he had no idea what the psycho was talking about. His eyes widened as he suddenly noticed the three tea sets laid out on the table – his grandma gave him those! – what the hell, were they really going to have tea or something?! Right then, Kristine stirred, letting out a groan. Raul let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. With Kristine awake, the psycho would not pay much attention to him, right? Maybe he could find a way out of this after all…all...
'Aah, there we go~' The Madder Hatter turned to look down at a very awake, very confused, and very frightened Kristine. 'I was beginning to worry that you'd be late for tea…tea... Well, all's well that ends well, heehee! You're just in time, pancake~'
'Wh-what? Raul?! What's going on, who's this crazy woman, why the hell-'
'Ughhhh,' Madder Hatter sighed dramatically and pouted, 'Why're you so loud? It's annoying, you know. Especially the rudeness! I just hate it when people are rude.' She turned to Raul with a wide grin. 'What do you say, pumpkin pie? Shall we…teachwe...teach her to be polite?'
Raul's heart beat like a drum, his mind racing. Was that what she wanted? If he followed her rules and played her game, maybe she'd let him go…go... That had to be it! What else could she want? Any logical person would come to the conclusion that, in a situation like this, a sacrifice was called for. So…So... Sorry, Kristine. There was no other option.
Taking a deep breath, Raul nodded as calmly as he could. 'Yes…Yes... I think you're right.'
Kristine visibly shook, tears of despair streaming down her face. Raul looked away. 'WHAT?! Raul, how could you? How COULD you?!' She became frantic and pleaded with Madder Hatter. 'Madam, whoever you are, PLEASE, I'll do anything! You can kill Raul in any way you want, I'll…Ill...I'll help you kill him! I'll-'
Madder Hatter's laughter shook the room. She laughed so hard that she doubled over and almost fell off the table. 'Pfft…gufufu…ehehehePfft...gufufu...ehehehe!' Wiping a non-existent tear from her eyes, she leaned back and narrowed her eyes as if satisfied. 'I was''so'' right to invite you two for tea, heehee, you're just so AMUSING!' She clapped with a grin, standing up. 'Well then~ Let the tea party really begin!'
Raul didn't dare breathe as Madder Hatter slid off the table, pausing at his chair for a few seconds and, as if making a decision, skipped to Kristine who was sobbing uncontrollably. Raul almost laughed out in relief. Was he losing his mind?
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'''London Bridge is falling down''~' Madder Hatter cheerfully sang, playing with a strand of Kristine's brown hair. '''Falling down, falling down'',' A pair of scissors appeared in her hand. Silver. Rimmed with pink. Sharp. '''London Bridge is falling down''~' She grinned, grabbed Kristine's chin and held the scissors close to the trembling woman's mouth.
'My fair lady…lady...' Raul sang hesitantly. Hopefully Hatter would take this as a sign of compliance. That he would support her killing Kristine. Please please please…please...
'Heehee, it seems your precious boyfriend cupcake there wants you to take the gift of silence~ Who am I to say no to that?' Madder Hatter smiled and added sweetly, 'You might want to keep still…still... If you want to suffer longer, that is~' And in one swift move, she forced Kristine's mouth open, shoved the sharp scissors in, and there was a sick clicking sound –
'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!' Kristine let out an inhuman scream, soon joined by Hatter's insane giggle. Blood, crimson red, poured out of his girlfriend's mouth like a nightmarish waterfall, and soon Kristine was coughing, coughing…coughing... Raul wanted desperately to look away, but his eyes were fixed on something dripping red in Hatter's palm, shaped just like a -! He could not hold back a gag. Sick…Sick... This…This... SICK!!
'''Your lovely tongue is falling out, my fair lady''~' Hatter threw the organ into Kristine's plate. Kristine's coughs were weaker and she could no longer scream. Oh God…God...
'Naughty girl, she moved. Told her not to~' The psycho gave a careless shrug while the look on her face showed fake concern. 'She'll go straight to hell in three seconds, I think.'
'1…2…31...2...3!' She slit Kristine's throat as even more blood gurgled out. 'Ta-da~ I said so, didn't I? Not a second longer, not a second less!' She turned to Raul, tilting her head. 'Well, aren't you going to clap? Oh right…right... You can't, ehehe~'
Raul's mouth opened and closed soundlessly, like a goldfish out of water. His breath hitched in his throat as the red red gash on Kristine's throat continued to bleed crimson. The white tablecloth was stained red. Everything was red…red... But not a drop landed on Madder Hatter. How could she not be bloody all over? Raul's mind was a haze and he watched stupidly as Hatter took out another pair of scissors. Silver. Rimmed with red. Too sharp…sharp...
 'Her head looks alright, but the rest…rest...' She gave Kristine's body a contemptuous glance. 'Remember what the old Red Queen said?'
'OFF WITH HER HEAD!' Raul jumped at the sudden roar. It sounded…toosounded...too masculine…masculine...
Madder Hatter giggled at him. 'Don't be so jumpy, bubble gum~ I have better taste than to  <em>chop</em> off someone's head, heehee! That's why I brought my lovely scissors, here~'
A pair of scissors in each hand, Madder Hatter slowly cut through Kristine's neck with a twisted smile and twisted gentleness. ''Kazza…kazzaKazza...kazza''...
'''Look your head is falling down, falling down, falling down'',' Another sickening clicking sound. '''Look your head is falling down''~' The scissors were dripping red. '''My fair lady''.' With one move, Madder Hatter now had Kristine's head in her hands. Tilting her head, she seemed to ponder before dropping the tongue into the teacup in front of Kristine, and placed the head on the empty plate.
Raul began to vomit. He wished he had closed his eyes…eyes... He wished…wished... He wished…wished... God, if you're up there!
'My tea party is almost complete, ehehe~ Now then, all I need to pretty her up is…is... Aah, found it! Perfect with her hair~' Madder Hatter pulled out a fancy blue hat from out of nowhere and put it on Kristine's head…head... It didn't fit and fell off. 'Well this is embarrassing…embarrassing...' She sighed with a short laugh, picking it up. 'No matter, Hatter here shall make it perfect, heehee.' Putting the scissors on the table, she took out a needle and thread. Raul's eyes widened to saucers. God, was she going to…to...?!
Humming the tune of London Bridge, Madder Hatter easily sewed the hat onto Kristine's scalp. 'Weeeeee! Lovely, isn't it?' She giggled as she straightened Kristine's headless body.
Raul was at a loss for words. But he had to try, he HAD to…to...! Maybe Hatter would let him go? She already killed Kristine…Kristine... It was gruesome…gruesome... He should beg…beg... Yes, beg…beg...
'Please…Please... P-please!' He managed to croak, shutting his eyes.
Dark laughter filled his ears. Madder Hatter's amused voice drew nearer, nearer.
'What a naive little boy, ehehehe~ Tell me, cupcake, how does it feel to hope and pray that everything is going to be alright, to go against your better judgement and logic and simply…wishsimply...wish? Heehee, and then to realise that it's an empty hope, hmm?' Raul could feel Hatter's cold breath on his ear and he couldn't hold back a sob. 'Doesn't it feel…justfeel...just devastating? Tsk, open your eyes, muffin, or I'll scoop them out with a lovely teaspoon!'
Raul's eyes snapped open, and he regretted it. He regretted being born into this world. He regretted hoping. He regretted everything.
Nothing could have prepared him for the pure black despair that washed through him at the sight of the maniac holding two bloody scissors. His mind clouded. He seemed to see the scarlet Death raising its scythe to his neck. The axe was about to swing. ''Swing, swing, swing…swing...''
He thought he heard a man's voice singing ''London Bridge.''
There was a sharp, cold pain on his neck. Searing, searing, SEARING and…and...
<nowiki> </nowiki>''Black''.