Mario Kart Horrors: Lakitu.avi: Difference between revisions

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=== Warning ===
l have to warn you, this pasta contains some blood (there is NO gore), murder, mental illnesses, suicide, death, and more. Proceed with caution.
If you're not comfortable with the contents in this story, hit the back button on your computer or device(s) immediately (especially if you're a fan of Mario Kart or anything Nintendo-related)! But if you really want to read this, go ahead at your own risk. Please don't say that I didn't warn you though...
=== 4/13/2018 - 2:25 pm ===
It was Friday, April the 13th, and it was a therapy day. We had to be EXTRA careful today. I mean, EXTRA CAREFUL... We decided to play Mario Kart 8 on our 7-year old Wii U (black edition) from our attic, if that would take our minds of things. We inserted the disc into the Wii U, and Lakitu appeared on screen, and he said, "Enjoy the horrors of Mario Kart." And the first race started in an unknown location.
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"SHIT! WE SHOULDN'T DO THAT!" Vivian yelled. I can't believe my little sister swore. We entered the Walmart and there was a strange USB drive on the ground. I took it and got back inside the taxi with my therapy crew.
=== The Lakitu.avi Disc - Part 1 - 3:00 PM ===
[[File:Lakituavi.png|thumb|The screen after the disc was inserted.]]
We got back to the building with the MacBook, walked into the biggest therapy room available, and inserted the USB drvie into one of the USB ports of the MacBook. Three kids (their names are Willow, Heidi, Gabby and Willow was 9, Heidi was 8, Gabby was 11), two 10-year-old girls who were probably twins (both of their names are Rose and Ryder) and another therapist walked into the room. We closed the door and dimmed the lights in the room and raised the brightness on the screen. Six seconds later, the screen said "Lakitu.avi: Part 1". Matilda and Vivian were already panicked, while Heidi, Willow and Gabby was shaken, and Rose and Ryder were hugging onto each other. For me, I joined in with Heidi, Willow and Gabby. The video started with Lakitu and Lakita smiling like they had antisocial disorder and reading a book about killing off the Mario characters. Lakita grabbed Lakitu by the arm and kicked Toad in the head.
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Rose, Matilda, Vivian and Ryder were shaking, and Willow was lying on the floor with Heidi now. "Were the youngest viewers going to stay there, while the oldest ones were alive?' I asked. Matilda looked at me like I was spoiling the whole thing. Lakitu started burning down trees, and even took Toadette with him. Lakita said, "Finish her." Lakitu pulled out a DM51 frag grenade and the video ended with white text saying, "The youngest people will get their fates, and the oldest people will stay alive. The middle people will turn into demons." I was right the whole time! Heidi and Willow were 8 and 9 years old, and they're the youngest, so this means they're probably dead by now. But Matilda (who was 11?) and Ryder (who was 12) were missing.
=== 4/13/2018 - 6:45 PM ===
I looked outside the door and they were sleeping on the floor. When they woke up, they said, <nowiki>''</nowiki>死を越えて走ることはできません!" and as I was wondering what they said, I found out that they said "You can't run beyond your death!" I ran back in the room and everyone was still there. Rose peeked out the door and saw Ryder trashing the play area with her bare hands. She left the room and I rushed out with her, and so did Vivian too. Ryder's eyes were covered in a blue substance and her hair was short, too. She also had a black liquid on her hands.
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Vivian was hiding in the crowd and tried not to make herself look noticeable. Matilda then said, "Are you ready to be mine, Vivian, my true love?" Vivian was screwed. She tried not to get in the car, but without success. Matilda dragged Vivian into the back door of a black Renault Twingo II, and drove off.
=== 4/13/2018 - 7:10 PM ===
[[File:Lakitu 2.png|thumb|The title card for Lakitu.avi Part 2. The red shade also got darker.]]
We we're back at therapy and Ryder was gone. We looked outside, turned on the flashlight, and saw Matilda and Ryder hammering the glass with a glass breaker and splashing liquid cleaning products on the walls, writing my name, Vivian's name, and all of our names scrambled.
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They rushed back inside, and we had to hide in the same room where we watched the Lakitu.avi video. The MacBook's battery percentage was 0.00006% and the screen said "Lakitu.avi: Part 2". The door was locked in for some reason. Vivian crawled up to me and Rose, holding both of our legs and frowning at both of us. Shockingly, Willow and Heidi woke up after lying down on the floor. Turns out they were sleeping on the floor the whole time. Or maybe they passed out. Were the younger people being dead a lie?
=== Lakitu.avi: Part 2 - 7:25 PM ===
The video started with Lakita standing if front of Toadette and Ludwig, and as well Mario and Luigi and they had battle axes and metal baseball bats in their hands. "Do you know why you're here?" Lakita asked. "No we don't." Ludwig said. "You're here because we haven't seen Lakitu in a few days, SO WHERE IS HE?!!?!" Mario and Luigi yelled. "We don't know where he is." Toadette panicked. Lakita opened a door that was behind her, and found Lakitu's dead body with a note saying that Toadette and Ludwig killed him, and Mario and Luigi helped.
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Vivian held onto me the whole time and our therapists were sitting next to us the whole time. When our parents picked us up, we screamed hysterically and we went back home. Matilda slipped a few folded papers into my pockets, and Ryder was standing there.
=== 4/14/2018 - 3:00 AM ===
It was 3:00 am, Vivian was still sleeping in tears, and it has been 12 hours since I watched "Lakitu.avi" on the MacBook, 10 hours since Vivian got attacked by the "demons", and 8 hours since we left therapy. I took out the papers Matilda slipped into my pockets, and read the first one.
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I got dressed quickly and didn't take Vivian with me, just in case. Vivian got dressed too, and we snuck out to a Taco Bell location because we didn't eat anything about dinner yesterday. We ordered our food and went to the park. Vivian turned on her flashlight, and Matilda was standing there, with shiny red tapum lucidum and laughing psychotically. I almost choked on my food. "GET BEHIND ME!" I yelled towards Vivian. Matilda got close to Vivian, and I pointed a rusty Colt Single Action Army revolver at her. Vivian backed away, and Matilda took the revolver. She started laughing and shooting up the place and reloading the revolver randomly. Me and Vivian were running around, trying to hide. But then Matilda left a wound in my arm with a segmented utility knife, and put her right arm around Vivian's neck. Then, I suddenly fell asleep, and Matilda kissed Vivian again. "P-Please s-s-stop." Vivian muttered. I woke up and wondered where I was. "You're still here, sister of the wife." "I'M THE SISTER OF YOUR WIFE, VIVIAN?!" I shot Matilda in the eye with the revolver, but I missed. We went back home, took our food. Vivian then finally snapped.
=== 4/14/2018 - 4:00 PM ===
It has been 13 hours since that so-called "incident" at the park. When me and Vivian got to therapy and our parents left, Matilda was standing there, and said,
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I ran to the men restroom to hide. When I was in the men restroom, I saw an FN FAL carbine on the ground. I picked it up and it felt a little heavy. But I can hold it. I then went back to fight Matilda. Ryder was watching the whole thing, and Vivian threw the first punch. Then roundhouse kicked Matilda's stomach, and Heidi was screaming. Rose and Willow were cheering out and screaming. Then I shot Matilda in the legs with my FN FAL. Everyone cheered, and Vivian was celebrating. She was taken to the hospital and then into a psychiatric ward.
=== 4/14/2018 - 5:00 PM ===
Eventually, Matilda escaped from the damn ward, and broke into the building again, but this time, it was on lockdown mode. She eventually broke into the building, Then she unlocked the door, and banged on the women restroom door where me and Vivian were hiding in. "What are we gonna do?" Vivian whispered. I barricaded the door with wall tiles, and a few minutes later, everyone was running away, and we pushed away the tiles to open the door. Everyone was panicking. My therapist said that we would not have anymore therapy until next Friday for investigation. Rose, Willow, Ryder, and Heidi said they were gonna miss me and Vivian.
I know this may sound heartless, but I didn't really care. Not one bit. Matilda was giving me tons of trauma, especially Vivian. I just wanted a break from therapy anyways. Our parents picked us up, and we had a 6-day break from therapy. Yesterday was dramatic as hell with Gabby in the hospital and Matilda taking Vivian away.
=== 4/20/2018 - 6:00 PM ===
It has been 6 days since our break from therapy. Matilda's bullet wounds have healed, and the investigation was finished. Hopefully she got her behavior together. When I arrived at therapy, Gabby was back! I hugged Gabby and Vivian handed her a drawing of Gabby that she made. Matilda was there, but she was even more obsessed with Vivian.
[[File:Lakitu 4.png|thumb]]
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Matilda got roasted. She got what she deserved. But that didn't stop her. She threw Rose into the wall, and stabbed her in the stomach. Rose's eyes were white with blood tears and a few seconds later, Blood was coming out of Everything! I took out the FN FAL from a few days ago and shot Matilda in the leg 2 times. <blockquote>''Game over.''</blockquote>
=== 4/20/2018 - 6:10 pm ===
[[File:Lakitu 666.png|thumb]]
I saw Matilda's sad face. She said "Looks like you are too good to be a victim. You found that rifle on the ground days ago. I was going to kill you with it. But you found it before i did. So I am done. Goodbye. By the way, here is the final tape." She gave me the tape and I put it in the player. It shows "Lakitu.avi 5: The Final Chapter". What was going to happen? I mean, this is the final chapter, so I wasn't expecting much. The tape started with Lakitu, and this time, he had no black eyes or any demonic body features!
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As someone who hates the series, I was actually happy about the series ending. I was sick of it anyways. The video started with Mario talking about how sad he was about the series ending. He pulled out a rope, tied it, and hung himself by the neck. More characters were killing themselves one by one with differents methods, and then the screen said, "The series is over, and to the person we've been scaring for days, I hope you're happy with our deaths. Enjoy the rest of your life, and good luck with upcoming days ahead." And just like that, the series was ''completely over.'' It was actually funny that a scary video would wish me good luck with days ahead, because normally scary videos have a bad ending, but I didn't mind.
=== 4/20/2018 - 6:30 pm ===
It was time to go home, and Matilda wasn't coming back to therapy for a long time because apparently, she killed her therapist and she was going back to the ward. Rose had to go the hospital, and Heidi would be laid to rest at her funeral.
''I swore to God if she came back...''
=== 5/4/2018 - 7:00 pm ===
Ok, I literally can't believe I've actually been working on this story for 2 months in a row. Why am I spending so much time on this ARTICLE!?!? Anyway, it was 7pm, and everyone was staying at therapy a few hours late, and I had my backpack. Rose had just returned from the hospital. Ryder, Willow and Gabby were in the ball pit (Rose was in the kitchen), until Gabby found a VHS tape. The VHS was called "Lakitu.avi: Cancelled Chapter".
Rose and Ryder immediately disapproved of the VHS, but Willow went ahead and inserted the VHS into the player. Gabby was getting curious about why this chapter wasn't in Lakitu.avi. Some people have said that it wasn't what the creators expected.
=== 7:05 PM - Lakitu.avi: Cancelled Chapter ===
The VHS starts with Lakita with a plate of spaghetti, looking miserable while eating. She sighed and said "Forgetting my regretti isn't worth it right now..." Gabby was snickering.
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"STOP IT ROSE!" Ryder yelled. She attacked her twin and broke the VHS to pieces. "Crap." Vivian yelled. I searched up a picture of a demon and said "Boi, this you?" Then the police came, and Willow asked if there was bacon.
=== 7:15 pm - Matilda Goes To Juvie ===
Apparently, Matilda was going to juvie indefinitely (OOPS. I meant until she was 18) for the deaths of her therapist, and Heidi. She was also charged for kidnapping and tons of other crimes. As for Gabby, she got a warning but had to go to therapy, but me, Vivian, Rose, and Ryder were escorted out of the building by our therapists and they shut down the building until they solved the investigation. Now we had to go to therapy somewhere else new. All of our parents were upset.
=== 7:42 pm - The News ===
Later that night, the news stated that an 11 year old girl named Matilda got arrested.
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For now...
=== 5/28/2018 ===
"YAY! Birth-day! Birth-day!" Vivian cheered. Today was her 9th anniversary of being born, and Matilda was still in custody. The whole building (the new one) was decorated with pink and Rose's hand drawn picture of us. Nothing went wrong that day.
Until Friday...
=== 7/13/2018 ===
Ok. This is the last part of this pasta before it's finished, so don't expect anything else to come of it.