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Merry Christmas! I’mI'm Matt and Since I’mI'm 6 now. Grandpa gave this Diary so I cen writ in it.
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Today in school one of the bullies took my diary And wrote something down. I came home crying. Mask asked what me whats wrong and I told him about the bully. He said he’llhe'll come to his house and talk to him
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Hey, It’sIt's me Matt! I’mI'm 14 now And Mom gave me this when she was cleaning the attic. She said it could regain memories. I remember Mask and the bullies I wondered where Mask went.
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Tonight is the night I’llI'll never forget, I was just watching videos on youtube, bored out of my mind. But, I started to hear rustles in the bushes. I thought it was just the wind because, it was raining, but the rustling started to get louder, I knew who it was. So I ran to my Dad downstairs, and told him to get his handgun and any other thing able to injure Mask (he’she's a police officer). We then heard footsteps in the rain almost like running, My Dad and I quickly hid in a room. We then heard the door smashed down. we then heard Mask coming up the stairs. Me and My Dad we’rewe're standing behind a door, We then heard "That's not going to help you". Me and my dad than opened the door and jolted out of the room.
We quickly went to our car and Stepped on the gas pedal and went as fast as we could. But I see Mask running up, But He didn’tdidn't have his coat, showing his body, it  was hunched and covered in feathers, He had talons on both hand and feet, He looked like some sort of crow, He managed to speed up and he jumped on our car, My dad turned the car, trying to push Mask off. We managed to find a petrol station near forest and we stopped the there, we then heard something get off the car. And I could barely see a figure running into the woods. We got off the car inspecting the damage, there were a lot of scratches, cutting the paint of our car. We managed to get some petrol and we droved home.
When we got home, we were greeted by some police officers, along with my brother and mom, sitting on the steps. The police said, that we should stay in an apartment, as our house is pretty much destroyed.
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No occurrence of mask at all. Guess I’mI'm safe.
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I immediately heard a high pitch, blood curdling scream, emitting from my brothers room.
I quickly rushed to his room, to see Mask having my younger brother punching and kicking in mask’smask's arms. I want to help my brother but, I was paralyzed with fear, Two wings then came out of mask’smask's coat and he flew off.
I can’tcan't sleep well at night knowing I couldn’tcouldn't save my brother.
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