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Revision as of 20:26, 24 April 2024 by Boopadoo453 (talk | contribs) (It does mention Shrek, so that could be a sign of it being a joke.)
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One day, A boy named Joshua was doing a school project with two friends, David, and Dalton. They rarley did work, but just mess around. But one day, Joshua found a DS game, called "Shrek's Carnival Craze." Later that day, he popped the game into his old, broken DSLite, and booted the game. He had never played the game, and it didn't look like shrek, because he had seen all four movies.

The game had a Pokemon feel to it. There was only one save file, Like in most Pokemon games. It said "Drew," Who was this really weird kid in their class. He selected the game file and saw that he was in a room not from pokemon, But characters looked like as if they were.

The maps only had a few sprites, One known as "Frank" in-game, Child, Teen, Adult and Render. The render was just a few colors, And the child to adult looked similar. He entered a house like structure, And saw coffins. You could not interact with anything in the room, But one coffin.

It would open, Playing a scratching noise, Known as "Static" in the files. In there would be a body or a thing smaller than the Child NPC. He then saved the game, And booted the files on to his small ASUS netbook. The files were prganized as so: Images, Static_data, Size.dicx, And Static.wav in that order. He tried opening the static.wav folder. It opened up in iTunes, And he was wearing his headset with the volume turned to high, And so it made him jump.

The audio was just static, With a faint voice at the end. So, Then he tried opening up the Static_data folder. Inside was d00, Then e00, And then two audio files, Which he was hesitant to play. But then, They simplily just didn't work. He tried opening them in Audacity, And nothing happened. He opened the image folder.

He saw sprites of things that could have been done by a four year-old, Like on called Donnysprite.png which was just a circle with a face. He saw a folder called "DeadSprites" and clicked it. There were images that looked unusual, Like Robot.png, Nick.png, HeadBash.png, Which caught his attention.

But under that was a folder called "Noshow.jar" which had the usual .jar file logo. He opened in in Archive Manager and it had seven png files. He saw the name "render.png" and saw the same on from earlier. Just under that he saw a image called Suffocatedbaby.png. He opened it looked like a naked, Eyeless baby. He wasn't too shocked, From him being a weird ass little child.

But then he saw a image, Which said "Popup.png" and was a African American man's head, With a knife. The same was in popup2. But it was just changed to be solid black. He then saw the coffin texture from earlier. He decided to try to play the game in his DS again, Before getting rid of it.

But right when he hit Eject, the external drive that read the cartrage made a grounding noise, and the power went out for just about twenty seconds. The next day at school. He asked Dalton if he had a power outage, And he said no. And so did the other twenty-five students in the gym class. He took the game, Walked up to Drew, bitch- slapped him, And threw the game at him.

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