Morbius = Perfection

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Morbius is an absolutely genius experience only true enlightened viewers could even begin to comprehend, the way the protagonist, John Morbius, has to deal with his crippling gay hentai addiction while at the same time dealing with the absolutely amazing villain, Man Spider (Who I will get to praising soon enough), is truly artful and extremely relatable to all who see it. John Morbin is a realistic depiction of the 21st century American business man, he is trapped in a job he despises and is bogged down by his parents' (Joe and Jill Morbian) unrealistic expectations of him in a society that will not forgive a single mistake. That's not even to speak of his only true companion, his brother, Josh Morgiol. The way the two interact with eachother and discuss their intricate and complex relationship is truly enchanting. Capitalism. Before I get to praising what is undoubtebly the greatest antagonist in all of human literature, I must talk about the excellently choreographed fight scenes. The way the morgol twins brutally slaughter their opponents in vicious combat proves just how powerful they are and the lengths they are willing to go to in order to defend themselves, proving how committed they are as heroes with no one truly understanding their struggle. However, when Man Spider enters the film and utterly decimates Josh mongrol, taking his life and gravely wounding John, I was devastated. The bond between the two brothers was so deep I believed not even a film of this caliber would be willing to kill one off. This is when I realized this film transcended the boundaries of what was thought to be possible in conventional media and had something truly profound to say about life, I believe if Vladimir Putin were to watch this modern day masterpiece he would immediately withdraw from Ukraine, the film is simply that powerful. Now, I will discuss the greatest antagonist in all of literature, Man Spider. The way he jumps into the narrative and rips away our one true companion is devastating, but once you find out his tragic history and ultimate ambitions, you begin to understand and even sympathize with his struggle. When we first learned about his only friend, Uncle Neb and how he was so cruelly ripped away from this earth it brought back the scene of Josh being killed by Man, this showed how Man Spider had descended from his former glory into one he would hate. Previously, characters such as "Griffith" and "Joker (dark knight)" were thought to have been some of the best antagonists in modern fiction, but with the realease of this masterpiece, we have a new king of antagonists, utterly destroying the competition. This film is truly incredible and all living (and even non living) humans must see it as soon as possible.

Credited to Yakplayz 

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