Mr. Chester

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I've never been one to be scared of people. They may look creepy, but never scary, that was, until I met Mr. Chester.

A while back I used to have neighbor by the name of Mr. Chester. He was an old man whose years showed heavily. He had served in the wars so he of course had many scars. He was a sweet old man who would give a fly the time of day, but something just didn't feel right about him. Serving a long time in the military usually cause some mental transformations that make you bitter, not nice. I had to investigate.

One night, while Mr. Chester was off at BINGO night, I "unlocked" his kitchen window, and entered his home. His kitchen was like any average American kitchen, basic, clean, and had a pile of dishes in the sink. The only part off setting was the horrible stench of rancid meat. I slapped my hand to my mouth to contain the vomit surging its way from my stomach. I opened his refrigerator, not there. His pantry, nope. His microwave, void. The smell's source was not from the kitchen. I had to find out the answer.

Cautiously I edged myself out of the kitchen and into the living room, bad idea # 1. Let me remind you, it's night time, no one is home, and I'm trying to be sneaky about this, so turning on a light is not an option. I creep across his living room, banging my knee several times on miscellaneous (probably butchered that word) objects. I finally trip over the vacuum and go sprawling on to some squishy blob. I immediately notice, this is the source of the stink.

I carefully edged my hand towards my pocket and pulled out my iPhone. I then proceeded to lose both my lunch and dinner. Laying, lifeless, torn to shreds, Mutilated, and being feasted on by flies, was Mr. Chester.

This makes no sense, didn't you say he off at BINGO night?, is a question you be asking yourself right now, I was asking myself exactly the same. But it got worse from there, I turn to find yet another dead Mr. Chester on the ground beside the TV. I immediately put 2 and 2 together and realize that there can't be more than one Mr. Chester, let alone 3. I had had it. I burst to the front door, and out into the night.

One week later, news spread about the dead bodies in the house of Patrick J. Chester. They were discovered after an unknown man, knocked down the front door, releasing the stench into the air. Patrick J. Chester is still at large for the death of both of his triplet brothers. The man is still out there, and we ask for you to find him. Call our help hotline number: 869...

The fate of that man will always be unknown. Shortly after invading the house, he ran into Patrick, who then proceeded to abduct him and drag him off to the cemetery. After unburying a freshly dug grave he replaced the body with the still living man. Whether the man digs his way up or simply rots in the grave is for you to imagine, but let's hope you don't have a Mr. Chester in your neighborhood...

Credited to ShaneFreakson
Originally uploaded on April 22, 2012

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