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When I decided that Dragonair was the one I wanted, I stood up and walked over to where I had set my 3DS, which was on my couch. I grabbed it and walked back over to where my computer was.
I spent about ten minutes figuring out how to work the hack. When I finally did, I ran to the Pokémon center in Lumoise City, where I currently was, and went over and turned on the PC, where the Dragonair was being stored, since there was no room in my party. I chose "Cassius’sCassius's PC", and then "Organize Boxes".
I kept switching through boxes until I reached Box 5, where my Dragonair was. I hovered over its sprite. I read the Dragonair’sDragonair's information.
It was a level fifty female Dragonair, supposedly named "OvErPoWeR", with one hundred seventy HP. Its attack power and the rest of its stats were all two hundred. Its nature was Modest, and its ability was Shed Skin. Its item was a Dragon Scale.
But there was something odd about its moves. It knew Dragon Rush and Aqua Tail, but it also knew Super Fang and Crunch, which were moves that it shouldn’tshouldn't know. But I just shrugged it off.
If it had enough power, it was fine by me. I needed a strong Pokémon to get my fifth badge from Clemont, since my friends had already battled him, and had told me that he was a gym leader that was hard to defeat.
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I exited the PC and left the Pokémon Center.
At first, I had to test OvErPoWeR to see if she was the right Pokémon, and let me tell you, I loved her. She was perfect. Being the weird kid I was, I even told her that I loved her and that she was perfect, even though I was just talking to a fictional dragon serpent in a video game. But I didn’tdidn't care. OvErPoWeR won lots of battles for me. I knew that she was ready to take on Clemont and his Pokémon.
But before I did, I wanted to battle as many trainers as I could, before I fought the Gym Leader.
I did battle many different trainers and wild Pokémon, but after a while, I caught a wild Carnivine on Route 14. Not remembering how I was going to use OvErPoWeR to defeat Clemont, I replaced it with the Carnivine, who I had named Flytrap. I used Flytrap for days, and eventually forgot all about OvErPoWeR until I finally decided to go to Lumoise Tower, and that’sthat's when I remembered OvErPoWeR. Her image seemed to click in my mind and make me go to the Pokémon Center and put her back in my party, where Carnivine was.
After I put OvErPoWeR back in my party, I made my way to Lumoise Tower, which I finally had accessibility to. I went in through the front entrance. "All right," I said. "Let’sLet's do this. OvErPoWeR, be as strong as you can be, so we can win that badge!"
I had confidence in doing this.
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I went through all of the floors in the tower, and everything I had to do to reach the final floor, where Clemont was, all reminded me of what people did on game shows. You know, having a person ask a certain question and then having another person answer, and so on and so forth.
When I did reach the floor Clemont was on, I didn’tdidn't hesitate and walked right up to him.
''"Oh! Thank you again for coming. Allow me to introduce myself…" ''Clemont said to my character. (Which was the female trainer but with bright blonde hair.)
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I read the rest of the dialogue, waiting for the battle to begin. When it finally did, I was prepared with my Dragonair, whom of which I had put first in my party.
But then I noticed something odd. The music wasn’twasn't like the other gym leader fight music. It was distorted, with an eerie, creepy feel to it, but I just shrugged it off.
The first Pokémon that Clemont sent out was a level thirty-five Emolga. ''"Welp, looks like I got a hacked Pokémon that was a little too powerful, since it is at level fifty." ''I thought.
My character then sent out the shiny Dragonair, which sparkled, just like other shinies. Being the idiotic child I was, I used Aqua Tail. It only dealt about a quarter of damage to Emolga. Emolga then used Aerial Ace, which didn’tdidn't deal very much damage to OvErPoWeR.
Knowing that I would just want to finish it off, I used Super Fang. But what happened was a little different. OvErPoWeR’sOvErPoWeR's attack animation played, but as Emolga flinched back, a long red line went across its face, and four blood red lines streamed from the larger line. Then, I realized it was bleeding. I didn’tdidn't know Dragonair could inflict that much damage.
I didn’tdidn't even think these games had cartoon blood in them.
Emolga was left with only a sliver of health, but its head was down with its paw on the bloody scratch on its face.
I didn’tdidn't know what was happening, but I used Crunch in order to make Emolga faint.
This time, there was a blood-red line across its throat, and four lines of blood streamed from it. And instead of the text box saying "Emolga fainted", it read, ''"Emolga has died", ''as it fell to the ground and was returned by Clemont.
As freaked out as I was, I tried to switch Dragonair out with Diggersby. But a text box came up and read, ''"No, you can’tcan't switch me out. I’mI'm more powerful than the others. You’reYou're supposed to love me more…right?" ''
Now I was scared, but I just let Clemont switch to his next Pokémon, which was Magneton.
I just used Aqua Tail again, to see what would happen. Dragonair only, once again, did a quarter of damage to Magneton’sMagneton's health, but two of Magneton’sMagneton's magnets fell to the ground, and Magneton sparked a bit.
What was happening? Why was Dragonair killing Clemont’sClemont's Pokémon?
Magneton then used Electric Terrain, which didn’tdidn't inflict any damage, but instead covered the battlefield in an electric current that ran right across it.
So, I used Crunch, which-literally- impaled Magneton, and left it with a small amount of health. Magneton’sMagneton's eyes shut halfway, but it slowly used Mirror Shot and only dealt a bit of damage and lowered Dragonair’sDragonair's health by a sixth.
I chose Super Fang for Dragonair’sDragonair's attack, and it seemed to rip through the metal of Magneton, causing Magneton to fully close its eyes, fall to the ground and be returned by Clemont, whilst having the text box that said, ''"Magneton has died."''
I didn’tdidn't understand why Clemont’sClemont's Pokémon were getting killed by my Dragonair. Why was this happening?
As Clemont sent out his final Pokémon, Heliolisk, the music seemed to grow even creepier, and I felt uncomfortable and confused.
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A text box came up, and the words in the text box were supposed to be Clemont talking to my character. The text box read, ''"Clemont: Why are you doing this? Why are you killing my Pokémon? What did I ever do?" ''
I was confused and scared, but I just decided to make an attempt to finish the battle. I made my Dragonair use Super Fang, which created a bloody gash across Heliolisk’sHeliolisk's face, giving it a scared, painful expression.
Even through what I supposed was Heliolisk’sHeliolisk's pain, it used Thunderbolt on my Dragonair, which made it so Dragonair’sDragonair's health lowered and turned yellow. I didn’tdidn't want to help Dragonair. I didn’tdidn't want to help something that killed another’sanother's Pokémon.
I made my Dragonair use Super Fang once again, which created another bloody gash on Heliolisk’sHeliolisk's body, but it stretched from Heliolisk’sHeliolisk's throat to its stomach. Heliolisk’sHeliolisk's health was fully drained, and I watched as its sprite coughed up blood, closed its eyes, and fell to the ground, with blood streaming from the edges of its mouth, and was returned by Clemont whilst having the text box up that said, ''"Heliolisk has died." ''
Before exiting out of the fight completely, the same image of Clemont that appeared at the start appeared once again, with the text box of him saying, slowly, ''"Why…?"''
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The screen faded to black, and then faded back to my character, Clemont, and the interior of the gym.
I didn’tdidn't want to see what was going to happen. I just wanted to leave.
But there stood both Bonnie and Clemont, with horrified expressions on their faces.
''"What…what have you done?! My Pokémon…" ''Clemont’sClemont's dialogue read.
''"Why would you do this? Why would you kill them? Fine, just take the Voltage Badge and go!"  ''
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I obtained the Voltage Badge and left.
I talked to the others on the very first floor of the tower, and here’shere's what they all said,
''"You horrible killer."''
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''"You deserve to suffer for what you did to her."''
Her? I didn’tdidn't understand.
''"Your Dragonair loves you very much. Love it back or suffer." ''
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With a frightened and confused feeling, especially due to the last message, I left the Lumoise Tower and rushed to the Pokémon Center.
I turned on the PC and went to my boxes. I was going to box her up once again and forget about her. I tried to put her in a box, but a text box came up and said, ''"Don’tDon't put me away. I love you, and you love me, right?" ''
Then, everything turned silent.
"I do love you, Dragonair, but you’reyou're way too powerful for your, or my, own good," I said to my game.
I tried to put OvErPoWeR in the box again, but another text box came up and stopped me. The text box read, ''"But that doesn’tdoesn't matter, right? You still love me, right?" ''
"I do, but I’mI'm afraid I must get rid of you." I said, mildly frightened by what would happen. Could this thing actually understand me?
So, this time, instead of trying to put her in a box once again, I tapped on her, and scrolled down, and pressed "Release".
''"So, it’sit's true. You don’tdon't love me. You only used me to defeat the Gym Leader." ''A text box read.
"No, that’sthat's not true," I said to the game.
''"I know it is." ''The next text box read, while both of the screens turned to black, and a semi-high pitched buzzing noise came on.
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I was horrified by what I saw. Standing against the black background was OvErPoWeR, with pitch-black eyes that had black liquid streaming out of them, and blood on her mouth, which I thought she had from killing the Emolga and Heliolisk that Clemont had. '' ''
''"I defeated Clemont for you. I was being as powerful as you told me to be. And how do you repay me? You replace me, box me away, forget about me, and then reveal to me that you don’tdon't love me at all and try to put me away once again. But why did you lie? You told me that you loved me and that I was perfect. But now I know that’sthat's not true. AT ALL." ''
"No…That’sNo…That's not true…" I weakly told my Dragonair, with tears welling in my eyes.
'' "I don’tdon't care. It’sIt's true and you know it. I killed his Pokémon to show you that I was better than your Carnivine. Now, I’llI'll give you what you deserve for trying to box me away once again, and trying to release me. After all I’veI've done for you." ''
The screen switched to my party. All of my Pokémon were injured, and some were even dead. Each one of their cries were distorted as well.
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Braixen was missing her left ear, her eyes were pits, and she was also missing her right arm.
Diggersby’sDiggersby's throat was severely slit, he was missing his ears, and his stomach was cut open, with his guts spilling out.
Furfrou seemed to have chunks of her fur torn out, replaced by bloody patches, and also had pits for eyes, along with no back right leg.
Snorlax’sSnorlax's stomach was also cut open, had no left foot, and had a torn up face.
Loudred had no left ear, no arms, and pits for eyes with black liquid spilling out of them.
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''"I killed your other strong Pokémon, whom of which you also love, so the only strong one you’reyou're going to love is me, because you replaced me, even though you said that you loved me, and that I was perfect…"''
''"You will love me."''
A blood red fog formed onscreen, along with Dragonair’sDragonair's cry, but distorted in a way that made it sound like it was crying, but also screaming at the same time.
I quickly removed the game cartridge, and the screen went black. I just wanted this to be over once and for all, so I went outside and threw my Pokémon X in the garbage bin, all the way to the bottom, so that tomorrow when the garbage truck comes, it will take it away so that I will never have to see OvErPoWeR again.