Pixu's World - Little Baby (Original): Difference between revisions

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Pixu's house is (unexpectedly, but not scary to me cuz it was obviously going to be different) bloody and his sister, YellowDragon, is gone. We see Pixu with YellowDragon's head in his hand. He says, "Oh, hi! Didn't expect you there! I'm Pixu! Let's do something fun, and that's watching VHS tapes!"
The episode then continues as normal, until when we get to the point where Pixu chases Dr. PBS, we see Dr. PBS saying this :
"Oh no! No Pixu, I didn't mean it! Please, please, no!"
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I don't remember making this version at all. It must have been a demon or it actually was Pixu. I would later just turn him into a normal yellow cat instead of a shapeshifting dragon/demon in 2019. I later made him a normal cat in 2021 (which is now), and I have never made this mistake since the episode. I have kept the video, though.
Recently I got a letter with 100 bucks inside. But it said this Fgwhgadese text :
offtitkgjfkrk jfkfkv jjfjfifk didkfjfjfjckcj. fifjfjfffjk jffjjf fjfk iiffii ifkrjfuf. ydgdb, ssjdjsshsdjssj.
It translates to :
Here's your money, mortal. I hope you die in a fire. Hey, at least let me eat your soul and remains.
I burned the letter and saved the bill for a physical copy of Flash MX. Of course, I got it.
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I think Pixu's 2018 version's soul is haunting me by trying to get me to bring him back. I am declining it but he always seems to reupload the episode under a new username. Please help me. I might even need to call Ghostbusters, if they existed. Just please, get rid of him.
== Alternate Ending ==
Pixu, after the animation of his true form, wakes up as a normal cat, and it turns out he had a bad dream. Rom asked him what was wrong, and Pixu meows, and of course Rom understands, and he says, "That's horrible! I hope you feel alright soon. For now, I'll just give you your snacks, but not too much, and that's it." Then Pixu hugs Rom, and then Rom picks him up and hugs him. Then the episode ends. The credits are normal and the logos are somehow plastered with the NduruToons logo. I decided to put it in the Long Toons category on The Rom Show's Toon Selection page. I am not deleting it. Instead I will delete the revised version. See you soon, this is BKAS, signing off.
[[Category:Bad Creepypasta]]