Rick and Morty Is Ruining My Marriage: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{NSFW}} Okay, let's get something out of the way first. I am positive a lot of you are going to jump on the "this is a troll" train and roll your eyes. I know this is going to sound ridiculous and I wish it wasn't true. If you think I'm lying, please just report this thread and be on your way. This issue is having a serious impact on my life and I need actual help, not accusations. I (28F) met my husband (28M) in late November, 2015 at an anime/comic convention. I was...")
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Revision as of 20:58, 6 May 2022


This page is not safe for work or school. The content of this story is not suitable for some audiences, and may be inappropriate to view in some situations.
...Or in all situations, at any time, any place, and by any audience for that matter.

Okay, let's get something out of the way first. I am positive a lot of you are going to jump on the "this is a troll" train and roll your eyes. I know this is going to sound ridiculous and I wish it wasn't true. If you think I'm lying, please just report this thread and be on your way. This issue is having a serious impact on my life and I need actual help, not accusations.

I (28F) met my husband (28M) in late November, 2015 at an anime/comic convention. I was cosplaying as Morty and I ended up meeting Jason (now husband), who was cosplaying as Rick. We ended up getting into character and we ended up bantering really well off each other. Congoers were amused by us and we got a lot of compliments on our banter. Maybe it sounds silly, but we had instant chemistry together.

At the end of the day, which we ended up spending together, we got drinks at the bar with other cosplayers. Most left before we did and I ended up super drunk while Jason was maybe lightly buzzed. Apparently, a couple of guys tried to coerce me back to their hotel room, which I vaguely remember. Jason realized this was fucked up, stopped these guys, and asked if I had any other friends or family nearby who could come help me. I did not, so he hesitantly escorted me back to my room. He made sure I got some water, that I laid down and then tucked me in, etc. He didn't do anything creepy at all, just took care of me and left when I fell asleep.

Well, he stopped by my room the next day to make sure I was doing well post-hangover, and I guess that's when I fell in love with him, or at least became infatuated. He was just so genuine and caring, it was obvious he wasn't just trying to get in my pants or take advantage of me.

I am giving this story to provide context as to way this relationship has been generally very good. He is altruistic, gentle, not manipulative, a great listener, and always puts my well being and physical/mental health over physical gratification.

Well, we continued going to conventions together as Rick and Morty and grew closer as a couple. At the time, it felt like half our conversations were Rick and Morty related and he would do his Rick impressions a lot when we were private. Well, at the time, I was so obsessed with the show still that I was having fun and didn't mind. The half of the conversations that weren't R&M related were also really good and our non R&M interests line up as well.

We got married in 2017 and I noticed his behavior start to ramp up. I was becoming less obsessed with the show and started diversifying my interests. Wanting to play Dungeons and Dragons, watch anime, find new fandoms to be part of, etc... I noticed that he would start seeming disinterested in trying new things, watching new shows, etc... Jason will get bored quickly and in the middle of shows, he'll start ignoring the television and talking to me as Rick, always calling me morty. "W-Wow, Morty. This show is kind of boring, M-Morty. We should rewatch season three, we have been meaning to for a while." Talking like he's Rick and calling me Morty.

I tried talking to him about this. How I would like to at least try to find new things. I let him know that while I still like R&M that I am simply not as obsessed with it now, that I want to find new interests. I told Jason that I would like him to take charge of finding new hobbies as well. That if there's something he wants to do or watch, I am happy to do it with him. I wanted to find new things to do as a couple.

Well, that didn't happen. He'd always say "I don't know" or talk about how he would rather watch Rick and Morty again or post in the Rick and Morty roleplay group he's part of. He also started talking to me as Rick more and more. Jason started cosplaying as Rick around the house multiple times a week. Also dressing up as Rick when we go out and talking like him for long periods of time. It got really frustrating when we would walk around Target and he's just saying "Hey Morty, look at this Morty. I'm famous, my face is on the shirt, Morty! Your face is there too, Morty. But only because you're basically my sidekick. I carry the merchandise line, you get to enjoy the free ride Morty." Then we just get looks like we're freaks or something.

Jason started insisting I go out dressed as Morty as well, he kept talking about how this is our bond, this is how we met. How fun it would be to just LARP multiple days a week as Rick and Morty in every day life. He wants me to be in character as Morty and say "O-oh geez, Rick" constantly in daily life.

After this, he turned our garage into a kind of workshop. He knows nothing about making things, inventing, etc... But he wants to be like Rick and keeps trying to make toys and other bullshit and saying they are these inventions for LARPing.

I tried talking to him about how this was impacting me. About how I am getting sick and tired of Rick and Morty running our lives and that I married Jason, not Rick Sanchez. I suggested therapy and basically begged him, but he would get angry and start snapping (not yelling or getting too threatening) and accusing me of trying to destroy the foundation our marriage was built on. He'll talk as himself and then start arguing with me as Rick partway in. "C-come on Morty, you can't fight what we are, Morty! You married grandpa Rick, Morty. Society might not understand our love, Morty. B-but Grandpa Rick is the man you married, Morty."

I started finding this really freaking creepy. He's married to me, and always wants me to be Morty. I am someone he has sex with, but he wants me to pretend he's his fictional grandson like 60% of our waking lives.

About a year ago, Jason started drinking more and carrying a flask. He said it was because Rick drinks a lot and that he will become a more effective Rick if he can fully grasp Rick's mindset. I explained that I absolutely will not tolerate him becoming an alcoholic and that this is unacceptable. He reluctantly agreed, but still carries the flask around and drinks more than he used to. He'll even put non-alcoholic drinks in the flask and drink it in public while PRETENDING TO BE DRUNK. At one point, cops stopped us while we were out since Jason faked being drunk with a flask in public. It was filled with sprite, but even when the cops stopped us, he talked to them like he was Rick until it was obvious they were going to arrest him. Even then, he was like "W-woah, it's just sprite. It's not alcohol, you can see. I'm just playing a game." But he was still talking in the Rick voice. The cops were confused and really annoyed, giving us a lecture about being irresponsible and basically told us to cut this shit out.

I was humiliated. All of this started coming to a head when about five months ago, he began wearing his Rick Sanchez wig during sex. I noticed he was friskier and way harder/more aroused than he was without it on, so I just kind of let him have it.

But last time we had sex, three days ago, Jason started hitting is climax inside of me and then started yelling. "A-AHH!!! I'M CUMMING, MORTY!! GRANDPA RICK IS RELEASING HIS LOAD INSIDE OF YOU, M-MORTY, AHH!!" Literally talking as Rick, pretending he was filling his grandson (me) with his seed.

At this time, I basically pushed him off me and started screaming at him. I locked myself in the bathroom, completely disgusted and just sobbed. Jason stood outside the door, alternating between apologizing for getting "overzealous" and talking to me in his Rick voice. He would try to comfort me like normal, then pretend he was Rick and say stuff like, "C-come on Morty, it's just a joke Morty. Grandpa Rick needs some love too, Morty."

I packed up my things and am staying with my sister right now, who was very understanding and has been super kind to me. I am getting texts from Jason, which I haven't answered. Where he's once again, alternating between apologizing/asking if we can meet up to talk, and pretending to be Rick.

This is the same man that drove 9 hours in sleet and snow to hold my hand and stay by my bed when i needed an emergency appendectomy while out of state. The same husband that secretly saved up all of his free-spending/leisure money for six months, working overtime and odd jobs, in order to take me on a dream vacation to Japan so we can visit Akihabara like I always wanted. This is the same man who took a whole week off work to hold me and comfort me gently while I mourned the death of my father, despite him originally planning on using that week for a trip with him and some friends. He has never once held any of this over my head and is just such a gentle, loving person.

What do I do? I want my husband back. I don't want to be a fourteen year old boy who is married to his grandfather. Can I salvage this? Is Jason having a psychotic breakdown or some kind of mental health crisis?

I am lost, terrified, humiliated, and angry.

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