Roblox: Enter

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Many of you may be familiar with the game "Roblox", for those who are not, It is MMO with different games created by different users. It uses graphics very similar to Lego

Now, if your game is really good and played by many people, it will probably be on the front page paired with other games of the same standard. Games on the front page will show what type of game it is (FPS, Survival etc.) and how many people are currently playing it.

When a game hits the front page, it will usually stay there for a couple of weeks before dying down.

While browsing the front page one day, I came across a game simply called "Enter" what was strange about it was. It didn't show who created it, how many players were playing it, and what game type it was. I was curious, and decided to go to the games page (each game has its own page with a description of it, and how many servers are running it).

I checked how many servers were running it, but no one was playing it in the first place, confused. I thought I had just clicked a user created advertisement by mistake, and returned to the front page. To my surprise, "Enter" was still there. This time, I decided to enter.

The game took a while to load, which was strange, even the biggest games on Roblox take no more than 30 seconds to load. When I had finally joined, the first thing I noticed was the game was really dark, and there were no weapons, "fine" I had thought to myself, it was probably just a horror survival game.

You start in a room, no NPC's or instructions, the only thing you can do is precede down a hallway, at the end of. The hallway is as character that is completely white, no eyes or mouth, but runs down the left into another room.

When you go into that room, he isn't there, but pictures are there, specifically, gore pictures, mangled bodies, execution victims. All of that nasty stuff. I decided to leave, the Game wasn't on the front page anymore, nor was it on my recently played games. I searched for it on Roblox but couldn't find it, it was as it had never existed.

Sometimes I'll see the character in other games, waiting by a corner. Trying to lure me into the same room, I draw it off to lack of sleep.

Credited to FoxRed 
Originally uploaded on November 14, 2012

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