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m (replaced: “ → ", ” → " (15), ’ → ' (19))
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One of my best friends told me about a cursed experience.
I didn’tdidn't believe him.
I thought it was a sick joke.
”C’mon"C'mon, you gotta believe me!" My friend said.
”Sounds"Sounds like utter nonsense." I scoffed, crossing my arms in disbelief.
I didn’tdidn't believe him for a second.
==Day 2==
I went on Roblox, I saw a mysterious link in a chat that I didn’tdidn't make.
The chat had only one another person.
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The person typed something in another language.
I realized that it was Latin, and I’veI've studied Latin before in University.
The message translated to this.
”I"I will find you, there is no escape, and all hope is lost for you." It said.
The user was called Silent_Killer.
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I spawned in a blank room, with nobody around, as Silent_Killer typed things in the chat.
But he wasn’twasn't in the experience...
I felt suspicious of him.
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I decided that it was time to leave.
I couldn’tcouldn't leave, no matter what I pressed.
I saw blood sprout up on the walls, as a strange dark figure ran towards me.
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My game crashed.
It wasn’twasn't a normal error message.
Here’sHere's what it said.
”It’s"It's your fault, you couldn’tcouldn't save them." It read.
I was so confused, what did it mean by “them”"them"?
I decided to investigate.
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I found something.
It said about 3 kids who died in equally tragic ways, and that they now haunt Roblox, looking for the ones who’vewho've wronged them.
I went on Roblox, with a nervous feeling deep within my soul.
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I decided to play it.
It had the 3 kids, who were laughing at me, I didn’tdidn't understand the reason.
Like the last experience, I couldn’tcouldn't leave.
A feeling of drought surged through my chest as the room became dark, a mysterious demon came running up to me, screaming, but before he could get to me, the game crashed.
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This is what it said.
”It’s"It's only a matter of time before he gets you." It said.
By he, the message meant Silent_Killer.
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One final error message appeared that said this.
”Time’s"Time's up." It said.
Suddenly, my bedroom door flew open, as Silent_Killer’sSilent_Killer's real human self came in, holding a large knife.
”You"You can not stop me." Silent_Killer laughed.
I pulled the knife out of his hands, and he stabbed him in his chest.
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I now have nightmares about Silent_Killer, plotting to kill me.
If you never see a experience called Forgotten on Roblox, don’tdon't join it, otherwise you’llyou'll regret it.
The End.