Rocko's Modern Life: Lost Episode
Author's note: This is my first creepypasta! Why did I make this?
One day I was walking down the street to get some holy water from my local church when I saw a tape on the ground by a garbage can. The tape was blank but on it there was text written with red marker saying Rocko's Modern Life Lost Episode. I watched some episodes of Rocko's Modern Life when I was young but never bothered with the show. However this gave me a lot of nostalgia. I decided to take it since nobody was giving importance to it. After picking it up I realized that the tape was dusty and when I would put it to my ear it would make a strange vibrating kinda noise. I pound on it and it resolved at the moment. After going home I took my S-VHS player from the attic. I tested it and it worked! I slidded the VHS tape in and it took a lot of time to read it like 30 seconds. That is not normal. VHS don't load as slow as this tape did. I mean I did blow the dust from it and even wiped it with a cloth. Maybe the insides of the tape were also damaged.
The tape started without any message or anything it went straight to the intro but the colors were dark and messed up. After Rocko was kicked into the real world, he would fall into a puddle and get put back into place by Heffer but in this version Rocko splat on the ground into blood and Heffer began to cry and it faded to black. Then the logo appeared and a man announcer that I never heard before in the show spoke with a serious voice. He said: You are about to watch the lost episode of Rocko's Modern Life that was kept hidden since the time it was created. Consider yourself lucky. He put emphasis on lucky and the voice was deeper when he said it. Then the title card showed up and it showed nothing but a orange background and a blue triangle. Then the background faded to black and the triangle turned red and started to drip blood and then it faded. At this point, the episode was some normal episode but sped up slightly and there was tape damage so I couldn't make out anything. It was glitching like there was no tomorrow! I could try to make out some words but most of the voices were distorted and bitcrushed as all hell. Then it turned to black and white and it started composing multiple episodes into one. The audio was also getting louder and louder shifting into hellish growls and demonic farts. I was really scared after it showed a bunch of storyboards with no more glitching. Storyboards I never seen before of Rocko's Modern Life but soaked in blood and looked really rough. They started appearing faster and faster until they started flashing and spinning around as high tones played and some of them overlapped like chroma keyed and inverted colors and the blood looked like smurf essence from how blue it was. Than a loud scream was heard and reversed death metal music played but it was high pitching and low pitching constantly than it switched to disturbing imagery which I couldn't make out but it made me weep. But the actual episode began now and it showed Rocko, Heffer and Spunky in a bathroom with no door or window to escape. It was like watching Saki Sanobashi. The characters were desperate and became in high distress because they couldn't escape. A cut to black changed everything. Now the characters were dressed like emos and were less scared than before. Another cut to black happened and this time there was faint static you could see but the shot was on the floor where the characters all laid in a blood puddle. The scene then inverted and it showed an image of a baphomet with Rocko's head onto it as it had blood dripping from the eyes and it made me piss myself. Then it just exploded. Then it cut to more flashing satanic imagery and I saw a video of a man eating a soup in a white room along with two characters in Rocko costumes were trying to cheer him but it was failing for a minute then it cut to screaming and I saw all of the characters and the voices cast of the show dead tortured in terrible ways as audio from a snuff film played. I pooped my pants after seeing that. It cut to static and then showed a video of a man crying as a hand came with a knife and struck his throat as blood splattered everywhere. Now everything you heard and seen from before was in a mix of awful: the bloody storyboards, the distorted footage, the bathroom scene, the criptic images and every other nonsense was flashing, moving, overlapping, inverting colors and spinning around as every sound from before was now playing in this ear piercing piece of never ending suffering. I thought I was actually hearing hell and it was getting louder and louder. I was now on the ground crying and really scared but I built the courage to make it to the VCR and tried to eject the tape but it didn't let me eject it at all cost as the audio picked up in volume and everything turned a deep shade of red and images of hell were now shown. The VCR started to smoke and started exploding and popping. Soon I didn't need to turn down the volume as now it was in my head and it was LOUDER than anything I ever heard and the worst part, I couldn't stop it. I had a seizure on the spot as foam came from my moth and I felt my eyes roll back inside of my head. Soon I passed out and the only thing I remember is seeing white.
I woke up to see police officers surround me along with some neighbors of mine. They said they called because they heard weird noises coming from my apartment. When I got up I explained everything to the police officers and they told me the tape was taken to the station to be investigated.
It's been 2 days since I recovered from this incident, I decided to never watch any more Rocko's Modern Life, especially after turning on my computer. I saw the Rocko baphomet thing along with red text in japanese reading "Hell is your only escape". I was never prompted to seizures caused by flashing lights ever again.
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