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This page is not safe for work or school. The content of this story is not suitable for some audiences, and may be inappropriate to view in some situations.
...Or in all situations, at any time, any place, and by any audience for that matter.

No, this is not the creepypasta about sex. You'll never hear me saying something like "Sanic has a threesome with Tails and Amy" or even worse. This is a completely cliche-free creepypasta: No Hyper-realistic stuff, no continuing the game for no fucking reason even if it's highly disturbing, no old man standing at the street giving you a free game, no sudden letters with the unknown disc in, no "I was an intern at ..."...


This is a gaming creepypasta, so cliches are ALL AROUND!

Anyways, I was a fan of Sanic for a long, LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time, and my favorite game is Sanic the Hedgehog from 2006. Yes, you heard me.

Deciding that I want to play it as 6 years have passed since I last played it, I traveled around the city's gaming shops to see if the game is still selling, but no shop has it.

I'm a dumbass! It's been eight years since its release!

I was returning back home when some old man with a big beard stood in front of my car. He was carrying... SANIC TEH HEDGEHOG!

I quickly stopped the car (as I almost hit him), got out of it and helped the man up. The old man thanked me, and gave me the CD. Fuck yea!

I got home, put the CD into my XXXbox 180.

Oh boy I was happy. The beautifulness of the game, again on my TV!

I started a new game, and finished it in a quite long time.

I returned to it after a few days, and I was surprised when I saw the newest stuff in the menu.

It was named:


Completely happy, I pressed it.

After the motherfucking loading screen, I was transported to... Republic City? From Teh Legend of Korra? Awesome! I'm a long time fan of TLoK, and I was happy like hell to see it in my favorite game.

I was playing as Korra! AMAZING! PURE AMAZINGNESS!

I was traveling around the Rehood City, when I saw this one image:

Asami was having fun with Mako! And when I mean fun, I mean a lot, lot of sex! In an alley!

It was like this for about 25 minutes when Asami saw me standing (Took her so long!) and shouted:


And I continued traveling around the city when I got into a fight. There were two firebenders and, I can say, were a piece of cake.

I traveled even more around the city, and I got bored.

Bored as fuck.

Until I came to this particular building. When I opened the door, I was pushed inside.

In a break from all this action, let me tell you a story about how I was an intern at... NOPE. Shut up n' continue the story.

Anyways, Korra woke up inside this building, and, to my surprise, Sanic.sexe appeared. He wanted to rape Korra! She escaped into the room, locked the door, and continued the look around.

I met with many people in these particular rooms. There were Mark Wahlberg, Shrek, Britney Spears, Joseph Gordon Levitt, Ice Cube, Leo DiCaprio, Eddie Murphy, The Evil Korra (What the fuck?!), Bruce Campbell (And Ash Williams), and many more....


Until it appeared...

Tall, topless, angry, and with an big ass...

It was...

Kourtney Kardashian. (How the fuck?!)

She appeared as a boss (An easy one.)

I defeated her quickly, and her last words were:

"You haven't seen the last of the Kardashians, Korra. The Kardashians will rule the world, and you'll be gone, Avatar!"

What the hell that meant? Did she brought her two sisters? Did they really want to take over the world? I had so many questions now, but now it wasn't the time for it. The new mission now was:

Stop the Kardashians from taking over the world.

I knew how stoopid that was, but I kept going.

I met even more people on my way: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis (And also John McClane), Jean Claude Van Damme, Dolph Lundgren (I MUST BREAK YOU!), and even Jackie Chan!

I talked with Jackie.

"So, Korra, do you need something?"

"Yeah, I do. Do you know anything about the Kardashians?" Korra said.

Jackie paused for some time, and said:

"I tried battling them once. They were too strong. I couldn't defeat them all, and they returned again to spread their bullshit."

He paused again.

"But, eventually, I found this new IPhone. It's gonna help you a lot, Korra."

"How the fuck's that gonna help me?" Korra asked.

"Use this when you come to KIm. She loves selfies more than anybody else, right?"

"Alright. Thanks, Jackie Chan!"

Chan shared some more words with Korra, and she continued the road.

Out of nowhere, Khloe Kardashian appeared.

With her big boobs, giant head, and the biggest vagina I ever seen, she was a tougher boss than Kim.

We fought, and I won!

She had nothing to say to me, and I once again continued the quest.

Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, this was awesome. I met many people on my way to the Kim Kardashian: Ben Stiller, Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta, and many more. We shared many words until the final climatic battle with Kardashian.

On the way through, the big ass doors appeared. I ain't talking about chicken n' gravy biatch. They were... Hyper-realistic... With hyper-realistic shit on them. It was the time, I thought. I was ready to kick some ass.

I didn't hesitate. I entered the door and there was Kim.

She was the ugliest of all three. She was a giant, with three giant tits hanging, big ass arms, and bigger than the biggest vagina... This was sure hard. Like in Dark Souls.

But, I wasn't ready as I thought I was. I quickly shut the game off and have gone to do some stuff.


I have no common sense! Of course I continued playing the level!

I died a few times, but I remembered that Jackie Chan gave me the ultimate weapon of mass destruction:

THE IPHONE. The newest IPhone 6, with the front camera made especially for selfies.

Kim likes selfies so much, so she wanted to take some photos. I threw it out the window, and Kim followed.

"NOT THE IPHONE!!!!" Kim said, as she fell to her death.

Or, at least, I thought so.

She entered back from the window. Korra had no weapons, even bending couldn't help her. She had only one choice:

To enter the spirit world and find Chuck Norris.

Only he could find Kim's biggest weakness.

And she did it. She entered the spirit world, and after a quite some time she found Chuck Norris.

"What do you need, my child?" Said Chuck.

"Mr. Norris, I need your advice on how to defeat Kim Kardashian.'

"Well, she has no weaknesses..."

"Except one. She's a starlete, right? And what do starletes want? Money."

"Well, how am I supposed to find that money?" Korra Asked.

"I've got here a little money. 100000 dollars. Won't be enough to her, but I think it'll do the job."

"Thanks, Mr. Norris!" Korra said as she returned to real world.

She used the money Chuck Norris gave her.

"Hmmmm. What do I smell? Is that... Money? MONEY, MONEY, MONEY..."

"Come and get it." Said Korra.

Korra threw the money out in a cement truck, and Kim followed.

Kim got mixed up in mortar, dried, and can't move now.

"I wonder what's waiting for me back in Rehood city..." Said Korra, as she leaves the boss fight room.



Korra returned home, and there were Mako and Asami inside.

"We were waiting for you" Asami said.

"I know, I know. I'll tell you everything." Korra said as she undresses herself and getting ready for a threesome.

As for me, the game worked normally after this.

See ya!

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