Sea Maiden

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Around the world there are quiet beaches that few frequent, away from the more crowded areas utilized by tourists - it is in these secluded spots the Sea Maiden does her nightly walk across the shifting sands or pebbles.

Few have ever seen the Sea Maiden, the reason may well lie in the fact that few venture to the beach at night, let alone these secluded spots: those who do often search for hours and find nothing, but every now and then a lone traveller will come across the Sea Maiden.

Appearing as a lone woman in the distance, the Sea Maiden appears to wander across the beach, leaving behind a trail of footprints in the sand (in areas where there is no sand people report being able to follow a trail of wet footprints which stain the rocks).

These footprints are said to hold terrible properties however, even glancing at them is believed to send feelings of dread into the soul - those brave (or foolish) enough to try and follow the Sea Maiden risk having to cross these footprints in the process.

Many fail to continue as even a brief moment of contact with the footprints triggers a fight-or-flight response, those who do continue however are rarely heard of again as they finally catch up with the strange woman.

These disappearances are often reported but never explained, though every now and then people are found washed ashore with what appears to be multiple bloody footprints over their bodies.

When authorities arrive the bodies show severe signs of decomposition and the mysterious footprints vanish: attempts to take pictures of this phenomena fail as a similar thing happens.. leaving only witness reports as "evidence".

No one is quite sure what the Sea Maiden is, though some have likened her to the Siren or other sea-demon - re-imagined through the eyes of modern society but still keeping her ancient role as a harbinger of death.

Whatever the reality may turn out to be the Sea Maiden remains both a fascinating and somewhat disturbing entity to those who wish to explore the darker corners of our world - though as many no doubt continue to warn: "stare too long into the abyss and the abyss stares back".

Credited to Billibot

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