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== <big>Part one:A series of unfortunate events…</big> ==
My dad used to be an intern at PBS KIDS but was fired because they were trying hide an episode.Back when I was normal, I was just looking through my computer.Before long I found a news article about four teenagers sufficing garbage holders when they found the VHS tape.After they had watched, It was reported that two of the teenagers killed themselves, 1 has gone missing, and the other refuses to talk about it and he refuses To show the VHS tape.Genuine curiosity got the better of me and I promptly decided to go track down the man.So I did and I was on his doorstep knocking on the door.The man cautiously opened the door, and his wry face looked pale.I next interrogated him about the lost episode, and he got mad saying that this not safe for any responsible human to watch.Then he then slammed the door.For 45 breathless minutes I stood there in profound confusion trying to get a hold of what happened.He then slowly opened the door nervously holding the VHS tape.He furthermore said if you genuinely want to watch it,I guess I can’t prevent you… Do be prepared the things your about to see will forever adjust your life… .I politely thanked him then he nervously provided it to me.
Bizarrely It had the title written in sharpie “Sesame Street Elmo’s day.”Precisely as I was about to go home, I saw a black cat on the roof and deafening thunder in clouds by my house.The cat looks menacingly at me in a twisted way and laughed a wicked voice, he would turn into dust right after. I decided to try to merely forget What I just saw and go in my house.At this point I was disturbed I did not know if I indeed wanted to watch it at this point. However morbid curiosity got a hold of me, and I put it the VHS player.DREADFUL MISTAKE.
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then I felt a pull as I was flying up as a ghost it kept pulling me down.HUH?This force kept pulling me back until I reached my deceased body and it put me back in healing me fully.NO PLEASE, I DID NOT WANT TO BE ALIVE WHY DID YOU MAKE ME ALIVE.The force said it’s your destiny of suffering there is NO ESCAPE from it goodbye.I was crying for 5 minutes trying to ignore the tv hoping it was done.Next I heard static that was getting louder and louder and when it stoped it showed Elmo killing the others in the most brutally possible All that was felt where the humans.Then Elmo started acting weird again.Maria went saying hello to elmo.I noticed that Elmo was on cocaine wine while he drank on beer.She was dreadfully shocked but before she could say something Elmo executes her with the gun. When Elmo said this.I AM TIRED OF THIS NO MORE I FUCKING NUKING THIS TOWN 
He started screaming a hyperrealistic voice.He would press a button that sent a nuke that looked realistic almost as if they nuked for real sending the poor city back to the caveman era.A blood and guts started to rain Elmo was the last remaining person.The quality got poor and it was staticky for 30 seconds it remained .It was very spooky and made me cry because what was left for Elmo to do he’s killed all the characters.The tv said DON’T look behind you which I do and I see a terrifying sight.It was Elmo doll and looked realistic and then he pulled out a knife and and said it’s time to die.I tried hiding, but it follows me and stabs me in the shoe but lucky I was not hurt by it and took the knife from him and killed the doll with a chainsaw and cut it in half.Blood then poured everywhere.It’s over I thought and then I vomited so much that it’s pukeness was untellable and I try to go to bed but then suddenly the static some and it revealed the face of a hyperrealistic Elmo with bleeding eyes and demonic teeth.It said on the screen YOUR NEXT.I SCREAMED and tired to run away but then Elmo pulled me into the tv my grabbing me by the leg.
Once I was pulled in Elmo was gone And I could see the ashes of the former city.I began to look around then suddenly elmo Appeared out thin dust and began to chase me.He laughed a demonic laugh .Please, Elmo do not kill me!He said You will die this is your faith kid.Then after running I am cornered and Then Elmo said nowhere left to run.He then began choking me.After a while I was able to get my hand to grab a brick and flung it at his head it temporarily stunned him giving time to pray to Shrek.Then after 20 seconds elmo regained consciousness and said nice trying of delaying your death buts it’s time to di-.Then suddenly Elmo was thrown backward it was shrek.Absolutely, shrek listened to my prayer and has came to save me I said in happiness!OH GREAT YOU HAD TO SHOW UP Elmo said in anger.Shrek then said Come on you genuinely thought you will kill.Elmo then there a punch and shrek dodged it with ease and laughed.You going need to try a lot harder then that to get me.Shrek did a body slam on Elmo crushing him but then Elmo kicked shrek back using his feet.Then elmo was on shreks end trying to rip it off but shrek was able to throw Elmo back 30 feet in the ruble.Elmo after getting up did his laugh, but it sounded demonic and unpleasant.He then was spawning clones of himself, and the clones began chasing Shrek.He was smothered in Elmo’s and the seated biting him trying to rip his skin off but then shrek used his ogre breath this then caused the Elmo clones skin to be melted off and die.Then the remaining clones try do do a final assault at Shrek but then shrek did his Ogre rawr this went on for 10 seconds.Elmo said we still defeat you, surrender and enable me to kill you.Shrek “we?”You and what army.The Elmo’s clones where gone and Elmo said all well I have another weapon that will ruin you!I was very frightened at this point having no idea what would happen next, so I tried to escape but it was no use...Shrek then threw a punch at Elmo sending flying back and then ran to him and punched him again this time knocking him to the ground.As shrek was about to do a body slam on Elmo out of nowhere he pulled out knife and started flying again.He said it’s to late for you.Shrek said ya scared had to pull out your knife doesn’t matter I will still beat ya.Shrek kept throwing punches at Elmo but Elmo kept flying back dodging the punches this goes on for a bit. shrek then said said come on fight stop running away you pussy bitch.Then elmo pulled out a gun he was hiding and shot shrek in the leg.Agh shrek said covering his knee.Elmo said ha ha ha can’t approach me now.Then elmo grabbed a super taser and started operating it on Shrek.He was stunned and then Elmo did the final blow by stabbing him in the chest then shooting him.No!!!
I ran to shrek …He was bleeding and was groaning in pain.No shrek please don’t die I cried!Shrek then shifted his head to me and said argh I am bit in pain right now?look lad the look my layers couldn’t stop the damn knife.Please shrek I know you can live if we ju-.He cut me off “stop and listen I am going to die I can’t survive this injuries” but I have some many memories of you ever since I was a kid ai watched you are one of the most significant parts of my life!He then put his Hand on my shoulder “Don’t cry now that it’s over, smile because it happened all the memories, the good and the bad ones…Shrek was coughing. [[File:Untitled6rip.png|thumb]] Tears were now pouring down my face as he began to fade away then Shrek struggled to say something he said humble’s never really ogre.Then shrek fully faded away…Elmo...YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!!
I did a secret phone call without him noticing.Then I pulled out a sniper rifle and shot Elmo in the chest he absorbed laughing you can’t defeat me...I know but he can.Then out of the sky appeared, evil PATRIXXX and he flew to elmo .Elmo said his ha ha ha I guess you have to die to.Evil PATRIXX then said you even mentioned me dying?You will die at my hands.Evil PATRIXXX then killed Elmo.He then vanished.Then I was thrown out of the tv and landed on the bed. I saw that blood started to leak from the VHS and then when I opened it was gone.I then vomited then I contacted The creators of Sesame Street to see what the fuck happened.They told that it was created by one of their former interns.The intern was not mentally well and talked about death and was bullied by the creators. They found that the intern killed them selves and next to them was the VHS tape.So this your fault.The response was the secrets out…I next called 911, and the creators of Sesame Street was arrested and they had to hire new ones.I subsequently went to place where I got the VSh tape to ask questions .when I got to the location the house was gone and dirt was there almost as if he never will never be the same now it has been ruined.Every night I now wake up in night terrors and even tried to kill my self failing and badly hurting my self.I gave up on trying to kill myself.Even worse that everyone in my family was brutally murdered and all my friends are dead.
My life is meaningless there is nothing I can do…