Shadow's Little Helper...
I can't take it any more. He controlls me and I can't stop it. He is pure evil. This all started the day I got a nintendo gamecube from my friend as she didn't want it. It came with a shadow the hedgehog game. I asked her about the game as it had no cover art on it and was replaced by some masking tape withe the words "SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG" written on it with a sharpie. But it turned out she had moved and I didn't know the number but now I know why. Anyway, I put the game into the console and it started up fine (I had known what it looked like as I played it round my friend's house) but once I had got to the intro where shadow says the name haunts him and he faintly remembers maria, the background was a little wierd. The sky was darkened and the grass that was once green and alive was yellow-goldish and dead. Shadow spoke with a fairly distorted voice to. I thought that this was a stupid glitch as the game was pretty old but it wasn't. Then I started to play through Westopolis and i could see that there were no G.U.N soldiers or black aliens. It was pretty wierd. Then I went onto the next level. All through the level, shadow kept having these flashback about maria's death. I could see on his face he had an expression which implied he was either in pain or in regret. All the levels were the same, no obstacles or missions. Then the time came for the boss to come but it didn't. Instead sonic was standing there with knuckles, vector, tails, charmy, espio, rouge and doctor robotnic. Shadow beat all of them with out me even using the controller. He then looked at everyone screaming in pain and then had a sad expressin on his face. He looked directly at me and said "You made me do this. And now you will pay and become my slave!!!" He still had that slightly distorted voice. Then the console immediatly shut itself off and so did the telly. I heard a breathing and it wasn't mine. I looked behind me and saw a shadow plushie with an angry look on his face. That was the last thing I saw. Now I'm his slave and so is my friend. The only difference is that my friend is dead. She died while saying no to shadow. She was only 21 years old, same age as me. He killed her straight away. He now controlls me and makes me kill anyone he doesn't like so beware...
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