Snow Ritual

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Revision as of 22:24, 3 February 2022 by Thermometer (talk | contribs)
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This is a drawing i made i made it of me and the creecher wen i opend my front door.

I got the bread and milk cause the snow was acommin!

Next day i was playin aminal crossing new horizons and th snow was acommin down. Ahnka the cat said "its okay just don't let it in" i then go and open my front door and ther was a giant green creachur of C'Shan and it said "r u really that dumb?" i scream and slam the door on its tentacles that wer creepin in and it said "OUCH Y U DO DAT?" it then left i was run 2 th bedroom lock th door and hide under the covers.

Tom Nook on the TV said "hiding will not help yes yes!" i then seen tarantula spids wer crawlin out of th TV so i run outside and i seen hooded figures dancin around a alter and th green creechur of C'Shan reappear and said "nice day for a snow ritual ay? say would u like 2 make a sizeable donation 2 the Church of C'Shan?" i skreemed and tried 2 run back in but the creecher's tentacles grabed my feed and said "wat do u think ur doping? that house belongs 2 th spiders now duuh!" it then put me in its mouith and swallowed me.

i was awaken deep in the earth and it was revealed 2 b a cave were the plant things for JEMINE HOME ENTERTAINMENT lived and i seen a evil gardener and it spoke in a highly distorted voice "yOu DiD noT DoO tHE SnOOooOoOOO RituaAAaL!!!" i was then turned into a woodcrawler and now im walkin around and i sucks. i then seen a evil floating skull and it said "Hi I am from the nightmare where i chase ppl up the stairs in the Harry Potter castle would you like to make a sizable donation 2 the Church of C'Shan?" 1. I had had that dream before 2. i had no $ so it punished me and i was respawn as a human but had no house.

The snow was hyperrealistically cold too much that GIANT ANCIENT FROZEN PATRIXX appeared he said "hellog good son r u enjoying the brainwashing?" i said "NO!" he said "HOW DARE U DEFY ME!?" he then froze me and i was turn into the snow man from frozen but i was not cute and sold no merch so i was died of poor.

ur next

t nd

Written by Church of C'Shan
Content is available under CC BY-SA

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