Sonic 3 & Knuckles Cartridge

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The day was a friday. When its Friday i gotta go shoping at my local walmart. I was getting ready to go to Walmart. When i was ready i went to walmart.

I entered the Walmart and took a shoppingcart. From there i bought whatever i needed. But at one point i found a game cartridge called sonic 3 and knuckles. I was very surprised since SEGA never created a sonic 3 and knuckles cartridge. The only way You could of played sonic 3 and knuckles was If You used the lock on feature or If You have sonic origins. So i bought the game and started looking at the game sonic 3 and knuckles. The chartridge Had a big four written on it with Red marker. I tought to my self: " hmm maybe this was already used by someone." I brushed that off.

When i arrived home i went up stairs to the attic and searched for my dusty Sega genesis aka megadrive. When i finaly found my Sega genesis in it was covered in four layers of dust! I brushed the dust of the genesis and i coughed four times. When i finally took the genesis in my room the chartridge was on my fourth trophy. I took the chartridge of the trophy and slamed my chartidge in my genesis.

The title screen was the normal sonic 3 & kunckles title screen but this time i could not start the game. I had to wait four minutes BEFORE the game finally started.

Angel island zone:

Of course Angel island zone started with classic cutscene but the cutscene was horrible. The water was red and tails's eyes were Red and super sonic was red. This Red thing lasted for one second. Then when knuckles would of punch super sonic he punched him four Times and then out of sonic came for drops of blood. Than the title card came. On the title card for four miliseconds it wrote Demon island zone. If You didnt know demon is the oposite of angel. When i saw that i was shocked. But quickly i brushed that of and continued. The music was funny because it sounded like it was put trough a g major filter. When The mini boss came around to burn the island the sound of hyper realistic fire was heard. Than when angel island was scorched You could Hear sounds of the tiny woodlin creatures screaming for help. I was crying. What If flicky died?! I tought to my self but then a surge of determanation came to me and i KNEW that what evil was hiding in that game must be defeated. When i finished act 2 of angel island kunckles would not show up. Instead of him dismantaling the bridge a giant poorly drawed four came and dismantled the bridge.

Hydro city zone :

Sonic and tails falled into Red water. Than i noticed that i had four lifes left. I continued. While i was trying not to crown i found a big ring in matter in fact four big rings. I quickly Grabbed all the chaos emeralds and the chaos emeralds were all red. I quickly advanced trough the level and the iconic hydro city hand thingy came and Grabbed me and i Heard a loud crack sound. " Could of that been sonic? COULD IT?!" This game was starting to drive me mad but i wouldn'nt quit. I knew that i had to save every single last on of these poor wodlin animals. So i continued. The act 1 mini boss came around and the mini boss song was reversed. Than the whole color pallete of the state turned Green! Than the final fever song from sonic cd in all of its quality. I wondered to my self: " WHAT!?! How could the genesis run that song!?!" I finished the boss and went to act 2. The infamous wall part of hydro city started and that one spring that was turned into a one up now had four written on it. I busted that monitor open and it gave me -4 lifes. Nothing intresting happened in this zone exept a time when i nearly drowned and when four were flashing on the screens.

Marbel Garden Zone:

The zone started and i blazed trough it since i had experience with speedrunning marble Garden Zone. Here are the weird things that happened. Instead of one tails following me there were four. The first act only lasted four minutes and the mini boss could endure only four hits. Act 2 was no diffrent. Eggman bused trough the ground four Times and i continued. This zone was pretty normal and so thats why i wrote this Little about it.

Carnival Night zone:

I already tought to my self: " oh boy" because the next zone was carnival Night everyones "favorite" zone. I started by popping some ballons and out of the ballons the number four popped out. The colour pallet was all messed up even the song was all messed up. As i progresele more and more the zone becomed more and more and more distorted, in matter in fact it became so shitting distorted that i could'nt even see where i was going. And the platforming became more and more difficult and every four seconds You could Hear a scream, and sonica sprite became all messed up. He basicly looked like he went to a holly festival. But after that scream i tought to my self: " could this be flicky that is screaming? " And than every four seconds an evil manicly laugh could be Heard. That made me even more determine to save the animals. Then the act 1 mini boss came and it was literaly Tetris! I finished the boss and continued to act 2. The level finaly switched back to normal and so . I continued and i reached the infamous barrel of doom but something shocked me there. On the barrel of doom there were blood stains on it and some blue fur on it: "could does stains and blue fur be stains and blue fur from the sonics that didnt make it? Than i reached the boss and defeated him.

Ice cap zone:

The level started and the show boarding scene lasted for four minutes straight! Than when sonic crashed and got covered in snow i could Hear something that sounded like a Heart monitor. Nothing intresting happened exept one time where the background turned into real fire. The act 1 boss was Something that i wouldnt like to see ever again. Instead of having ice cristale it had pure Red crystals and it looked real. From there everything was normal.

Launch base zone:

I started advancing trough the zone and Something was off there were no badniks and sounds of kittens crying could be heard. Than i quickly paused my game to see If my kitten called sammy was alright. Thankfully he was alright. I continued my game and i could not spot the death egg. Than the hamme mini boss came and it had Red stains on the spikes. "Could those stains also be from failed sonic runs? Could it? I continued to act 2 and got to the big hands and defeated him.

Mushroom hill zone:

I started in mushroom hill and aparantly i had all the super emeralds. I turned into hyper sonic but hyper sonic was hyper realistic! With this new found power i quickly advanced trough the zone and destroyed as many badniks as i could but than i reached the mini boss. I accidentaly Ran into the axe and my screen blacked out and the sound of a low picthed Man screen could be heard....

Flying battery zone:

The texrures were super messed up. Every texture was ome random image that made it pretty hard for me to advance trough it. This zone was also pretty short and so i finished it relativly quick.

Sandopolis zone

By far the zone i HATED the most. And it started in act 2 which was the hardest sonic 3 & kunkcles act! Another weird thing was that there were no ways for You to light up the piramid which made it full of ghost. And also the whole level was in a Red static tint. And the ghost were screaming.

Lava reef zone:

Surprisngly it cut right to the kunkcles boss and so i tought with him. When i finaly defeated him the cut scene where he got up didnt happen at all and it looked like kunkcles was dead.

Death egg zone:

You're probably wondering: "Where Sky sacnturay well i tried to see If it was in level select and no it wasnt there. And so i started playing trough death egg zone. There was no music only except for some music channels producing random beats and a tiny music box playing a creepy song. The space ship was also dimly light and there were some lights that producere yellow light. Than a part that wasnt in the original sonic & knuckles came. It was like labrinth zone with texrures and all. That part felt pretty claustrophobic and i could Hear foot steps behind sonic and i could feel the sensation of someone following me. Another thing was that tails was no where to be scene. From there i started rushing and when i finaly got trought that part i was relieved. As i continue i got to the Red eye boss and quickly defeard him. When act 2 came along the background was depresing. Our planeta Earth was on fire and it was poluted at the same time. And in the background You could also Hear depresing music. Than a messaged flashed on the screen. It read: sonic was too slow and he could not save the planet from evil. That made me cry because i knew that flicky was probably dead. And so i continued and reached the final boss. I tought him and every single time when i landed a hit in the boss the sound of omega flowey getting hurt could be Heard. I finally beat the boss and the whole death egg exploded.

Than a cut scene played where sonic was surrounded by fours with no escape. Than the screen zoomed out and i could this sound. "YOU DID THIS TO HIM" than the screen blacked out only to be followed by some text Reading: Sega Enterprises ©2016 Somic the hedgehog™.

I was completly terrified and i was also wondering how it was made in 2016. Than i went to my kitten called sammy and i Saw that on him there was written 4 on his back in neon blue.


I have came with some theories to what i just played

Number one:

This could of been a rom hack neant to trick a kid into buying it and than traumatizing him. It would made sense since it was made in 2016.

Number two:

Maybe this was actualy Something real made by Sega and maybe thats why sonic 3 & knuckles wasnt a full game. And maybe thats why Sega had to use lock on techonology.

Number three:

This might of been a destroyed copy of sonic 3 and knuckles prototype. Maybe sega wanted to hide this from us and maybe thats why the chartridge was distorted

Number F⁰uR:

Maybe this is a hint at what will happen in the future maybe this reprezents what would happen to us If we neglect our planeta maybe what happened to sonic would happen to us too.


I messaged Sega and told them about the incident and even sent them the cartriged. Here is their response

"We se sorry for what happened to You but we know what happened there was once a Man working at Sega which was always making fun at what we did and always told us that what we did was weak and wrong. One day we fired him for acting like that. A week later he had told us that he is gonna make Something ambicious and that he needed our help but we rejected that. And that cartridge that You had was a prototype and we remember that one day we found it stolen. We think that he altered the chartridge as a form of revenge and that why he put it in a Walmart thats all we know


From there i will never forget what happened. Never ever. And also Sega gave me some vintage mickey mouse Cartoons as form of compansation. The shorts were really nice.

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