Sonic The Hedgehog: The Creator Round II REMASTERED

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Seems like infinity or millie cant reset this timeline.... thats PERFECT for me, I should probably kill those idiots... And if Anything goes wrong I can just reset the timeline, now... I need to kill that sonic in the human world... in he one of corruption slaves? eh.. Like that matters right now, And I should probably find that BASTARD Alex, I can sense his energy, and he isnt in the void... No matter, I'll send him through another adventure.

"Blood Temple"

Hey, Its me Alex Again.... I still don't know who the creature was talking too, What even is this place? everything is red... And I heard the creature talking to another... creature? the other creature looked just like sonic... Except it just had red eyes and black eyelids... are there multiple versions of this creature? they were talking about another sonic in the human world? could it be another evil like creature? or would it be the real... sonic? I don't know.. The other creature also has slaves.. Maybe I can free them and ask them to help me? I know that once he kills me.. he's gonna go for one of my friends.. I guess I should explore this place.

Its me, Alex, again... Seems like this place is called "blood temple" And that other creature already left... I saw other versions of sonic tho... one that looks normal... Is that the perfect timeline? or is that just a reality? there are signs of other sonic characters... and they are red rings too... One has silver the hedgehog? the other pictures on the sign's look dangerous... I guess I have no choice but to go into it.

"The Deep"

Alright... It's me Alex, While walking around... I saw multiple normal sonic characters... Some of them Looked completely normal, while other's had no eyes, and hurt, some even already gone crazy... I think this is what the creature and the other creature were talking about... I kept walking around and saw a cage without a sonic character... I remember the creature's talking about a sonic going into the human world... maybe that sonic went crazy and somehow figured out how to go to the human world...

I went over to a cage... The person was crazy.. and they were silver... And then HE TRIED EATING ME... It seems like these people haven't eaten in weeks... Did they get taken here just like me? They have to be here for a reason... But why... Oh fuck it.. I cant set them free, I don't have a key.. Maybe one of those creature's have it... I cant fight one tho, I'm too weak for now... I have to find some more ways to get out of here... I'll come back for these people... I know that theyre slaves.. anyways.. Time to get out of here.

"Meanwhile In The Human World"

Hi, My name Is Ava, School just ended since its summer, and no has found Alex yet... I haven't even seen Edd too, he says he's doing some "important" stuff, But I think thats Bullshit.. Max Still talks to me, Same with Chris, Jay, and Mark.. We tried figuring out where Alex was.. But had no hope.. I think we should check his house, even Tho I dont think we could find anything.. Its worth a shot.

Me and Max Went to Alex's house, Max checked upstairs while I stayed downstairs.. When I went to the living room I found a box called "sonic generations" Me and Alex used to love playing sonic games back when he was "still" around.. My Favorite character was always amy, when I opened the box... I saw a VHS Tape.. But I also saw... The sonic 2 Game? Alex Had a sega genesis too... I don't know why I think a game will help... But I guess I should Pop the VHS Tape in first... When I put the VHS in... It just showed a black screen... It then showed tails... but with no eyes? and only one tail....

"Ava! oh my god.. i've been stuck here for MONTHS, DESTROY that game-"

and then he just vanished? was that really Alex.. And then a sonic came on screen... then I destroyed the disc of the game.

"Ahh... So smart... I like that... But you're going to become a problem for me in the future... So I must kill you either now or later... I think I'll have some FUN with you first."

After that I felt someone behind me... no.. not someone.. SOMETHING... When I turned around It was shaped like sonic but just full black... then stabbed me in my chest, after that I got knocked out.

"The Void/????"

When I woke up I was in a random dark black box... I saw a screen and then looked at the reflection... I saw me.. but I'm amy? I have darker fur... and everything feels so... strange...

I saw a 8 year old kid... playing sonic 2... the same game I destroyed... I was in a.. TV? I went through normal adventures... but also... bad ones... If anyone finds this.. please help me.

"Exe DX:"

Seems like I have a new victim... I can sense Alex's energy... he was in blood temple... And he found out about our slaves... that little bitch... I hope infinity or millie isn't helping him... but like they know where I am.. but I need to kill him NOW, if I don't.. He will get too far...

Hey... still me Alex, I figured out that all the sonic characters in the cages were the slaves... and they were also forced to play through sonic games... same with the bad ones... But I maybe found a way to-

Hey ALEX, miss me?

Y-you! the creature...

Is that a name you made for me? Just call me DX..

okay... well-

you know... I cant toy with you forever, and now I have to kill you... but before that... You can ask me 5 questions... only because i'm feeling nice tho.

o-ok... Why sonic? why put us through sonic games?

Sonic was always the thing you always played... and you loved sonic... and sonic was your favorite character after all...

Who are you?

i'm a god, me and the other gods are from another planet, not earth like you mortals, we protect your kind.

Why haven't you killed me yet?

so stupid... I just want to toy with you... once I make you my slave, I'm gonna make you suffer even more... but I must kill you now... 2 more questions.

whats your FULL name.

full name? that would be EXE DX.

Why me?

good question, Alex... In one timeline... we were friends.. And Multiple Exe's came to earth to kill everyone... They got to me and you just stood there... watching... not saving me like the BITCH you are... they made me a slave and never let me sleep, eat, and made me suffer... all the time, and its all YOUR fault, I got more power and was able to reset the timeline... and now were here... and now its time for you to die...


DX... you cant possibly kill him....

Infinity? why the hell are you here??? I thought gods coulden't sense my power right now.

I followed you when you left the planet... and I WILL make this the perfect timeline..

Son of A bitch....

"The Human World"

What the hell was that... and who was that... infinity guy? atleast I'm in the human world again... I have to find ava... and the others... But I have to find that sonic first.... that was the strangest adventure of my life... I wont stop until Everyone is safe.

End of Sonic The Hedgehog: The Creator Round II