Jimmy Neutron: Attack of the Twonkies Xbox Edition: Difference between revisions

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The game started up like usual, with Goddard shining the hologram menu over a overview of Retroville. However, the Retroville looked a lot more damaged than in the original  menu screen. Some houses were burned down and some looked as if they were ripped apart.  I ignored this, believing that this was made to make the game more exciting. I started a new game and watched the intro begin. The intro was the same until Jimmy got angry at Cindy’s belief that meteorite’s have “tails” in space. Jimmy’s face looked incredibly disgusted and angered when he corrected her, and ended with  Jimmy muttering: “You naive bit-”. The principal walked in and told the class about the choir tryouts in the same fashion he did in the GamestationGamecube version.
I was a bit surprised at Jimmy’s swear, but I assumed it was a joke for the playtesters and kept playing. The game went like normal (Jimmy builds a small rocket ship before going to space to get the meteorite samples) until the scene when Jimmy discovers the Twonkie in the meteorite sample. In the original game Sheen, Carl, and Jimmy discover the twonkie in the sample before Sheen hears his favorite song on the radio. Sheen turns up the music. causing the twonkie to grow into a hideous monster called a Grounder. Jimmy and his friends escape the room and the game continues on.
However in this version the monsterGrounder had much longer claws. Jimmy and his friends bolted to the door. The monster threw a chair, blocking off the door. Carl tried to push the chair, but the monsterGrounder threw another chair at Carl’s head. The chair hit its target, making a sickening crack as it caved in Carl’s skull. Sheen turned to the monsterGrounder and said “With the power of Ultralord, I’ll-” Before he could finish, the monster thrust it’s claw into Sheen’s abdomen. Sheen went limp as the twonkie pulled its claw out of him. The monster looked at Jimmy and charged at him, blood dripping from it's claw.
Suddenly I was in control. I had to escape the classroom. Carl's bloodied corpse was in front of the door. I walked over to his body.
"The fat bastardfuck is too heavy to move, maybe I can use something to get rid of it!"
I ran to the classroom's closet and grabbed the invention pieces to build the shrink ray. In the original version of the game, the creatures will be crowded around the radio. In this version, however, the creature followed Jimmy wherever Jimmy went. Jimmy built his shrink ray and shrank Carl's body, which was starting to turn a pale color.
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The game went into a cutscene: Jimmy runs out of the classroom and slams the door shut. He sees Goddard and utters "Carl and Sheen are gone. Natural selection at it's finest."
Jimmy was about to say something else but the creature smashed through the door and it charged at him. Jimmy gave the monster a "bitch pls" look before shrinking the thing with the shrink ray.
Jimmy the proceeded to crush the creature with his foot until it was covered with orange blood and guts. Jimmy smiled broadly and turned to Goddard.
I turned off the game before the creature killed Jimmy. I felt angry.
"Find my shit."
I blew fifty bucks on a cheap bootleg.
Goddard sniffed at a locker.
If I wanted to get a bootleg, i would have bought a copy of Somari or someshit.
Jimmy opened the locker a pulled out a bag of weed and a sawn off shotgun. Jimmy loaded two rounds into the shotty and turned back to the hallway.
Suddenly, I was in control. I moved Jimmy over to the Cafeteria but was stopped by a Grounder. A message appeared or the screen:
"Press the R button to give the filthy xeno a dirtnap."
I pressed the button and got instant results: Jimmy autoaimed a double dose of buckshot at the monster. It's head exploded in a spray of orange.
"WOW, COOL GRAPHICS!" I exclaimed.
Suddenly, the cafeteria door was bust open from the inside, a blue "Stomper" walked out into the hall. Bad choice, as Jimmy already reloaded and I was ready to pull the trigger. The stomper's body flew like a golfball out of the window. While Jimmy reloaded, I moved him into the cafeteria. In the cafeteria, three blue grounders where scaring some kids, just like in the Gamecube version.
The game went into a cutscene: Jimmy emptied two rounds into two Stompers and began to reload. The last stomper then charged at Jimmy, ready to avenge his fallen comrades.
Then the game froze.
I'll restart the game and hope the game doesn't crash again.
I threw the game in the trash and began to play the ''real'' game on the Gamecube.
[[Category:Vidya games]]
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