The Fresh Prince of Bel Air:Episode 0 Ground Zero: Difference between revisions

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Okay I should re say that. I am a big fan of MOST Will Smith things. I was around most of his Fresh Prince days to Men in Black. His credibility disappeared sorta with him trying to promote the hell out of his daughter and son. Around the time this was at its height, I went back to re-watch all his older stuff. You name it, I saw it.
At that time, I re-watched Bad Boys, Independence Day and much more of his films. But then, I realized I needed to re watch one more thing. The Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
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I then found where I would get my copy of the sixth season. I found it at a garage sale in the middle of nowhere near a forest which has been rumored for the death of many innocent people.
I got the DVD for free from the guy. I looked to check if the disc were all inside in my car. They were, but there was more disc then there were specified. The extra disc was just of a graphic of young Will Smith with words written "BONUS" on it in the Fresh Prince font. I thought nothing of it and went home.
When I returned to my home, I planned to binge watch the entire final season so before I left for my hunt, I had set out my popcorn and cola. I popped the first disc into my DVD player. It was all normal and then before I knew it, I had finished the whole season. It was pretty late and I was very tired, and to add wasn't really feeling right. However, something made me want to check out the bonus. Maybe some funny outtakes on the DVD or something else that would be cool to watch. Then I saw it.
When the screen loaded it up, the Fresh Prince theme played in the background as 4 lines of options appeared. One struck me. Below the "outtakes" tab was something listed as ,"The Fresh Prince of Bel Air Season 1 Episode 26:Ground Zero." I had never heard of this. And that was weird, the title. Most of the audience or people that might read this probably know what Ground Zero is. But for those who don't know, Ground Zero is where the site of the September 11th attacks took place. The Fresh Prince of Bel Air ended in 1996, 5 years before the attacks. And I'm almost positive that it wouldn't be relating to Pearl Harbor or Hiroshima ground zero.
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I could remember all the shocking dialogue I had heard. "Will," said Uncle Phil,"You need help, this ego you've grown and power is almost insane. You know the news knew what you have done?"
"What, those towers in New York?" Then a laugh track was heard.
It was absolutely terrifying with Will's demonic look but being so relaxed. That laugh track sealed the deal but my curiosity peaked, so I continued.
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Since then, I have got in contact with the a person involved with the show during that season and asked about the disc.
He seemed relieved, as he though he had found something he lost. I won't mention who it was but he said that the episode was planned to be about Will's father but was scrapped. He said he actually didn't know much but told me he knew why the episode was on the disc. He said that there was a day where the publishers of the disc had a storage house break in a day before copies of the DVDs could be shipped. The men were captured and when interviewed, they said they were working for "the higher power" to place a disc cursed by Satan in one of the hundreds and thousands of copies of the DVDs. He asked me what was the episode and I told him. He then wanted to ask actor James Avery about the episode.
Sadly, he came back to tell me Avery had died. I knew then, all too well how Avery died.
Then he said he asked Will and had told me Will was in a critical condition of health and couldn't be approached. However he asked anyway but Will Smith responded being scarred and remembering taping the episode to only it be stolen and supposedly edited down to what he said might be it.
I am in the scariest position in my life right now. I know that the beast is gonna go after the whole crew then the person who was involved,
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Whatever, whoever this John Booth is a fucking faze noob fag.
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