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Hello. I'm your average pokémon enthusiast. I grew up in the usual way, playing Pokémon Red, Blue, Gold, Silver, etc. I've always had a fascination with the series since its inception in the '90s. Well, in reality, my fascination was more of an obsession. I had to, and I mean had to, play every single pokémon game, and see each and every one of them through to the end. Every time a new one came out, I was the first one in line at Walmart, Target, or Gamestop.
I would even buy one on Ebay when I had no other option. I had played through every single pokémon game by the time X and Y were slated to be released - or so I had thought. This is my narrative on a game that I came across recently that - you guessed it; I wish I never had come across in the first place. Before you get the wrong idea, this game isn't evil or haunted, at least not that I know of. It was just very…upsetting. I am writing this as a cathartic means of releasing the affliction this game has caused me. Why would anyone have made this game, anyway? After reading my ‘story'story', maybe you can tell me.
My account starts just a month ago. I was reminiscing about old video games with my college roommate while walking around campus. We did that sometimes when we had nothing better to do. Anyways, I told him that I had played every single pokémon game there was right from the get-go; from Red and Blue, all the way to Black and White, and I would soon play X and Y. It's not that my claim was all that impressive, it's just that most fans of the series had always played one or the other in each generation of its release - Red or Blue, Gold or Silver, and so on and so on. I played all of them.
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Breeding pokemon to lay eggs didn't come about until Pokemon Gold and Silver were released. I took a look at my map to make sure I was in the Kanto region. The map displayed Pallet Town and a straight line leading to another town, but nothing else. It was like I was on a long, narrow island. I assumed the town above Pallet Town was Viridian City, but I was wrong - very wrong. It was none other than Goldenrod City, a city that was not in the Kanto Region. It was almost as if the person who made this game was trying to somehow combine Pokemon Yellow and Pokemon Gold/Silver - but why? And why only have these two towns on one narrow stretch of land? This game was a little too weird for my taste, but I had nothing better to do with my day of hooky, so I kept playing.
I decided to hatch the egg. I walked around in endless circles for what felt like forever. Finally, it hatched. During the hatching animation, I couldn't help but wonder what pokemon would break free from the ‘golden'golden' egg. I guessed that it might be a weird pokemon that didn't exist. I figured that the game was a hack, and even though I had never played one, I read that some of them contained pokemon of the programmer's creation. After sitting through the animation, I found my assumption to be wrong. It was a Pikachu. That wasn't so bad. He even walked behind me like the one in the normal Pokemon Yellow.
After walking around with him just for the sake of it for a minute or so, I looked at his stats. He was at level 5, and had normal stats. I looked at his sprite, and saw that he was discolored. He wasn't yellow, he was gold. I guess Pikachus that hatch from golden eggs come out looking gold (I laughed in my head at the odd nature of this game. It was too amusing to ‘put'put down'). I looked at my golden Pikachu's moves to discover that he only had one - "FLY" (this time I laughed out loud - a level 5 golden Pikachu that can fly; admit it, that's a little funny). I guess I had to fly out of Pallet Town to progress, so I did. I flew to Goldenrod City (It's not like I could fly anywhere else). What I found there was less amusing, and more disquieting.
Goldenrod City was a ghost town. Each and every door on every building was ‘fortified'fortified'. I couldn't walk in, nor could I get a reaction when I pressed the emulator's A button - much like my mom at the beginning of the game. I couldn't even walk into the radio tower. There weren't even any people walking around. With every step I took, I became more and more anxious, but I was pleased to see my Pikachu following me. At least there was something interactive in the game. I walked south to leave the town, and to my delight, I could. Finally, some progress.
After I left Goldenrod, I realized I was walking along Route 34, just as I would be in Gold or Silver (I had the maps from every pokemon game memorized, plus the daycare center was a dead giveaway). I noticed the daycare center, but kept walking to see how far I could get. I was curious to see how the creator of the game connected Pallet Town to Goldenrod City. I didn't get far at all. Another invisible wall stunted my venture, just as I passed the daycare. This was as far as I could walk.
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"Ah, your golden egg has finally hatched! This is a most momentous milestone in your Pokemon journey! Not many trainers can claim to have a golden Pikachu. Take care now."
That's it? Now what? I spoke to him again, and all he could say was "Take care now." I talked to the daycare man's wife and she too repeated the same thing, but instead of ‘Take'Take care now', all she could say was "Don't upset him." Upset who? Pikachu? The daycare man? Either way, it was a strange thing to say.
I walked out to the enclosure where the pokemon would normally breed, and there was a generic pokemon sprite (I always thought that these sprites looked like eevee) all by its lonesome. Maybe this was the ‘him'him' I shouldn't upset. I walked over to it and clicked the A button. To my amazement, the pokemon spoke. I never learned what pokemon it was, so I have nicknamed him "Vee" after the Eevee experimented on by Team Rocket in the pokemon manga. I guess I just like putting a name to a face. Don't ask me why I found this name fitting. Here is what Vee said:
"Hello. I can see that you are a pokemon trainer. Do you enjoy training your Pokemon?" I was given an option; YES or NO. In fact, I was bombarded with such questions. For this one, I chose YES.
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"Don't lie." I chose YES. Vee was beginning to shake my calmness.
"A golden Pokemon is a gift. You should never harm a gift." YES or NO. These weren't even questions! Vee's ‘questions'questions' were also becoming less and less intelligible. This made me feel a little perturbed. Unable to choose NO, I picked YES once again.
"Taking your Pokemon to battle is harmful fun for you." That isn't even a proper sentence. I chose YES.
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