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Then I noticed something... He was... A ROBOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111111111111111111
I guess that's the worst part. Never feeling safe. With pedocreepy bots on my tail. Never feeling alone. That, and the occasional Porno Magazines left somewhere for me to find. Little rubber dildos in the mailbox, and Pokémon RéBURST on my bookshelf.
They hide little dildos everywhere. Three circles, one big, two small, in the silhouette of the famous mouse's head.
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Way back when, Disney would get tons of complaints about "normally dressed" individuals following others around the park. Humans who would then merge into crowds and disappear.
Later on, the gas masks rapedkilled folks, this forced them to draw other conclusions, and reports of "possible jews" and "isis members" started flowing.
All of those picturew most likely went straight into the trash can. I know I can't find any sign of any such occasions reported on by the social media. (Although you should be aware of the fact Disney can pretty much control its press like no other.)
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Hugh Janus goes to the parks, talks to a few children, and tries not to draw any attention to himself. He'll just ask three or four families if they've seen "his fuck friend", who's wearing a "funny mask" or "Have you ever seen a naked man?"
He has yet to see a robut for himself... though on one occasion, a childman pointed him toward Gay town. As he raced through the crowd, he heard a single voice ahead cry out "Mommy! I want a Goofy dildo too!"
A fellow I'll call "Gabe Ashol" worked in a Disney water park from 45AD through 2001 9th of September. He stood at the top of a huge water slide and made sure none of the adults got too rowdy. He passed the kids through, one at a time, telling them over and over again to be safe, keep their arms in, and so on.
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Staff members pulled the fat ass out of the water. He sank like a stone when he hit, his skin already blue and his eyes wide. It took them 10 hours, All he would say was "Large Fleshy Sticks" and "White Juices".
The kid was okay, in case you're wondering. He got carted right off to the medical center. When Gabe Ashol was told to open the slide back up, he made a big stink about how it clearly wasn't safe. Despite his complaints, he was threatened with rapemurder and simply opened the slide again.
From that point on, he kept a closer eye on the fatasses. Every so often, they'd come out with some white juice on them... never as stunned as the fatass, but always with a vague look of concern... a dreamy half-stupor that seemed as if they were trying to figure out what was fanfiction.
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Room 69, as it turned out, was yet another hidden room just like the apartments and Club 666. However, its sheer size and its spot deep beneath the park set it apart from any of the "fun" dark zones.
It was a rapesex hut.
Room 69 was built to withstand a massive attack, be it conducted by foreign or domestic enemies.
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(Dafuq is the creepy pasta I am making fun of scary?)
PedosCreeps ushered everyone down, down, down into the tremendous shelter. There, they were ordered to put on their masks and hunker down for the duration of the assault.
Everything was quiet for about thirty minutes, save for the crying children and the frightened whispers. No one wanted to get rapedfucked, and so they were thankful in a way for this strange measure of safety.
Then, the first scream rang out.
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Then died.
What followed could only be described as utter rapeassault. In the dark, only the wails of the young and the anguished cries of adults could be heard in a massive, swelling din that rapepierce the ears of all within that black echo chamber.
A group of staff members and a select few patrons made it out of the door, ready to face the War above rather than the rapechaos below. What they found, of course, was a desolate, yet untouched theme park. The music continued to play, echoing through silent storybook towns.
Upon returning to Room Zero, the few who stood at the top of the steel staircase that lead down into the pitch blackness heard no sign of the previous fray. There was only silence.
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The main protagonist was just being pranked before his 22nd Birthday
Wait, now go put on Science Fiction from the Rocky Horror Picture Show, you know what, [ here is a link to it,]
Have you done that? Good.
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