Guys if you ever teased or bullied a girl in school, then please always be cautious when it comes to the safety of your own daughter: Difference between revisions

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Watching my 13 year old daughter play softball over the years has helped me to conclude that there’sthere's certain noticeable differences that are easily distinguishable between the moms and dads, which are basically that the moms will socialize with each other and the dads will typically say “hey"hey how’show's it going”going" then disperse throughout the bleacher areas.
The moms would even meet up and have get togethers at each other’sother's houses, where they would drink wine and gossip, where the dads would sit at home alone and mostly do nothing but watch TV.
Our daughter Grace has known the same five group of girls since she was in Preschool so my wife Gina had suggested a “dads"dads night out”out" for a way for the dads to get together and mingle at Jill’sJill's house, who has a daughter that’sthat's friends with our daughter. Gina thought our house was too small to accommodate the other dads, so Jill graciously accepted the offer to host the get together at her house.
This idea was horrifying to me because I knew it would be extremely awkward. But being that it would be a poker game, meant that maybe I could focus on the actual card playing and not the having nothing to talk about with the other dads aspect. Plus I was doing this for my daughter sake, where I didn’tdidn't want to be the only dad that didn’tdidn't show up.
The poker game was set up at Jill’sJill's house on this Saturday. I had to get my self mentally prepared to hear how the other dads were doing better financially than me or other topics like what’swhat's wrong with the current president.
All five feet ten inches of me showed up at Jill’sJill's and Harry’sHarry's house. I was the last one to arrive with Stan, Liam and Jack already joking and having a good time. Being the shortest guy in the room by an inch or so, my inferiority complex really started to kick in but I had to show that I was equal to these guys.
I met my wife, Gina at the small community hospital where we both currently work, which is close to our house. I’mI'm an X-ray technician and she works in the medical record department and we would see each other on our lunch breaks in the cafeteria and eventually, I asked her out on a date.
Over time, I have drifted away from my male friends and have focused more on my home life over the years.
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At the poker game, once I was given a beer my nervousness slowly started to go away. I had to accept that I probably made about half the annual income of everyone else in the room and I purposely parked my 2004 Ford Escort out of sight and walked past the other dads luxury cars.
We would all take turns dealing and it seemed five card poker was everyone’severyone's favorite game. We were playing with a fifty dollar initial buy in that was converted into chips with a maximum raise of two dollars. I hate to admit this but I think they lowered the price of poker on account of me but they were still playing for pride which was equal in their eyes, because guys like these hate nothing more than losing.
These guys were shrewd businessmen with years of business experience who were used to going out to business meetings and meeting for drinks at hotel bars on business trips. I was kind of like the younger brother that mom told the older brother he had to bring to the high school party, but I was still having a good time, irregardless as the beer flowed through my body.
I’mI'm not sure if some of the more experienced poker players were purposely losing to ensure no one would have to leave but it was three hours into the game and everyone was going strong chip wise. So much so that the raises were increased to six dollars instead of the two dollars.
I had at least seven beers in me and wasn’twasn't really thinking about anybody’sanybody's social status or the cars they drove as we were all having a good time laughing at everything and anything.
Then the owner of the house, Harry looked at me and said “Ted"Ted, I know this was awkward for you coming here tonight, but I just wanted to say Thank You!"
Up until that point, I thought I was being looked at as an equal but I felt really ashamed and embarrassed that Harry singled me out in front of all the other dads. I was actually starting to stew with anger after hearing that comment to the point where I had hit my boiling point.
As the other guys continued to laugh, I said to Harry “Hey"Hey Harry, why did you think this was going to be awkward for me tonight? — Is it because I make less money or my car isn’tisn't as fancy as everyone else’selse's?"
The room got silent as Harry looked at me and said “No"No Ted, that wasn’twasn't it at all. I was actually referring to how I dated your wife Gina for two months at Vanderbilt."
I paused for a minute thinking either he’she's drunk or I’mI'm drunk, because I had no idea of the context of what he just said.
“You"You dated Gina at Vanderbilt? But she graduated from Pitt in 2003. She never went to Vanderbilt!" I responded.
Harry said “I"I actually talked to Gina at one of the softball games where we were reminiscing about our time in Tennessee. I could of sworn she said that you were aware of our brief relationship."
As I was sitting there, I didn’tdidn't know to feel more shocked that she dated Harry or that she went to Vanderbilt University.
As I’mI'm sitting there trying to process the reasons why Gina would’vewould've never told me she at least attended Vanderbilt, then all six feet of Stan says “I"I have a confession to make as well. I too had a short fling with Gina when I was at Cal State, which would of been sometime in the spring of 2002."
“What"What the hell! — so she dated Harry while attending Vanderbilt and Stan while attending Cal State and some how managed to graduate from Pitt the following year. All the years we’vewe've been married, she has never uttered one single word of this to me!"
As I sat there with my head down with my head shaking back and forth in disbelief when suddenly I heard another voice.
“Sorry"Sorry Bro," Liam said “I"I too had a relationship with Gina that lasted a few weeks when the two of us attended Rutgers in the fall semester of 2002. Gina and I, had a long conversation about this at one of the softball games and I wasn’twasn't aware that Harry and Stan had dated her as well. I would have definitely said something, but Gina gave me the impression that you, Ted were aware of our time together at Rutgers."
At this point I really felt like a loser because not only did these guys make more money than me and drove fancy cars, but they also slept with my wife.
As I sat at the poker table, I attempted to call Gina then I heard “Wait"Wait a second Ted," Jack said “I"I don’tdon't want to pile on here but I too briefly dated Gina at North Carolina University. I wasn’twasn't going to say anything but obviously something sounds really wrong here."
I just put both of my hands up and looked at Jack like what the hell is going on. Then I said “So"So all five of us have slept with Gina and I’mI'm the one who’swho's been married to her for all of these years with a daughter. Gina has never mentioned to me that she’sshe's been to all of these different University’sUniversity's or that she has slept with all of you different guys prior to us getting married. How is any of this possible and why?"
All the guys looked at each other completely confused like the next guy would have the answer.
“Well"Well I don’tdon't have the answer, but it sounds like Gina deliberately sought us out when we were in college. I don’tdon't know about you guys but she definitely made herself aware to me in college. I remember her literally bumping into me which led to a conversation then we were dating. Then when things were going great between the two of us, she just ended it for some reason. I never told my wife that I dated Gina." Harry explained.
The other guys agreed that was the same way Gina handled their relationships as well where she would first somehow get their attention. Then they would date, where things would be going good and then she would abruptly break the relationship off and never be seen or heard of again until our daughters became friends.
All the guys at the table looked at me and said “sorry"sorry bro!" As if they were sending me condolences that my father had just passed away.
Then Jack said, “it’s"it's astonishing, that yes we’rewe're all originally from this area and attended different schools but we all moved back to this area as well and our daughters go to the same school now!"
“So"So you think there might have been other guys that she deliberately targeted and those guys didn’tdidn't move back to this area?" I asked.
“yes"yes! I would imagine, but I don’tdon't know for sure. Also it sounds like she probably didn’tdidn't graduate from Pitt either." Jack explained.
Harry then asked his wife Jill to come into the room. “Jill"Jill, how did our daughter become friends with Grace?"
“Through"Through Girl Scouts don’tdon't you remember. Gina called us one day and asked if our daughter, Kelly wanted to join?" Jill replied.
“Why"Why did Gina call us? Did we know her from school or did you meet her somewhere else?" Harry asked.
“No"No, don’tdon't you remember how I said it was odd how she just randomly called me and just didn’tdidn't post the Girls Scout membership interest on Facebook?" Jill responded.
All the guys in the room agreed that’sthat's how their daughter’sdaughter's became friends was through a random Girl Scouts call one day from Gina.
“Hey"Hey Jill, did Gina ever mention to you or any of the other wives that she dated their husbands at their colleges?" Harry asked.
“No"No, not at all. It never came up!" Jill said in astonishment.
I felt like the sideshow freak rabbit with two heads, because the marriage to my wife may have been a complete sham. She made herself known to me as well in the hospital’shospital's cafeteria always smiling and waving to me as I passed by when I didn’tdidn't know her. Like it was a setup all along, as if she intentionally targeted me for some unknown reason, then married me and had a daughter with me.
Besides getting Christmas cards from her parents, I have never met them and she would supposedly talk to her parents on the phone, but now I’mI'm wondering, what if there was no one on the other end of the phone and she was mailing her own cards from her parents to us?
With the alcohol swirling around my head, I had a thought. “Does"Does anyone remember Gina from their childhood?"
Harry paused for a second and said “I"I don’tdon't but that’sthat's a great idea, let me go get my yearbooks."
Harry got his yearbooks and we all looked at the grade’sgrade's that Harry attended for that particular school year.
“Holy"Holy Cow”Cow" I said. “This"This girl in your ninth grade yearbook looks a lot like Gina, but her name is Jennifer!"
All the guys took a look at the picture and everyone agreed, including me, who was married to her and had a 12 year old daughter with her, that was Gina in the ninth grade picture.
“I"I completely forgot about that girl. I don’tdon't think she was even there for the whole year." Harry said.
We checked in the 8th grade and 10th grade yearbooks and didn’tdidn't see her. So for some reason she probably moved around to the different area school districts we surmised.
“She"She didn’tdidn't even mention it to me that she was in my ninth grade class when we dated in college." Harry explained.
Now at least, we were able to nail down “Gina”"Gina" to our past in a really odd way.
“You"You have no memories of her when you were in the same school together?" I asked Harry.
“You"You know, I’mI'm ashamed to admit this but I was an awful bully in school. So much so that I was suspended from school for two weeks and I had to get mandatory counseling if I wanted to remain in school. So if I was to guess, I was probably rotten to Gina”Gina" Harry explained.
Something didn’tdidn't seem right with Jill after hearing that and she said “I’m"I'm going to go check on our daughter, Kelly!"
Thirty seconds later, Jill frantically ran into the room and said “Harry"Harry, Kelly’sKelly's not in her room, she’sshe's gone!"
All the dads, including myself desperately helped search the house and the surrounding woods with no sight of Kelly. 911 was called and the night just got progressively worse, where as each one of the father’sfather's called their home’shome's they learned there daughter’sdaughter's were missing.
I left Harry’sHarry's house in a panic not knowing what “Gina”"Gina" had done to Grace. I must of called Gina’sGina's phone 10 times which all went straight to voicemail.
When I pulled into my driveway, I noted the house was completely dark, so I thought the worse had happened. I quickly ran through the front door and I didn’tdidn't see Gina so I ran right upstairs to Grace’sGrace's room. I said “Oh"Oh, Thank God”God" when I saw Grace sleeping in her bed.
Gina completely vanished along with the daughters of Harry, Jack, Liam and Stan. The police tried to put the puzzle pieces together and it seemed that all the fathers had went to school with Gina at some point, under her real name at the time of Jennifer. The police assumed that all of the fathers, including myself did something mean to her which she just couldn’tcouldn't let go, so she unrelentingly followed all of us throughout our adult life’slife's and gained the trust of us fathers, so when us dads were out playing cards she could more easily take the daughters.
The police also suspect that she constantly changed schools either from bullying she experienced at school or abuse at home. The police couldn’tcouldn't locate “Gina’s”"Gina's" parents so there was no way to figure out why she moved so much as a kid.
The police suspect the missing daughters were more likely introduced into a cult in the New Mexico or in the Arizona deserts but they really have no idea of any of their whereabouts or if any of them are even still alive.
I really have no idea why “Gina”"Gina" left our daughter Grace with me. Maybe I was never a malicious target or she didn’tdidn't want to see Grace be harmed, but that part still remains a complete mystery to this day.
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