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{{note|[[Squidward's Genocide|Read the prequel here.]]}}
Ayo home boy slices. it's ya boy, the annoni mouse, the guy who got given that baller ass cursed sqwuidward tape from an evil old man (Don't worry ya'll, i shot that MF dead. ain't noboody gon be selling cursed tapes in MY neighberhood. i live here!)
Anyway m,y investigation into the supernatural cursed tapes continues. yesterday an evil cursewd tape taped to a taperecorder droped through my window. the tape recorder said "HELLO, PACKAGED FOR ANNONI MOUSE, THE ONLY SOUL BRAVE ENOUGH TO WATCH ALL THE WAY THROUG MY CURSED SQUIDWARD TAPE AND NOT GO INSANE AND SOOHT UR SELF. HERE IS PART 2, MADE JUST 4 U. SINCERELY: ACTUALLY MOTHERFUKCING SATAN". It seems my mysterious nemesis made a new tape for me because i'm the only one baller enough to watch through his evil.
Ayo home boy slices. it's ya boy, the annoni mouse, the guy who got given that baller ass cursed sqwuidward tape from an evil old man (Don't worry ya'll, i shot that MF dead. ain't noboody gon be selling cursed tapes in MY neighberhood. i live here!) Anyway m,y investigation into the supernatural cursed tapes continues. yesterday an evil cursewd tape taped to a taperecorder droped through my window. the tape recorder said "HELLO, PACKAGED FOR ANNONI MOUSE, THE ONLY SOUL BRAVE ENOUGH TO WATCH ALL THE WAY THROUG MY CURSED SQUIDWARD TAPE AND NOT GO INSANE AND SOOHT UR SELF. HERE IS PART 2, MADE JUST 4 U. SINCERELY: ACTUALLY MOTHERFUKCING SATAN". It seems my mysterious nemesis made a new tape for me because i'm the only one baller enough to watch through his evil.

The new tape begins where the last one left off, squidward trapped in the static between worlds and taken on the red mist's crying blood. but squidward gets up and starts punching the static walls over and over and begins cracking reality to break through to a new world as squidward gets more and more pissed. as he was doing this text flashes on screen
The new tape begins where the last one left off, squidward trapped in the static between worlds and taken on the red mist's crying blood. but squidward gets up and starts punching the static walls over and over and begins cracking reality to break through to a new world as squidward gets more and more pissed. as he was doing this text flashes on screen "THE SQUID IS BACK, AND HE'S MISTIER THAN EVER. HE HAS REPLACED THE RED MIST BECAUSE HE IS REDDER THAN THE RED MIST" after the text squidward shatters reality and falls through to another narrative with new found badassatude and power.
"THE SQUID IS BACK, AND HE'S MISTIER THAN EVER. HE HAS REPLACED THE RED MIST BECAUSE HE IS REDDER THAN THE RED MIST" after the text squidward shatters reality and falls through to another narrative with new found badassatude and power.

it cut to slenderman's mansion with all the slasher pastas having a playboy mansion party when squidward fell through the rough and landed on jeff and fucking killed him. everyone was shocked and yelled "Red mist squidward, what the fuk are you doing here?!" (i must emphasize, everyone said that at once). squidward yelled "I AM NOT RED MIST. I KILLED RED MIST. MAY THE MIST REST IN PISSED". after learning he's not a real pasta they all jumped him at once but squidward was too fast, too strong and had too overpowered a shotgun. he blasted them away easily except for slenderman who was very stronk and blocked the shotgun shells with his tentacles at which point squidward got mad and said "LET'S SEE YOUR TESTICLES MATCH YOUR TENTACLES" and he shot him in the dick and slenderman deid. squidward laughed and ate slenderman and got his tentacles and machine gun fired the shotgun and blew apart the entire mansion to make a point. that NOBODY FUCK WITH SQUIDWARD.
it cut to slenderman's mansion with all the slasher pastas having a playboy mansion party when squidward fell through the rough and landed on jeff and fucking killed him. everyone was shocked and yelled "Red mist squidward, what the fuk are you doing here?!" (i must emphasize, everyone said that at once). squidward yelled "I AM NOT RED MIST. I KILLED RED MIST. MAY THE MIST REST IN PISSED". after learning he's not a real pasta they all jumped him at once but squidward was too fast, too strong and had too overpowered a shotgun. he blasted them away easily except for slenderman who was very stronk and blocked the shotgun shells with his tentacles at which point squidward got mad and said "LET'S SEE YOUR TESTICLES MATCH YOUR TENTACLES" and he shot him in the dick and slenderman deid. squidward laughed and ate slenderman and got his tentacles and machine gun fired the shotgun and blew apart the entire mansion to make a point. that NOBODY FUCK WITH SQUIDWARD.

IRL i was honestly just pumped at the carnage, this shit is fucking badass even if it's cursed and evil. this 'ACtual satan' guy is pretty fucking cool at making shit ngl. still evil tho
IRL i was honestly just pumped at the carnage, this shit is fucking badass even if it's cursed and evil. this 'ACtual satan' guy is pretty fucking cool at making shit ngl. still evil tho

Anyway back to the tape
Anyway back to the tape

It cut to ben drowned scared because he was next and squidward manifested out of mist and shadows "You're a fodder, you DROWNED?! well i'm a squid, i breath water! Let me show you the pecking order. It goes Me >>> Water >>>> You"
It cut to ben drowned scared because he was next and squidward manifested out of mist and shadows "You're a fodder, you DROWNED?! well i'm a squid, i breath water! Let me show you the pecking order. It goes Me >>> Water >>>> You"

After this he just grabbed ben who tried to run but he drowned again just from touching squidward because he's a sea creature
After this he just grabbed ben who tried to run but he drowned again just from touching squidward because he's a sea creature

Squidward looked directly at the camera and said "I am hereby waging WAR on the pastaverse! They think they're demons and gods, i will show them the demon squid god!"
Squidward looked directly at the camera and said "I am hereby waging WAR on the pastaverse! They think they're demons and gods, i will show them the demon squid god!"

Squidward next pulled up on laughing jack and shot him many many times. but laughing jack doesn't die because he is a thought form i think and a puppet. he attacked squidward alot but squidward blocked with the slendy tentacles, and then shot him again which still did nothing. laughing jack laughed like a jack in the box laughs "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Foolish squid, i cannot die for isaac never thought of me dying so i am immoratl and OP AF". Squidward smugly replied "Isaac?"
Squidward next pulled up on laughing jack and shot him many many times. but laughing jack doesn't die because he is a thought form i think and a puppet. he attacked squidward alot but squidward blocked with the slendy tentacles, and then shot him again which still did nothing. laughing jack laughed like a jack in the box laughs "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Foolish squid, i cannot die for isaac never thought of me dying so i am immoratl and OP AF". Squidward smugly replied "Isaac?" "Yes isaac, why does isaac matter? you never met the man." Squidward replied by shouting "ISAAC FUCKING NEWTON". And laughing jack was immedately crushed to death by super uber gravity upon hearing isaac newtons name.
"Yes isaac, why does isaac matter? you never met the man." Squidward replied by shouting "ISAAC FUCKING NEWTON". And laughing jack was immedately crushed to death by super uber gravity upon hearing isaac newtons name.

Before you ask what the fuck just happened there. i have no fucking clue either, it just happened.
Before you ask what the fuck just happened there. i have no fucking clue either, it just happened.

"Another one bites the nuts" squidward says and he goes to the next pasta to murder.
"Another one bites the nuts" squidward says and he goes to the next pasta to murder.

It cut to a burning city where godzilla was being killed by final form RED. when suddenly squidward fell from the sky and landed on godzilla and exploded him before he turned to red and jumped into the air and started fireing countless megaton isaac newton gravity bullets from his fully automatic sawed off shotgun at red. it didn't do much cause giant kaiju demon lord. RED responded with hellfire breath that severely damaged squidward and sent him flying, RED continued the assault attacking the squid over and over before smashing him into the ground. it seemed squidward was finally defeated. RED's giant final form lifted his giant foot to stomp squidward to make him into squashward. but then suddenly squidward's eyes started bleeding way more than ever and his whole body was envolped by a dark red mist and he stood up and stopped RED's stomp with one hand and threw him into the air.
It cut to a burning city where godzilla was being killed by final form RED. when suddenly squidward fell from the sky and landed on godzilla and exploded him before he turned to red and jumped into the air and started fireing countless megaton isaac newton gravity bullets from his fully automatic sawed off shotgun at red. it didn't do much cause giant kaiju demon lord. RED responded with hellfire breath that severely damaged squidward and sent him flying, RED continued the assault attacking the squid over and over before smashing him into the ground. it seemed squidward was finally defeated. RED's giant final form lifted his giant foot to stomp squidward to make him into squashward. but then suddenly squidward's eyes started bleeding way more than ever and his whole body was envolped by a dark red mist and he stood up and stopped RED's stomp with one hand and threw him into the air.

Squidward had achieved '''Ultra Miststinct''' and with his new power he shot a shotgunhameha at RED (it's like a kamehameha, but you're literally shooting a solid beam of millions of shotguns being thrown at the oppponent)
Squidward had achieved '''Ultra Miststinct''' and with his new power he shot a shotgunhameha at RED (it's like a kamehameha, but you're literally shooting a solid beam of millions of shotguns being thrown at the oppponent) the attack blasted a hole rhough his chest and squidward jumped into teh hole and ripped RED's giant coal-black heart out and took a bite out of it.
the attack blasted a hole rhough his chest and squidward jumped into teh hole and ripped RED's giant coal-black heart out and took a bite out of it.

BUT THEN SUDDENLY GODZILLA CAME BACK AND STRONGER. His eyes were bugging out and the word "Succ" was engraved in his chest, GODZILLA MEGAEVOVLED INTO SUCCZILLA.
BUT THEN SUDDENLY GODZILLA CAME BACK AND STRONGER. His eyes were bugging out and the word "Succ" was engraved in his chest, GODZILLA MEGAEVOVLED INTO SUCCZILLA. Succzilla gave off the greatest battle cry known to man and shot a giant mega laser and squirard fired another shotgunhameha in the greatest beam struggle in history.
Succzilla gave off the greatest battle cry known to man and shot a giant mega laser and squirard fired another shotgunhameha in the greatest beam struggle in history.

the entire world was destroyed in this clash and squidward was heavily damaged, he couldn't beat succzilla's succy power. so he shot with his shotgun at the letter's and knocked the succ off his chest, nerfing him back to godzilla at which point he oneshot him with a regular level 100 shotgun blast
the entire world was destroyed in this clash and squidward was heavily damaged, he couldn't beat succzilla's succy power. so he shot with his shotgun at the letter's and knocked the succ off his chest, nerfing him back to godzilla at which point he oneshot him with a regular level 100 shotgun blast
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He was brought before the supreme judge and was to be judged guilty for destroyed the pastaverse and would be given MAXIMUM JUDGEMENT.
He was brought before the supreme judge and was to be judged guilty for destroyed the pastaverse and would be given MAXIMUM JUDGEMENT.

Squidward yelled "I'll kill you like i killed everyone before you, judge!" he shot him billions of times in a second with the Omni-auto sawed-off god shotgun. but it did nothing
Squidward yelled "I'll kill you like i killed everyone before you, judge!" he shot him billions of times in a second with the Omni-auto sawed-off god shotgun. but it did nothing "You fool, i am not a true creepypasta. You ever read maximum judgement? I'm pretty much just somebody's god OC. i was born of the same omnipotent sludge as the suggsverse, and now you shall be punished by my omnipotent gavel!"

"You fool, i am not a true creepypasta. You ever read maximum judgement? I'm pretty much just somebody's god OC. i was born of the same omnipotent sludge as the suggsverse, and now you shall be punished by my omnipotent gavel!"
with the power of his gary stu gavel, the supreme judge cast down squidward's power, squidawrd couldn't bvelieve how strong the supreme judge was, he was destroyed on all levels by the supreme judge.
with the power of his gary stu gavel, the supreme judge cast down squidward's power, squidawrd couldn't bvelieve how strong the supreme judge was, he was destroyed on all levels by the supreme judge.

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Everyone, what followed was probably the coolest thing i have ever seen in anything
Everyone, what followed was probably the coolest thing i have ever seen in anything

Squidward reformed himself and through sheer willpower he summoned the ultiamte cosmic shotgun
Squidward reformed himself and through sheer willpower he summoned the ultiamte cosmic shotgun
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"THIS IS THE SHOTGUN TO SHOOT THE HEAVENS" squidward fired infinite omnipotent shotgun shells that contained multiverses in each shell, all fired within a picosecond obliterinating the supreme judge across infinity and then squidward fucking ate his gavel gaining untold cosmic powers.
"THIS IS THE SHOTGUN TO SHOOT THE HEAVENS" squidward fired infinite omnipotent shotgun shells that contained multiverses in each shell, all fired within a picosecond obliterinating the supreme judge across infinity and then squidward fucking ate his gavel gaining untold cosmic powers.

It hard cut to sonic.exe, terrified, crying and running for his life. he knew he was the last famous pasta and the was powerless to stop squidward, all he could do was run and hope he could escape with sonic's speed. but then he heard a voice, Squidward's terrible voice and his iconic hehh hehh hehh laugh he does in the show.

It hard cut to sonic.exe, terrified, crying and running for his life. he knew he was the last famous pasta and the was powerless to stop squidward, all he could do was run and hope he could escape with sonic's speed.
but then he heard a voice, Squidward's terrible voice and his iconic hehh hehh hehh laugh he does in the show.

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Squidward shot sonic.exe in the face countless times with his new fully automatic sniper golden omni god sawed-off shotgun, instantly killing him.

He stared at the camera and said "I conquered this verse, and now i am coming for you, the watcher! i will cast aside this 4th wall and kill you. See you soon in the 3rd tape!" then the screen cut to static

i at there in stunned silence. that was some of the most badass shit i've ever seen but i'm going to be killed by lord Squinglish soon. At the time of writing this i am preparing for my up coming battle with god squidward but i do not like my chances. By the time you are reading this i will likely have been shot in the face by squidward tentacles
Squidward shot sonic.exe in the face countless times with his new fully automatic sniper golden omni god sawed-off shotgun, instantly killing him.

He stared at the camera and said "I conquered this verse, and now i am coming for you, the watcher! i will cast aside this 4th wall and kill you. See you soon in the 3rd tape!"
then the screen cut to static

i at there in stunned silence. that was some of the most badass shit i've ever seen but i'm going to be killed by lord Squinglish soon.
At the time of writing this i am preparing for my up coming battle with god squidward but i do not like my chances. By the time you are reading this i will likely have been shot in the face by squidward tentacles
[[Category:Loads of Characters]]
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