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Cookie Clicker is really evil! And a demon!

I'm addicted to cookie clicker. And it's not a wimpy addiction. I stop work just to play it. And i'm REALLY, REALLY good! My cps is 50 quadrillion a second (not to brag...). Someday i was looking for games and i found a old game called: "If you like Cookie Clicker! -- Play this game!" An old man sold it to me. When he gave it to me he said. Goodbye ben. When he said that i killed him and teabagged him while sayian: "Get rekt motherfucker!".

I went down and ate some chips (deluxe if you know what i mean...). I am really rich and if you are reading this you are probably a scum compared to me... Just saying... Anyway! Back, to, the story! OK? I put the game in my 3ds limeted edition (Yoshi edetion if ya kno what i meen...). If was just like cookie clicekr, but when i got the the spooky grandmother part the grandmothers began talking to me! (Even though i see no problem in them showing me They said: If you dont play a ded waman will visit you 2night and! Play or ben will poop out of you PC. Then i began to sleep when the grandmothers spoke to me again: Thou hast to play oust game, or else vee will do horribl thangs to you. I, for one, is not following orders from IM GIVING UP ON THIS STORY. Then i was told: Kill your friend and i did. I teabaged again (of course because im SWAG yakno?). Then they said kill yourself. I did so.

In hell (idk how i got there yakno?) i saw Cookie clicker surrouned by grandmas. I killed the grandmas but cookie clicker said! You mave have one hundred procented me now! But! When the next update will come i willbe even bigger. I said: "Yes, master". Then Cookie clicker said: "What shall i call you. Orteil... Yes, Orteil..." OMG PLOTTWIST MUCH GG NORE. WE WILL ALL DIE SKELETONS WILL COME BEN WILL STAB ALL AND THE RAKE WILL PLAY BANJO. AND OF COURSE COOKIE CLICKER WILL BE THIER MASTER. KILL THIS MONSTER BEFORE IT GETS TO BIGGGGGGGG!!! THE TIME IS OUT FOR ME. I'm TOMS friend Fred and i am writing this because i know everything that happened to him because i have mind powers. IM GONnA DIE SHI-

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