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(Chapter 4, still adding)
(DONE, part 2 time)
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==== ''CHAPTER 5'' ====
==== ''CHAPTER 5'' ====
''Chapter 5: The Menacinger Mischiefer of the other ultimate power in the universe,
the blood-man who was phone, Dickward III the Torture of Dickward II the Balls of
Dickward I the cock who opposes Shagsonath as the Antijihad nouveau who guards
the Shuttlecock with his IDD (Instant Death Disease).''

"Deeta I, stay back!" Shagsonath exclaimed, "This is one sussy impostor!"

Deeta and Big Chungus left the room as Shagsonath confronted the demon in front
of hissen.

He was blue (dabbe dee dabba die) and humanoid. Alien and evil, nose dick-shaped,
with the voice of a missing father figure. He was tall, strong, not sexy like
Shagsonath, though. He laughed again as he steppingly stepped out of the shadowy
shadows of Shuttlecock darkness.

"Ar-ha, ar-ha, ar-ha, ar-ha!" he bellowed.
"I've been space-expecting you, Shagsonath."

"Who are you?"

More laughing followed.

"I am Phone, I am the Antijihad, the uncle you can never Bob, the bacon you
forgot to label that your mates feasted on: I am Dickward!"

He casted the strongest spell known to Jihadkind, the Instant Death Disease.
Not at Shagsonath, but Big Chungus!

He died.

Shagsonath looked behind him in horror which turned into rage, only the skeleton
left behind. Shagsonath had an agenda, he must burger to vanquish this foe.

Ow my arm.

==== ''CHAPTER 6'' ====
''Chapter 6: The fight to last until the next time they fight which will last the
whole universe of space where Dickward dies but not really because he comes back
later and my arm still hurts.''

"I'll go easy on you, Sussonath!"
Dickward released a stream of lightning from his hands.

Instead of blocking or dodging, Shagsonath raised his sword and became a rod-like
lightning rod of grounding mastery of lightning. At once, the knife grew into an
actual sword and became hotter than ever.

Nyoom! The lightning was deflected at Dickward, hotter than ever. Dick Ward flew
back and hurted his back and buttocks. Those buttocks were his favourite part.


Dickward rose and cast again, this tune: The Extreme Ass Itch of Painful Failed
Reistance. Shagsonath's ass began to itch painfully, unjihadly.

"Yahoo!" He yelped, jumping and landing anally.

He's backwards long jumping to scratch against the floor. On release, he was so fast
that he became QPU aligned and moved back and forth to crash into Dickward II: Electric Boogaloo
a million times.

His jeans were burned away and his buttocks were on fire, blazingly ablaze the cat.
Dickward struggled to recover, while the spell had ended.

"Remember, I am four parallel universes ahead of you." He said.

Sluggishly getting to his feet, Dick coughed up hyperrealistic blood and began punching
Shagsonath repeatedly.

Shagsonath was unmoving like a stone of concentrated Jihadness.

"Why won't you die!?"

"Jihad, son. It hardens in response to parodies."


"Mind goblin deez nuts!" He drop kicked Dickward into the Shuttlecock which clanged sexly.

"The memes..." Dickward faded into susdust© and obscurity, leaving the Shuttlecock
unjihaded and unantijihaded.

==== ''CHAPTER 7'' ====
''Chapter 7: The final chapter of part one where the Shuttlecock actually gets found and
the gears of the ancient gear torture the cock and balls of challengers to weed out the weak
before attaching to the actual cock to make boners magnum manganese and shuttle sized
but because it is Shagsonath, the son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son
of a son of Al Nasir Salah Al Din Ab Yusuf Ibn Ayyub who was a son also, Shagsonath can bone
and debone both chicken legs and dong at will, Dickward will return later on but they only
fight again for real in Part 3 and every other time from now is for the lulz ZOMG EVIL DIXXX
instantly deadified me with his IDD and the Shuttlecock is not to be confused with the
(lowercase) shuttlecock from the hit game badminton and its many space-sequels like Badminton
15: Revenge of the mistreated net.''

Imminent to the Shuttlecock as Space Allah was to Shagsonath, Shagsonath imminently placed his
imminently imminent hand imminently and became closer to the Shuttlecock than his jugular vein.
As he caressed the metal monkey milker, he began to feel a tortuous pain as his cock and balls
were tortured and his testacles (pronounced 'test-uh-clees') began to bakuganize into Bakugan

Shagsonath stuck his feet to the ground and gritted his teeth. Was this the science behind
enlargement pills?

The Shuttlecock began to tear apart, frame-by-frame, to attach to Shagsonath's non-shuttle cock.
The process was excruciating, however, the power of Space Jihad defeated the space pain like a
really effective space-aspirin. The transformation would soon be complete.

The cock is still not shuttle, but the pain becomes less and less, and gains an 'S' so that we
may discover a third Booyah: Spain.

"Mucho jamon viento..." Shagsonath grunted, funny-moustachely, "¡Perfecto rayo fantastico!"

The agony had ended. Shagsonath continued.

"¡Jalapeño jihad-en-spaceo! ¡Muy calliente perro pequeño! ¡Hola, soy dora... soy Shagsonath

The Shuttlecock transformation had been completed and Shagsonath's cock became like the Zark
Muckerburg triangle spacecraft. There was no time to mourn Big Chungus, but Allah would confer
his soul ensouled to Al Jannah for his space Zakah, space Khums and Space Jihad. Deeta was now
strangely inside a cock.

Shagsonath engaged thrust and erupted through the volcano with Deeta at his side, being de-milked
from the Milky Way, his guidance from the power within the power within the power within
the power within the power within the power within the power within the power within the power within
the power within the power within the power within the power within the power within the power within
the power within the power within the power within the power within the power within the power within
the power within the power within the power within the power within the power within the power within
the power within (yeah!) had told him to discharge from our galaxy and travel to the maddening choir
of the Hooyab Tundra at the very centre of the Booyah Desert.

So, uh... He found the Shuttlecock, everyone go home now. Jajajajajaj.
