The Cleveland Show: Rallo's Lullaby

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The cleveland show is one of those shows that uses a character from an existing franchise and puts them with new people and a new town. (like MTV's daria.) From The lovable Boondocks-lookalike Rallo, to the Star of the show himself who was also in family guy, Cleveland Himself. The vivid setting and disco-esque jingles can get anyone going.

However, Right after it's true final episode premired, Seth Macfarlane settled on a "darker" finale.

it was April 21st 2013, Seth Macfarlane, The entire cast and Some of the hire-ups at Fox were at the screening room to test if the new episode was suitable for airing and to be released on Home media and streaming sites such as Hulu.

I was one of the hire-ups and i was sitting next to Reagan Gomez-Preston (the voice actress of roberta) and she was just stirring her starbucks frappuchino with a small-wooden spoon. i proceeded to tell her " what's this episode called?" she replied with "rallo's lullaby, Seth and Mike Henry told me." I then said "how sweet!" until she replied with "no! it's not what you think it is." i looked away from her to watch the episode. so let's get into that.

The screening manager preceded to turn on the projector and played the episode.

The theme song was completely different than the one they usually have, cleveland's voice was lower, and Stoolbend was covered in blood and dead bodies, and when he shows his family and other characters, they were depicted dead in many horrible ways (like stabbed, Skinned, Hung or beheaded) and one lyric changed: instead of saying:"my happy moustache face" he said "my depressing dead-guy face" which sounded similar to the prototype version of the theme song. and instead of laughing, He sobbed. but it wasn't cartoon sobbing, it was real sobbing. but we'll get to that later.

So, the Episode began, With a longshot of the Brown-tubb's house, there was no disco Jingle but it did last for 20 seconds. and 20 seconds later, we finally got to see the family. They were all sitting down in the living room, all with blank expressions but no noise could be heard. until rallo said "hey! can we go to subway?" Cleveland responded with "i'd wanna go, but it's a sunday, we gotta do nothing!" rallo got angry, and proceeded to run to the kitchen, He then had a strange thought about Murder, he then said "oh yes! if nobody can take me to subway, I've gotta take their life!" He Started to laugh, which made me and Everyone Uncomfortable. and while he laughed, blood spewed out of his mouth like it was a sprinkler, but it wasn't cartoon blood. it was real blood, as if blood was smeared on the screen.

Rallo then runs back to the living room with a knife and says "what was my lullaby again?" Donna gets confused and says "what lullaby baby?" Rallo comes closer to Donna and sings "go to sleep! it'll be all over soon! all you'd gotta is sleep! go to sleep..." Donna starts begging the family for help, but they all fastly ran upstairs, Donna then proceeds to say: "No rallo! don't murder me! i'll make you tater tots for dinner! i'll also give you unlimited Tickle me elmo dolls!" Rallo Crosses his eyes and Whispers "sleep now donna!" i then started to feel funny, We then saw Rallo stabbing Donna several times before her death. and once she was over, Rallo said "one down, four to go!" Rallo goes Upstairs and he finds a lemon in the bathroom (oddly enough for some reason) and he hysterically whistles and says "Cleveland! want to make lemonade?" Rallo starts grinning while Cleveland says: "oh boy! why wouldn't I?" as if he was a kid.

Rallo sings the exact same Lullaby he sung to donna, and proceeds to Squirt Cleveland in the two eyes. Cleveland started to scream, but it wasn't a cartoon scream, it was a real scream, Cleveland starts walking around blindly, That was when he reached the toilet. Rallo Chops Cleveland's head with his knife, and says "cleveland, give rallo a kiss!" He flushes the toilet Leaving His body headless, Cleveland's headless body was shown for 20 seconds until we reached roberta's room.

Rallo goes inside Roberta's room (put he proceeds to knock first, with his knife hidden)

Roberta says "come in!" and rallo talks to roberta "hey roberta! what's that magazine?" Rallo points at the magazine. And roberta responds with "oh! that was a celebrity magazine! Like OMG! look at Kim Kardashian! she's so cute!" Rallo says "thanks for telling me" as he slowly wields a knife.

But this time he sings "roberta, the days done'a, donna and cleveland are gone, So join em' Sleep with them! in peace...." Roberta got confused while Rallo kept singing "So would you, please please, put your final dose of makeup, Before falling to sleep" Roberta started crying realistically, and said something that nobody could understand because she was crying so much, Her words wouldn't form properly. During that i asked Reagan what Roberta said and reagan said that she didn't know because she was crying too much that she couldn't speak or read her lines.

rallo then says "no makeup! go on you do you, Goodnight then..." Rallo stabs roberta and throws her out the window in a painful way. I then Screamed "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" because Roberta was my favourite character, Now, Onto the final Target, Cleveland Jr.

Rallo was then stopped by Cleveland Jr with him saying "oh my god! Roberta? you k-killed her! what's wrong with you?" Rallo responds with "Oh! someone's out of bed! is it because of in the night garden? because that show helps me SLEEP!" Rallo scratches his step-brother in a way that a cat would scratch.

Cleveland jr started screaming "Mom! dad! HELP! rallo! scratched me!" Rallo replies with "oh! they're sleeping! tough luck SIR!" Rallo then start singing "why can't you wake up from your nightmares? maybe you are dreaming, you'll wake up i'm sure i promise...goodnight junior...yes you!" Rallo Gets his knife out and stabs Junior several times as he did to Donna. and Finally, Rallo just stood in a pool of blood. he then started to feel regret

he took a deep breath and said "all i wanted was subway...but it's a sunday... it's hopeless..." Rallo then Stares at all the dead bodies for the final time. and Runs away from stoolbend and goes To langely falls. (which is also in virginia and created by seth macfarlane)

he then knocks at the smith's house and says "hello... sir?" and stan looks at him and says "welp, looks like we've got another member of the smith family" Rallo ends off the episode with " stay tuned for another all new Crossover show..." before steve and hayley appears shaking hands with rallo.

and so the end credits played, with the usual closing logos and thus, the projector stopped.

Mike henry started to scream and Seth tried to make him Calm down. but nothing worked, and so, Seth then said "i know what i've gotta do!" and insisted to pull off the alarm! Once the alarm was pulled, Everyone proceeded to run, that's when i saw all the cast members of the simpsons, Family guy, Bob's burgers, American dad and futurama running alongside the Cleveland show cast, and they all said " we all saw the episode! RUN!" Everyone got into either their car or a bus. and after that, i asked Reagan Gomez-Preston if she would drive me home. She said yes while still drinking her Starbucks and we just drove home together and talked about the incident and joked about it.

and once it was time for bed, i started to feel funny, i heard roberta's crying which was the exact same as the one in the episode i saw, i heard it for 5 minutes and i tried to shake it off, that was when i sung to myself what rallo sung to roberta and at the end exclaiming "SHUT UP ROBERTA!" and it stopped.

The next day, i was working for bob's burgers and got a phonecall that the police was called. i sighed in relief and soon found out who was responsible for writing the episode, it was a 40-year old man who was unable to be unidentified. Fox then fired him from production on all fox properties and all we could do was erase any memories of that episode. In the end, there is 88 episodes of the cleveland show, and if you contact fox (or even disney since the fox acquisition) they only tell you that they have no record of such an event or episode...

Credited to Palm Palm Face 65 

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