The Fish and Chip Van

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I live in a villiage. It is a quiet, slow, relaxing villiage. We only have one shop and even that doesn't have very much food. Sweets, bread, milk everything you would expect in a secluded neighbourhood. We are 10 minutes from the nearest town and 1 hour from the nearest big city. People in my villiage don't get out much, which is annoying as i like seeing the interesting things happen in the town. It was a normal boring Saturday. I had finished school for the weekend and i was excited. We sometimes get a ice cream van that wheels around on Sunday giving out ice cream to the little kids in the neighbourhood. The council that organises what does happen in the villiage announced to the residents that we would be getting an fish and chip van. It would come around to each road at 5:00 every Saturday. This is why i was excited, nothing ever happened in our villiage and this was big, atleast it was for me. Other people, older people dislked the idea. The wanted to gather dust in their peanut smelling homes forever. I know i was abit too excited for my age as fish and chips were hardly new to the world. It was 4:30. Half an hour to go. I allready knew what i was going to order, Meat pie with chips and mushy peas on the side. Delicious! For what felt like hours waiting for the van it finally arrived. I rushed out with a £10 note in my hand. Not bothering to close the door on the way out. My mother screaming at me to slow down otherwise i would trip. I didn't care. I was first in line, smirking at the other people behind me. A door opened and a overweight man stumbled out of the front seat, he lifted up the glass barrier that was between me and the smell of hot, crispy chips. I could see that he didn't care about his appearence. A grease stain on his belly which hung over his black belt; a chef hat which flopped to one side and a moustache with god knows what in stuck in there. He grunted. I told him what i wanted, he looked at me. Straight in the eye. You never have this feeling, but, you know when you look directly into someone's eyes and you can tell there is something not quite right about the way they just looked at you. That is the feeling i had when i stared into the man's eyes. He gave me change and i walked off not giving it a second thought. I shoved pile after pile of hot chips in my mouth combined with mushy peas. It was glorious. I sunk my teeth into the meat pie. It tasted, odd. I couldn't work out what meat it was. I thought that it must of been lots of different types all stuck in one pie. I finished as soon as i had started, that pie did not exist anymore. It was being churned around in my gut, racing through the digestive system like a race car. I didn't sleep that night. Wondering what meat was in the pie. I eventually got to sleep and woke up on the Sunday. I carried on as usual, played xbox, went on a walk, got some bread from the shop and went back home to dinner. School that week was weird, I couldn't concentrate. My brain would stop thinking about that meat, something seemed wrong about it and i couldn't place my finger on it.Saturday came around and wasn't as excited as i thought i would be. I went out to get another another pie at 5:00. Determined that i would find out what it was, i asked. He answer was unusual. "MEAT" he grunted. When he said it he looked at me like i caught him doing something he shouldn't. Before i could ask him what meat i was shoved aside by the next customer. Why did he look at me like that? What did i say? What was wrong? I remembered seeing the back of the van with the company name on it. 'Barry's fish and chips'. I googled it. It brought me to a site and i emailed 'Barry' asking what meat he used in the pies. I had to give my post code so that he could see which region i was in. I figured it would help and he could see if they used a different meat in my area. He didn't email me for over a week, in fact, he emailed me on the Saturday. His reply was this:

To Jack

Thank you emailing me.

Your question is being reviewed.


I thought this was weird as it can't be that hard to find out what meat they use in the pies. He was also supposedly the boss of the the company which was weird. The fish and chip van didn't come that night. I lay in bed, thinking. For some reason mind could not thinking about that email. I heard a creak. It was windy so I didn't think anything more about it. I was just getting to sleep when my door slammed against the wall.My mum is heavy sleeper so it didnt wake her, but it woke me. I sat up, staring at the door. A man stumbled through. A overweight man with a stain of grease on his belly and a moustache. I was too afraid to scream. I just, sat there. He came closer keeping his eyes on me. He came within inches of my face, i almost vomited when i smelt his breath, it was putrid. He said a phrase that i will never forget. "That meat you were asking about, do you want the answer?" "That meat, in the pies" He then lifted up his finger and bit it. Not hard, but enough to get the point across. Tears streamed down my face as he walked out of the house as if he was never there. I still sat there, for what seemed like hours. The fish and chip van doesn't come around anymore, the site has been taken down, 'Barry's fish and chips' does not exist anymore, no traces of them, anywhere. The only people who know who they are, are the people from the quiet, relaxing, slow villiage. And the meat that was put in the pies.

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