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Merton’s parents were annoyed by his expeditions to the fields and woods.‭ ‬They worried about him falling into a hole or being eaten by a hawk or weasel.‭ ‬They also called his intense interest in flying‭ ‬"foolish‭”foolish‭" ‬and‭ ‬"a waste of time.‭”‭"
So worried was the mother about her son that she watched him constantly from the knothole windows.‭ ‬When she was too busy with other things,‭ ‬she asked his older sisters to watch him.
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His sisters also disapproved of his solitary wanderings and attempts at flying.‭ ‬Although they were twins,‭ ‬being about the same size and cinnamon color,‭ ‬they differed in disposition.‭ ‬They also had different solutions for Merton’s follies.
Bluebell,‭ ‬the dominant one,‭ ‬was bossy and bad-tempered.‭ ‬She tried to reason with her younger brother with threats and strict lectures on‭ ‬"commonsense‭”‬commonsense‭"‬ and‭ ‬"proper acting.‭”‭" ‬Anemone‭, ‬on the other hand,‭ ‬was gentle and good humored. Instead of bullying Merton into behaving,‭ ‬she tried encouraging him toward refined interests—reading some classical literature or going to concerts and stylish plays.
However,‭ ‬in spite of their efforts,‭ ‬Merton still stuck to his one goal,‭ ‬to be the very first flying mouse.
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It was June,‭ ‬shortly before the annual midsummer festival.‭ ‬Merton and Nuttal were bringing a present of beetle biscuits for their Aunt Olive.
‭"‬Look‭!" ‬said Nuttal suddenly.
‭"‬What‭?" ‬said Merton.
‭"‬There’s something moving in that big tree over there.‭”‭"
They both walked to the tree and peered up at the white object flapping at the top.
‭"‬What is it‭?" ‬Nuttal asked nervously.‭ "‬A barn owl‭?"
"Don’t be silly,‭”‭" ‬Merton replied.‭ "‬It’s just an old kite someone lost.‭ ‬I think I’ll go get it.‭”‭"
"You know,‭”‭" ‬said Merton.‭ "‬So I can make it into a pterodactyl glider when we get home.‭”‭"
His little brother was the only one in his family, ‬whom he felt comfortable discussing his dreams with.‭ ‬Nuttal didn’t argue with him,‭ ‬nor did he call the whole flying thing rubbish or ridiculous.‭ ‬He just wanted to be daring and adventurous as his older brother.
‭"‬That old thing‭?" ‬Nuttal exclaimed.‭ "‬But it’s raggedly-looking,‭ ‬and what if you fall out of the tree‭? ‬What am I supposed to tell Mom and Dad‭?"
"Ahh,‭ ‬quit your fussing‭!" ‬Merton grumbled.‭ "‬I won’t fall.‭ ‬Mice can climb as good as squirrels.‭”‭"
Before Nuttal could say anymore.‭ ‬Merton was scrambling up the trunk and over the lower branches.‭ ‬It took him awhile to reach the limb where the kite string was tangled.‭ ‬Just as he was done untying the cord,‭ ‬a sudden gust of wind came.‭ ‬Instantly,‭ ‬the kite shot straight into the air,‭ ‬pulling the mouse along with it.
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‬Anemone did her best to comfort him,‭ ‬admitting finally that the punishment was a bit harsh.‭ ‬Although she was gracious and kind,‭ ‬she wasn’t very sympathetic with his adventurous taste.
‭"‬Now you listen to me for a bit,‭”‭" ‬said Anemone,‭ ‬firmly.‭ "‬Remember,‭ ‬you’re a mouse‭! ‬So take my advice,‭ ‬drop all this foolishness for flying and stay right here on the ground.‭ ‬There are plenty of things here to see and do,‭ ‬and it’s a good place to be,‭ ‬unlike the sky with its storms and hooked beaks‭!"
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Morosely,‭ ‬Merton went to help Nuttal with polishing the furniture.‭ ‬His brother looked up from his work.
‭"‬Are you feeling any better‭?" ‬Nuttal asked.
‭"‬No,‭”‭" ‬Merton replied,‭ ‬scowling.
‭"‬Oh,‭”‭" ‬said Nuttal.
He was quiet for a moment.
‭"‬Maybe someone will bring us another kite for a gift,‭”‭" ‬said Nuttal finally.‭ "‬Then we can make another glider from it.‭ ‬Maybe one more bigger than before.‭”‭"
"Maybe,‭”‭" ‬said Merton,‭ ‬hopefully.
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Sadly,‭ ‬he went to his room.‭ ‬It was then he noticed that his entire collection of feathers and flying books were gone.‭ ‬Only his sketchbooks remained,‭ ‬the thief having deemed them as unimportant.
‭"‬Oh those,‭”‭" ‬said Bluebell,‭ dismissively‬,‭ ‬when he went to her to complain.‭ "‬Mom made me hide them…said you should concentrate on being a mouse rather than a bird.
Merton then ran up into the attic of the shed.‭ ‬There he sat,‭ ‬all by himself,‭ ‬thinking how he was still unable to fly.‭ ‬Was he to remain forever an ordinary earthbound mouse‭? ‬Was his flying to be done only in his dreams‭?
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'''‭ ‬17'''
‭"‬Hello,‭ ‬little mouse,‭”‭" ‬a voice said.
Merton almost jumped right out of his skin.
‭"‬Who said that‭?" ‬he squeaked.
‭"‬I did,‭”‭" ‬said the voice from above.
Looking up,‭ ‬Merton noticed a bat hanging from a rafter.
‭"‬I’m Melinda,‭”‭" ‬said the bat.‭ "‬Pleased to meet you.‭”‭"
"Hello,‭”‭" ‬Merton answered.‭ "‬I’m Merton.‭ ‬What are you doing here away from the party‭?"
"I don’t like parties,‭”‭" ‬Melinda replied.‭ "‬Too bright and noisy.‭ ‬I like it here where it’s dark and quiet.‭”‭"
Merton nodded understandably.
‭"‬So,‭”‭" ‬she said.‭ "‬What are you doing here all by yourself‭? ‬Don’t you like the party‭?"
"I hate it,‭”‭" ‬he said dismally.
Then he told her everything.‭ ‬How he and Nuttal found the kite and made a glider from it.‭ ‬How it was all destroyed for firewood before they could test it.‭ ‬Now he was expected to forget his lifelong achievement and stay right here on the ground.
‭"‬That’s terrible,‭”‭" ‬said Melinda.‭ "‬It must have been a really nice-looking glider.‭”‭"
"It was,‭”‭" ‬he sighed.‭ "‬Where am I going to find another kite‭? ‬I don’t have enough sticks or scraps,‭ ‬and everyone’s watching me so I don’t get anymore.‭”‭"
"Well,‭ ‬you can stop worrying,‭”‭" ‬said Melinda.‭ "‬I can help you.‭”‭"
"How‭?" ‬Merton asked.
‭"‬I can bring you the parts.‭”‭"
"Thank you‭! ‬Thank you‭!" ‬said Merton gratefully.
After saying goodbye,‭ ‬he hurried back home with a joyful heart.
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'''‭ ‬20'''
‭"‬I suppose I could launch it out the attic window,‭”‭" ‬said Merton,‭ ‬thoughtfully.
‭"‬Better make that a hill,‭”‭" ‬said Melinda,‭ ‬promptly,‭ "‬and not just any hill‭; ‬a steep one to get enough lift.‭ ‬If you just launch it right out of a window,‭ ‬there’s no way of telling what might happen.‭ ‬You might take off,‭ ‬but you’re more likely to crash.‭”‭"
"Question is,‭”‭" ‬Merton wondered,‭ "‬how am I going to sneak the glider outside without anyone seeing it‭?"
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When Nuttal heard about this latest project,‭ ‬he was very upset.
‭"‬Why didn’t tell me you were going to make a second glider‭?" ‬he exclaimed.‭ "‬I could have helped you get all the stuff like before‭?"
"Shh…keep your voice down‭!" ‬Merton whispered urgently.‭ "‬You want the others to hear‭?"
"Well,‭ ‬how come you get to have all the fun then‭?" ‬Nuttal whispered back.‭ "‬And I get stuck inside having to do crummy chores and multiplication tables‭?"
"It wasn’t all fun for me,‭”‭" ‬Merton replied,‭ ‬firmly.‭ "‬Look,‭ ‬I didn’t want to get you into more trouble,‭ ‬so I had someone help me instead.‭”‭"
"Who‭?" ‬Nuttal asked suspiciously.
‭"‬Melinda,‭”‭" ‬Merton answered.‭ "‬She’s a bat who lives in the attic.‭”‭"
Nuttal frowned as he considered this bit of news.‭ "‬I didn’t know we had any upstairs neighbors‭?"
"I didn’t know either,‭”‭" ‬said Merton,‭ ‬impatiently.‭ "‬So,‭ ‬are you coming or not‭?"
Nuttal frowned some more,‭ ‬and then answered.‭ "‬Okay,‭ ‬I’ll come,‭ ‬but this better not be a waste of time.‭”‭"
"Don’t worry,‭”‭" ‬Merton assured him.‭ "‬It won’t.‭”‭"
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‭"‬Help‭! ‬Stop‭! ‬Let me down‭!" ‬Merton shouted,‭ ‬but the glider continued flying upward.
‭"‬Oh no‭!" ‬Nuttal groaned as he scrambled to his feet.‭ ‬Frantically,‭ ‬he chased after it,‭ ‬but it was all in vain.‭ ‬As he watched,‭ ‬horrified,‭ ‬it shrank to a small speck and finally disappeared.
‭"‬Help‭! ‬Somebody‭!" ‬Merton cried,‭ ‬but except for some curious sparrows there was no one to hear him.
'''‭ ‬25'''
Back on the ground,‭ ‬Nuttal was pacing back and forth,‭ ‬wringing his ears in despair.‭ "‬I’ve got to think of something‭!" ‬he mumbled to himself.‭ "‬I’ve got to save him,‭ ‬but how‭? ‬I don’t even know where he went‭!"
He thought long and hard and then he remembered something Merton had told him earlier.
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By now,‭ ‬Merton was so frightened his eyes bulged to the size of peas.‭ ‬All he could do was hold on tight to the guide bar.‭ ‬Should he lose his grip,‭ ‬it was a one-way trip straight down.‭ ‬He quickly shut his eyes to the landscape below.‭ ‬It was whirling around like a loose tidily-wink.
‭"‬Help‭! ‬Help‭!" ‬he shouted hoarsely.‭ ‬Then suddenly,‭ ‬he landed face first in something soft and cushiony as eiderdown.
A bell-like voice rang out:‭
"Oi‭! ‬Flying Mouse,‭ ‬you okay back there‭?"
Trembling and quivering,‭ ‬Merton peered out from beneath the glider’s wings.‭ ‬Peering back was an enormous,‭ ‬bird-like head framed with a blue,‭ ‬flowing mane.‭ ‬Four powerful wings jutted from the monster’s massive sides.
‭"‬A—a-g-g-g-griffin‭!" ‬Merton stuttered in shock.
‭"‬Snalleygaster,‭”‭" ‬the monster corrected.‭ "‬Griffins only have two wings,‭ ‬whereas we have four.‭”‭"
Merton just gawked.
‭"‬So you want to get into the record books as the first flying mouse‭? ‬Is that so‭?" ‬asked the Snalleygaster.
Merton nodded dazedly.
‭"‬But you need practice flying that contraption‭? ‬Is that so‭?"
Again,‭ ‬Merton nodded.‭ "‬Y-y-yes,‭ ‬that’s right,‭”‭" ‬he answered in a small squeak.
‭"‬And you’re worried about going down like a lead balloon‭?"
"Yes,‭ ‬yes.‭”‭"
"Well,‭ ‬in that case,‭”‭" ‬the Snalleygaster said,‭ "‬you can stop worrying,‭ ‬I’ll teach you to fly.‭”‭"
"You will‭? ‬Why‭?" ‬Merton asked,‭ ‬puzzled.‭ "‬You look like a carnivore.‭ ‬You probably like to eat little things like me.‭”‭"
The Snalleygaster laughed a ringing laugh.‭ "‬Eat you‭? ‬Don’t be silly‭!" ‬she said.‭ "‬I don’t eat mice;‭ ‬I’m a vegetarian.‭ ‬I eat fruit and nuts.‭ ‬And besides,‭ ‬I admire your bravery and ingenuity.‭”‭"
"Thanks,‭”‭" ‬said Merton gratefully.‭ "‬I had help though.‭”‭" ‬And while they hovered there in midair,‭ ‬Merton told the Snalleygaster about the help he got from Nuttal and Melinda.
‭"‬Hmmm,‭ ‬your little brother must be really worried about you suddenly flying off like that,‭”‭" ‬she mused.‭ "‬You want me to just fly you home instead‭?"
"Not yet,‭”‭" ‬said Merton,‭ ‬trying to sound brave.‭ "‬Teach me to fly first.‭”‭"
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'''‭ ‬28'''
Merton gave the Snalleygaster directions to his home and she soon had it in view,‭ ‬from a height of two thousand feet.‭ ‬The Snalleygaster announced her arrival by going into a steep dive and pulling out,‭ ‬with a tremendous‭ ‬"whoosh‭”‬whoosh‭"‬ right over the tool shed.‭ ‬She then began a series of barrel rolls while making a loud‭ ‬"oogah‭”‬oogah‭"‬ sound,‭ ‬like a lighthouse foghorn.‭
Merton’s family dashed outside,‭ ‬thinking it was an earthquake or maybe the end of the world.‭ ‬Nuttal and frantically fluttering Melinda followed them shortly.
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The Snalleygaster made one more circle and landed,‭ ‬against the wind,‭ ‬in the alfalfa field behind the old tool shed.‭ ‬She extended her left wing so Merton could slide down to the ground,‭ ‬still holding on to his kite glider.
He walked up to his family and said,‭ "‬What’s for dinner‭? ‬I’m really hungry.‭”‭"
His mother and father were too astonished to scold him.