The Laptop

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My name is Layne, and this is the true story of what happened to me not so long ago, and no, this is not some stupid troll pasta.

Anyways, I moved from Cincinnati Ohio in May to the town of Marble Cliff, Ohio. Not knowing anyone there or from there, I was pretty lonely on my first three days of 9th grade in my new school. So anyways, I was walking down the street in my new town, looking around for yard and garage sales. Knowing I had a total of $65 from chores, today would be my lucky day. I looked around at a couple, but only to find nothing but pointless junk, until I stopped at a rather large yardsale, but the weird thing was that a lot of people were at the very small yardsales, but not at the big yardsale, so I just shrugged it off and walked over to the yardsale.

When I got there, I saw lots of things, such as VHS tapes, DVD's, CD's, childrens clothes, toys, silverware, dishes, and many other things, but nothing caught my eye, so I decided to leave until I heard a voice say to me, "Where ya' lookin' for sumthin' der' boy?", it was an older woman, so I responded, "Not really, I was just looking around.", The woman then replied, "I aint seen you 'round these parts, ya' new here?", so I kindly responded "Yes, but anyways, I better be going", the old woman then responded "Do ye' like computers? I gots me one fer' sale!". I then stopped in my tracks, thinking to myself that I do need a new computer, ever since i got a virus on my old one, but the computer she was offering me was probably useless, but I really needed a computer, so I responded, "Yeah, I like computers." So the woman told me to hold on for a second and she went inside, probably to get the PC. While I was standing there, I noticed that a couple people were staring at me from across the street I I thought nothing of it and stood there waiting until the woman came out.

The computer was actually a laptop, the old lady let me hold the computer and turn it on, and suprisingly, it worked just fine, the PC actually ran fast and the OS system was very suprisingly Windows 7. I was expecting the old woman to give me a price like $400, The Laptop was grey and looked somewhat new ,the brand of the laptop was Acer, but I can't remember what model it was. The old lady then told me, "I'll tell ya' whut', I'll give you this here computer for a price of 50 bucks." I thought that the old lady must have been crazy for giving me such a low price on such a good Laptop, but I couldn't resist, I pulled out my wallet and gave the old woman my money, and she handed me the laptop, along with a charging cable and Red Logitech mouse, and I headed home.

While I was walking home a man walked up to me and asked "Are you new here?", and I replied "yeah, why?", The man then told me "You probably dont know who that woman is do ya.", I replied "No...whats wrong with her?", the man then told me, "Ya probably might not want to go there again, that woman is crazy and so is the rest of her family" so I just nodded to the man and walked home.

It was 4:30 pm, and my parents would not get back home until 7:30 am, it was the weekends and my parents were back at my old town, celebrating one of my parents good friends birthday, so I knew I was going to be home alone for a while, so I thought that it would be a good time to test out the laptop.

I sat down in my room with the laptop on my desk, so I decided to check it out, I looked at the start button, and the administrators name was Jake. The background screen on the laptop was a sand dune, the exact one that is on Windows XP. After about 3 hours, I got everything changed, the admin was now Layne, but I didn't change the background because I liked it. I installed Google Chrome, MalwareBytes, Kaspersky Internet Security 2011, Roblox, and some other programs. I then Installed some games, like Gmod, Soldier Of Fortune 2: Double Helix, The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion Game Of The Year Edition, Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition, and a bunch of others, but still, the laptop ran very very fast! I looked at the time on my laptop It was now 8:45 pm, so I decided to get something to eat. I put some Buffalo Wings in the microwave and walked back to my computer and I surfed the web.

While surfing the web I looked at the time, it was already 1:30 in the morning, so I shut off the laptop, but I didn't close the laptop. I then walked over to my bed and laid down. About an hour later, I woke up to the blaring sound of the Windows 7 startup music. I woke up startled and confused, and when I looked over and my laptop was somehow turned on, but some of my icons were gone and a message box was up saying, "This is MY computer." I moved the mouse to the start menu and the name was changed back to Jake, all of my games and programs were gone exept Kaspersky and MalwareBytes. I turned my lights on and ran a full computer scan with both of the programs. After the scans were done, Kaspersky had detected that my PC had been hacked, along that it had 7 Viruses, 2 Trojans, 1 Rootkit and 3 pieces of Spyware, MalwareBytes detected more than that, but I don't want to get into details.

I looked over at the time, it was 2:45 in the morning, and I quarantined all of the threats, all of the sudden, a video box popped up, but it showed nothing but black and I heard nothing but heavy breathing for about 4 seconds. Then all of the sudden, my computer got a blue screen of death, and when I rebooted the computer, the background screen changed to a frowny face with a blue tear on the right eye, I tried to open up google chrome, but a file of pictures came up and what i saw was horrible, they were photos of dead, mutilated people, including aborted babies, dead animals, deformed children and many more unimaginable things, there were about 700 photos on this one file, the background screen then changed, the smiley was now sadder and had two tears coming from its eyes, I was freaked out, I thought that it was just some harmless prank or hacking from someone, but i was wrong.

About 6 seconds later, a bunch of icons popped up onto my computer. They were strange programs, such as a list of satanic worship summoning verses, a computer virus creator, a game called " The Torture Game", and a bunch of other weird things. All of the sudden, an IM message box popped up, it said, "HELP ME", So I replied "?", and another message popped up saying, "YOU!!!" All of the sudden, a very loud screaming noise came from my speakers, along with a big slideshow of dead babies, the slide show lasted about 5 minutes, but the screaming did not stop! So I tried to mute the speakers, but the volume program did not come up, so I tried to manually turn the volume down, but it still did not work. I tried to click on anything, but nothing worked or a picture of a dead, mutilated person would come up along with a message box saying "YOU WILL BE SORRY YOU EVER DID THAT!", My background then changed to a picture of a little girl, about 5 years old, decapitated, with her mangled head lying next to her.

I burst into tears, frightened...Confused...Scared, I looked down at the time, 4:00 in the morning, I looked down at my hands, they were shaking with fear along with my body. I kept hearing and seeing things, I was hallucinating, that was until the screaming finally stopped. A video box then popped up, this time it was in my house, it showed a man, with long black hair going down his face, he was grunting, the video lasted for a total of 7 seconds, until I heard something rustling and coming down the stairs, I shut the laptop, grabbed it and ran outside screaming my lungs out, a man then walked out of his house with a flashlight and pistol. I ran to the man and he yelled for me to get back!, the man pushed me over and shot his gun 3 times, when I got up, i noticed that the man was the same man that I was talking to earlier, "Are you alright? Did he hurt you?", I replied, "Im fine... But That...Laptop......", I looked on the ground, the laptop was broken from when the man shoved me and I dropped it, I looked around, neighbors from other houses were walking out, frightened, I looked right behind me, It was the man from the video, dead, He had the same long black hair, and he was wearing a jumpsuit with the words "MARBLE CLIFF ASYLUM, PATIENT: 00203785", and he had a large kitchen knife in his left hand. The man I had bumped into earlier then said "It's Him... Jake Barker... Thelma's Boy." I asked the man "Who's Thelma?", the man then looked over at me and told me, "That old woman I told you to stay away from... and Jake... That's her boy, he killed lots a' people before you moved her and broke out of the asylum not so long ago, and that laptop you had... it was his." An officer then came and took the mans body away, and I sat at my house, I looked at the clock, it was almost 7:00 am, my parents should be getting home soon.

My parents finally got home, "Hi Layne! Guess What?", "What?" I replied, "We stopped at a yardsale and you'll never believe what we got!", I replied, "Mom, I gotta talk to you about something," "Just wait after we show you what we got you!", "Ok..." I replied, My mom then told me to close my eyes and I did, When she placed the new item in my hand, it was kinda heavy and cold, "Okay you can open them!" My mom said, I opened my eyes and I was horrified of what I saw, It was a laptop, a grey, new, laptop.

Credited to LayneIrvin
Originally uploaded on July 2, 2011

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