The Mysterious Closing of "PeachPark Asylum"

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In 1964, A Asylum was mysteriously opened by the name of "Peach-Park" It was a special place for the mentally insane and unstable; According to locals, there techniques in the asylum are some of the most gruesome and terrifying experiments possible: Triggering Fears Like "Trypophobia" and "Hydrophobia", Shock Therapy, Triggering ADHD and ADD Triggers, Dipping People in Hot Water And then Cold Water at the same time, other insane shit. A ton of famous killers and insane people were in the park, these people are: Jacques-Mere, Sally Hopkins, Joy Rogers, Bryan Curtis. At 5:40, a distress call was made from the Police Office, this recording was of a distress call exactly at 5:43 and the caller was named "James Smith" and the officer who answered was named "Officer Gracie" this is the call in its fullest:

The Phone Call

Officer Gracie: 9-1-1 Emergencies, What's your emergency?

James: H-hello! Hello! I'm Outside Peach-Park, I Hear Screaming, Like Someone's Being Stabbed!

Officer Gracie: Calm Down Sir, what else did you hear?

James: I heard a gunshot

Officer Gracie: A..A Gunshot?!

James: Yes, Ma'am

Officer Gracie: Standby, I'm sending friendly FBI And Cops At Your Location, Sir!

In 1980, the Peach-Park Asylum had a claim that one of the members was unfortunately enough to shoot a man next to his place, the killer was one of the guys "Jacques-Mere" who was unfortunately enough to shoot his neighbor the name of "Josh Pierce" the homicidal killer. There were at least a few dozen paranormal activities, sightings, sounds and unexplained notable notices in the asylum, however, in 1999, the asylum was unfortunately shut down due to the constant complains about the seemingly tortured souls in the asylum.

But that didn't stop the people in 2004, after Peach-Park was shutdown, the place was remolded to what is suppose to be a museum of the famous asylum that was held till this day. 2 men was the rightful owner, by the name of "Artie Lars" And "Solomon Rudy" these were the two men who both bought the abandoned asylum and made a museum. "the museum had a few recent activities" Artie Claimed. "We Never Knew About these evil spirits, we didn't really listen to these complaints" said Solomon Rudy. There are a lot of examples of infamous events like: doors creaking, ghosts whispering, cutting sounds, screaming and stuff written on the walls. Rudy was actually under a possession that took at least 5 weeks! "I felt like a presence wanted me to die, it really wanted me dead, no doubt about it!" says Solomon Rudy in fear. To this day, people still visit the museum, but one burning question remains: "What happened to Jacques-Mere?"

Credited to PhantomInc 

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