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'''AN: Heres the next chapter! I hoping you like it... this time someone EVIL coms back to cofront them! Also my sister kyleagh has just gone to gautamla just like i did a while back for misonary trip so I got a lot more chors to do and hekping with homeshooling my young brothers. So probably not update very quick'''<br />Shaundrah was sitting next to the fire and then the sun went down and it was drak. The stafs came otu and then began to sprikle in the sky and she was sitting next to chakotay.<br />"shaundrah it is so beatiful"<br />"oh yes chakoay... it has been nearly 4 days and i am so happy even thou we have be a bandoned!"<br />"I am happy too and also you are so beutiful Shaundrah I have to tell you I have try to keep it a secret but i cannot any longar!"<br />He reached out with his hand... and touched her hand! Then they were holding hand next to the fire!<br />Shaundrha cold hardly beleave it and she nearly started hiper ventolaiting. Chakotay was sooooo cool and he loved talking about every thing with Shaundrah and he liked red vines and also the bible and all kinds of awsom stuff like that. He was also very good countenance in his face and she thought his tatoo was awsome. She had never met a guy who was so fun and cute except maybe Harry or Echeb. Except she knew she shold not get too attatched to him.<br />Then some one screamed and chakootay jumped up.<br />"somebody screamed!" he said<br />"Yes I herd it too, Chakotay!" she shouted<br />"i have got to help!"<br />"Yes me too CHakotay!" she shouted back.<br />Then they ran toward the screams as fast as they could but the screams were very faraway, so it took them a while and then as they got nearer, they realized that the screams were American screams.<br />"help help" some one yelled through the trees.<br />Chakotay kept running and shaundrah kept running behind them and suddenly they saw icheb and Harry Kim!<br />"Oh my gosh you are alive i am so glad to see you!" shaundrah yelled<br />But then she saw that 7 of 9 was also there!<br />"What are you doing hear, i thought you were in the brigg!" Chakotay shooted.<br />"Who the hell are you: said 7<br />"i am commander chakotay by the way I am 16 now!"<br />Then every one gasped. But then 7 turned to Shaundrah.<br />"What the eff are you doing here you litlte pain in the Ass!" 7 shreeked at Shaundrah. "You are the only 1 whose ever defeted me in hand too hand conbat. I am gonna stab you with my nanapbobes!"<br />"I dont think so!" Harry shout.<br />"You gotta get thru me first!' Icheb shout.<br />'Me too!" Chakotay!<br />But 7 was too fast for them and hit them and they fell on the ground so SHaundrah pulled out her katana and began to slice at 7 but 7 was now a full borg and had lots of metal inplants and the katana just bounced off her inplants. Her katana made lots of spraks when they hit the inplants and it made a huge clanjing noise so it was a really cool fight.<br />Then the katana hit 7 in the leg and nearly cut it off and theire was blood squering all over the place and the inplants began to wirr and flash.<br />"You think you can stopping me, NEVER! I have captan Janeway in my brog cube and we shall kill her if you kill me and beside, you could not even keep me lock up in the brigg! I escape within ten miuntes"<br />Then Harry Kim picked up his faser and set it to kill and fired a shot but just as it was gonna kill her 7 activated some thing and she transported away in a ball of green lihts.<br />Then Harry and Icheb and Shaundrah and CHakotay huged and they all jump up and down with exitement.<br />"I AM SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU!" Shaundrah exclamed.<br />"ME TOO!" said Icheb adn Hary.<br />Then Harry and Icheb follow them back to the site of the Delta Falyer reckage. They had a bunch of protean bars and some other stuff from voyager like fasers and ticorders so that would be help full.<br />'we been using the reckage like a tent" said chakotay.<br />"Oh I see the bented metal is like a tent" said icheb 'but now we have some fasers we can use it like a saw or even like glue to melt the metals together"<br />"We will need a bigger shelter now that icheb and hary are here... it will be dark soon so we need to working quickly!"<br />Chkaotay nodded.<br />Icheb looked confuse 'you 2 have been sharring that tiny little shelter?"<br />Shaundrah look at chakotay and she felt her self blushing. Then they took out the fasers and tehy started cutting up bits of metal from the reckage of the ship with the faser beam and then they started soddering them together with the faster beams. Very quickly they made a nice little house that was two small boxes of metal with a rectangel hole cut in the front to make a door,.<br />"OK guys lets roll out our bed rolls and get some sleep" harry said<br />Then they all went to sleep in side there new house.
==CHAPTER 20: Atack in the Woods==
'''AUTHORS VERY IMPOTENT NOTE: OK so guys I just wanted to say that I am not very happy that some of you guys were so mean abbot my story. This is not the worse fan fiction ever written. It is not about people who want to committing suicide like that person cemented on in the review's. AND NOW I use the spell cheerier like u people told me to. But before when I use spell checks people say that it did not make sense. Also sometimes I just wanting to post my story cut I am exited. Cant u people understand that? Just being EXITED about posting you story?<br />ANYHOW I got lots of good review on GAIA so I am not give up on this story like I did with my Darko one or my 1 about Hemione Ganger being a Chrstian. But I just thinking you should now that some of you are not being very nice considering that I tried very hard from Chapter 1 to now to improving my writing. JUST COMPARING 1 to 19 I think you agree that it is MUCH BETTER. Anyhow now here is my new chapter. AND IT IS SPELL CHEK. '''<br />Harry Kim, Commander Chayote and Icheb and Shaun rah sat down be side the fire pit. They were roosting marsh mellows. And they were telling ghost story's. Shaundrah was very scare, and the boys sat down close so she would not feel so scared.<br />Then Shaundrah tilled them a story.<br />"Once…Once... there…there... was…was... a bunch of star fleet officers…officers... named Harry Kim and Icheb and Shaundrah and Chakotay and they were stranding on a planet in the middle of Delta Quadrint. They were around fire, and eat some marsh mellows. When suddenly…suddenly.... A BROG DRONE APPEAR OUT OF NOWHERE and assemblated them all!"<br />Harry Kim and Icheb jumped but Chaotic didn't because he was a commandeer and he had lots of experienced with scary things.<br />"That was pretty scary" Harry said.<br />"Yak, I feel really jittery now like I can't even sleep!"<br />Icheb patted her sholder to try and clam her down, but she did not. After a few minuets the marsh mellows were gone and Icheb and Chakotay went to sleep. Then Hary and Shaundrah was alone.<br />"So Shaundrah are you and Chatokay dating now?"<br />"No we were just good friend! Though I think he seems like very nice guy and very good looking"<br />Harry looked sad.<br />"oh icheb you look good too and you are also a really great guy!" she exclaimed!<br />Harry looked more happier after she said that and then they starred at the sky for a while. Then suddenly a bear jumped out from the forest.<br />"RAWWWRRRR" it trowelled.<br />"Saundra I will protect you!" harry yelled and he began to wrestle the bear though it was like double his size and it had big teeth and claws that looked like bat laths.<br />The bare began to scratch and claw and roar and Saundra tried to grab her katana but by the time she did Harry had punched the bear in the face and it ran away. Saundra tried to say thank you to Harry but then she notice he had passed out on the dirt and he was injured. Blood squirting all over. From his shoulder that had a big gashes in it…it... and Saundra screamed!<br />Chakotay and Icheb came out and they gasped because even by the fire light they can see that Harry was gashed up really bad.<br />"What happen!"<br />"A bear attacked us and then Harry beat it off"<br />"Oh wow!" Icheb gasped.<br />"come on we got to help get him into the tent so I can look after him…him... if not…not... he might…might..." Saundra gasped "DIE!"<br />So then they all picked up Harry and brought him into the shelter.
==CHAPTER 21: Dificulty Choices==
'''AUTHORS NOTE: I AM VERY FRUSTERATED WITH SOME PPL WHO COMENTED ON HEAR LAST TIME AND IF I CAN FIGUER OUT HOW I WILL BE BLOCKING ANY ONE WHO SWARES (ESPECIALY CONSIDERING my personal morales)! Also SOME OF YOU PPL WILL BE HAPPY TO KNOW THAT SARA HAS RETURN TO BETA if you remember she checked allot of my draco storey (that i took down because it had a tracted some extremly bad comment and nobody like it) and also check chapter 5 of this storey. '''<br />Chapter 21: Shaundrah is Confused<br />Shaundrah had gotten into a good routine. She got up in the morning very early. She went and prayed for a while. She took a bath in the river far away that the boys could not look at her. She cooked some food for the boys. Then she read her Bible for a while. Then she went and got some vegetables and oysters. Icheb and Chackotay and Harry would go out and they would catch crabs and fish. They would also shoot bears and deer and other forest animals. Then Shaundrah would make dinner with that stuff.<br />Shaundrah noticed that a lot of the time, Icheb and Chackotay and Harry would not talk. They were quiet. Shaundrah thought maybe they were like depressed because Voyager had totally ditched them on the planet. But then she realized that they all were happy to talk to her.<br />There were lots of storms on the planet. After 2 weeks, Shaundrah counted 11 storms. They were really big storms and there were thunder and lightning that were way bigger than any she had ever seen in Wainfleet. Every time she sat in the shelter with the other boys with only the candle to keep the light and they listened to the wind and cracking noise, afraid that the shelter would be blown away. But it wasn't.<br />She went into one of the other rooms so she could get a snack. It was some berries that tasted just like straberry twizzlers. Then she heard the sound of footsteps. It was Harry! He looked really shy and he smiled at her and in the candle light, she thought maybe he was even blushing.<br />"Um hi, Harry." she said shyly.<br />"Hi, Shaundrah." He looked down and he scuffled his shiney starfleet shoe on the dirt ground. "I just wanted to come in and say something I wanted to say for LOTS of months now."<br />Shaundrah couldn't even eat the twizzlers berry she was so startled by him. "What... what is it Harry?"<br />He swallowed and Shaundrah could hear it. You could hear a pine drop.<br />"Shaundrah I think you are so smart and so easy to joke around with, you are just so intelligent, and just the kind of girl I have always liked!" He looked up into her crystal sapphire eyes. "Shaundrah, I am getting to the age where I really need a wife, one who will be a brilliant person and I am looking for a girl who is serious in her intentions!"<br />She could not answer. It was all too much for her. Was Harry really asking her to court him? Wow! She had no idea! I mean, he was cool, and he loved lots of the same things as she did, and they joked around a lot, and ate lots of lunches together, and he was cute and really considered a good guy in the crew, but she had never thought that he might be interested in her!<br />"Harry, I need to... to think..." she said, but then it was all too much for her, and suddenly, she swayed and passed out.<br />Shaundrah opened her eyes in her bedroom but it was the bedroom of their metal shelter on the planet. When she opened her eyes she saw Icheb leaning over her staring into her ocean blue eyes with his own dark ones.<br />In the background, Shaundrah could hear arguing. It was Chackotay and Harry!<br />"What the hell did you do to her Ensine Kim?"<br />"Nothing Commander I just had a conversation with her and she seemed a little overwhelmed and she passed out and hit her head!"<br />"Shaundrah is a strong girl she would not just randomly pass out, I think there is more to this then what your saying to me, but at this point, I think we both better get some sleep since Shaundrah is okay. We can talk about it in the morning when I'm less mad!"<br />"Okay Commander good night."<br />Then the arguing stopped. Icheb sighed.<br />"You have a bump on your head. You hit it on the counter. But with my borgeyes I can see better than most people and I can basically work like a tri corder and I analyzed you. I put some ice on your head and you'll be okay."<br />"Wow thank you Icheb. You saved me."<br />Icheb blushed. "You are a very good friend to me, and you are probably the most beautiful girl in the ship, Shaundrah. You must know that every guy thinks you're so cute..." He paused... "Including me!"<br />"Icheb... you know I can't just date around! That's not what the Lord wants from us!"<br />"I know that, Shaundrah! I... I'm serious about you! I am a serious person! You are more beautiful than anyone on the ship and you deserve and will get my TOTAL loyalty!"<br />"Oh my... I don't know what to say, Icheb..."<br />Shaundrah could say NOTHING. She had no idea that Icheb also was interested in courting her! He always seemed so serious whenever they worked in engineering together or ate dinner together or studied scripture with her. After all, he was a bog, and they were very serious because of their implants and collective brain. That's probably why she didn't guess his feelings!<br />"Don't say anything, Shaundrah. Just pray about it," he whispered.<br />Then he stood. He looked back at her from the doorway painfully. Then he left. She was SO confused! What to do? Who to choose? They were both such totally cool guys!<br />Then she blew out the candle and went to sleep.