The Saviour

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I was pacing around in my room. It was mid December, and all I had on were shorts and a plain blue t-shirt, but I wasn't cold. I kept stopping, and looking at my watch.

13 minutes to midnight.

I took a deep breath, exhaled, and went downstairs. The house was empty, and other than the creaking floorboards, it was eerily silent. I hated being alone , especially now that I'm back from university for good and it's just me at home. I had no siblings and my dad worked long shifts at a care home nearby. He'd often tell me stories about some of the people he came across and honestly, some of them scared me. As I grew older I started displaying some of the symptoms for paranoid personality disorder, but at the time dad and I attributed it to all the horror films I watched with friends. The older I grew, the less I watched, and the more paranoid I got. I checked that the phone was disconnected, and the main door was locked, before heading towards the basement to climb down the final flight of stairs.

11 minutes to midnight.

I managed to open the basement with greater ease than I had the past few days. The cold stale air from within greeted me as I went down, and I felt the hairs all over my body stand on end. There was a lingering smell of bleach that hung around me, and I followed it towards the back of the basement, taking my time.

7 minutes to midnight.

I passed a table with my tools laid out neatly on top. Each one gleamed in turn as I picked it up and examined it, shone in the tiny sliver of light coming in from the window. It was ample light for what I was about to do.

6 minutes to midnight.

As I neared the back of the basement, I heard shuffling noises. They grew louder with every step I took. I heard the sound of metal clinking, and soon enough, the cries of my friends.

5 minutes to midnight.

I flipped the switch on the wall and a small light-bulb came to life, illuminating the world I had created for my friends. This is what they deserved, I told myself. The outside world was wasted on them. They were being polluted, they wanted to leave. Leave me. I couldn't let that happen. I hate being alone, remember?

I looked at my creation, the three cages that held my friends and protected them from everything else. I went up to them and passed each cage, looking at my friends, and they looked back at me, whispering, begging me to let them go. No.

Eddie, it's been a while, how have you been? Why are you here? What, you couldn't tell? Don't you remember? Oh it's okay. It's easy to forget these things. Do you remember that nice girl we met a year ago? She had a pretty name, like a flower. Ah you do! Do you remember how you used to tell me about your dates and how much you loved her? Do you remember how, one night , you told me you were going to move in with her? Just like that! You were going to leave me on my own. Tsk tsk tsk. She's gone isn't she, Eddie? Oh Eddie, those aren't very nice things you're saying. It's your fault she's not here anymore but I'll forgive you. What's that? No, of course I won't let you go, you can't leave me like she left you.

Jess, beautiful, don't cry. I told you so many times you don't look as pretty when you're sad. Please don't cry. Monster? I'm not a monster am I? I'm protecting you, I'm keeping you safe. Monsters don't do that, do they? Please be quiet Eddie, I'm trying to talk to Jess here. Jess, you'll be okay. You'll be safe because I'm here now and I won't let anything bad happen to you. I know you didn't really mean it when you left me for that junkie. You love him? No my dear, you loved him, because he's gone too. You're better off without him Jess, he was a bad man. He took you away from me, and I know you're sorry you left. It's okay. It won't happen again.

Hello mother. You don't look so good, what's wrong? Did dad hit you? Did he yell? I know he's been doing that a lot but you didn't have to leave him. He's been so sad mother, I've been sad too. Why did you make him angry? Was it because of me? Didn't you love me anymore mother? I know what you said about me. You said dad made me a freak. You said dad made me a monster. I'm not a monster mother. Jess, tell her. Tell her I'm not a monster. TELL HER. Sorry, I didn't mean to shout. Mother I'll make everything better now. We can be happy again, together. You don't have to leave. You can't.

Leah walked her neighbour's dogs after school every afternoon, and it was a standard route, just around the block a few times. The dogs were easy enough to handle despite being fully grown Labradors, but the last few days they started acting odd, especially around one of the houses they passed. One day, the dogs managed to break free of Leah's grip, and immediately ran to the front door, pawing at it furiously. Leah approached cautiously, it was an old hose and she hadn't seen anyone go in or out of it in months. No sooner had she stepped onto the porch, did she smell the most pungent, putrid smell coming from within. She knew something was very wrong and she called the police. Within an hour there were police cars, ambulances and the local news crew, crowded around the house. Some of the police officers that had gone in, had re-emerged moments later violently throwing up. A report was released shortly after.



On 'August 16, 2010', Shawn Merry killed himself by stabbing himself in the throat multiple times. He was found in the basement of the house belonging to his late father, surrounded by the decayed bodies of three other victims.


On September 3, 2010, police were alerted to an abandoned house in a suburban neighbourhood at 1600 hours, when local schoolgirl Leah Gallows noticed a foul odour coming from inside while she was walking her dogs.

At 1625 hours police arrived and, broke down the door. There was a stench of rotten flesh throughout the house, concentrated most at the entrance to the basement. Upon entering the basement, officers were taken through an unlit passage, to a larger room that contained three large cages. The doors of the cages were unlocked, and there was a decaying corpse in each one, and DNA analysis of these three corpses identified them as Edward Rossi, Jessica Garcia and Elizabeth Merry, with the estimated time of death put at around three weeks ago. Cause of death for these three victims was starvation, however multiple stab wounds were inflicted on them post-mortem.

The body of Shawn Merry was found on the floor, in front of the cages, lying on his back. There was a deep gash in his throat, almost severing his head off. A knife was found near his hand, and the time of death was estimated to be around two weeks ago. No suicide note was found at the scene.


Joseph Merry was married to Elizabeth Merry, and had a son, Shawn. He worked as an orderly in a care home, and often told Shawn stories about some of the patients. This was later cited to be one of the reasons Shawn developed paranoid personality disorder, diagnosed at age 15. Elizabeth Merry filed for divorce against her husband when Shawn was 16 years old, unable to cope with her son on her own, due to Joseph's long shifts. Shawn graduated from high school, and went onto university but dropped out after two months.

It was during these two months that he met his other victims, Edward Rossi and Jessica Garcia. Shawn and Edward had the same classes, and occasionally spent time together, and in Shawn's mind this became a deep-rooted friendship, however Edward started spending less time with Shawn after he started going out with a fellow student at the university. On the other hand, his relationship with Jessica slightly different.. Many of Shawn's ex-classmates confirm that Shawn was always interested in Jessica, and was heartbroken when he learnt that she had a boyfriend.

His paranoia led him to believe that his mother had abandoned him, as well as his 'best friend' and his 'girlfriend', leading him to lock them up in his basement and starve them. In his mind this was how he was keeping them from leaving him once more, and after they died he subjected the corpses to regular stabbings. In his mind, they were still alive, but in his desperation to 'save' his 'friends', he committed suicide.

Credited to AWildZeebraAppears

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