The Soul

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He comes to see me at night, and i am chilled at his appearance. He is dressed in black, from head to toe with his face showing. It is not a regular face. It is scratched, hanging off his neck like a limb. I first saw this beast on a night like any other. The moon was full, and a chilling breeze flow through the air occasionally. This was where my curse started.


I was walking down the street, with no lights to guide me, yet i saw a dead man lying on the ground, lifeless. he had no blood coming from mouth, chest, or anywhere. i stopped dead in my tracks, for i have never seen such horror. i looked around. no one was seen, which was odd at this time of night, for a lot of people are here at this time. but no humans were to be seen. i looked deeper, and then i saw it. there was a tall, thin man dressed in black. i called him for help, but he merely stood there, watching me. at this point i was very scared indeed. for his neck was hanging off of his head. but i saw he was moving, very steadily moving, and the closer he got to me, the more scared i became. then he was only six feet away, and i felt cold, dizzy, and i had a minor headache for that matter. then i couldn't take it. i dropped to the ground unconscious. i woke up. the tall man was gone, and the dead man as well.


i drove home, nothing in mind after last night. then i saw my friend. i got out to say high. he asked me where i was last night, and i said i dont know, and he glanced at me as if i was losing my mind. he then said "the soul visits you, hmm?" and everything came back to me like pieces of a puzzle. i told my friend i had to go home. i got home then went to my computer. i got on Google and searched "The Soul" the website froze when i clicked on a disturbing picture. i was going to turn it off, but letters appeared across the screen saying "The soul visits you, hmm?" and i was very confused, for my friend asked me that. and i turned the computer off, disturbed.


I tried to glue the pieces together. the dead man, the "Soul"? it made no sense! then i realized the obvious. the soul sucks the soul out of his victims! i got on the computer for the rest of the day. the next morning i drove to the store to make breakfast. on the way out, i saw the soul again. Was i going insane? no one else was noticing The Soul, then again, no one was here! were they? i couldn't figure it out. i escaped the soul and drove off. later that night, i saw him, at the edge of my bed. watching me. i managed to stumble a few words out. Who are you? i asked. the man said nothing. Who are you? i asked again. the man still said nothing. until he said something i remember hearing. he said. "The soul visits you, hmm?" and then i nodded, unsure of what to do. he told me that he was hungry, and he needed souls. i said i couldn't give him my soul. he looked more aggressive. i started to freak out. the soul was at the end of my bed, going from mad, to angry, to furious. he was hungry, and he wants souls. he walked up to me and said in a chilling, cold voice, You have three days... and he dissapeared. it has been two days, and im going to die. my life is a time-bomb, about to blow, until im nothing but an empty shell. my soul will belong to the soul. ...the soul visits you, hmm?...


Welcome to hell... enjoy your stay...

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