The Special Book

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Hello. I'm a young teenager who had a weird experience as a young child. Yes, this is part of my memory, not something I made up, but I just don't know if it was real or a dream.

Okay, it was back in second grade and I was a real bookworm. I read books all the time, so when I saw a story about a young girl and a tree, I just decided to read it. I don't remember the title, so let's just call it The Tree.

When I opened up the book, I saw a young girl writing in a book. The book said she was was writing about how much she loved the tree. She said she loved how it was just a nice place to hang out. It was a short book, and I can't remember much, but I remember two or more pages had her still writing in her book about that tree. It sounds stupid now, but I didn't mind back then.

Then, things started taking a turn for the worse. The next page showed her in her room, getting ready to go out to her little hangout spot, the tree, once again. The next page, however, shows her mother yelling at her about having to get out of the house.

Following that, she was packing up her things, then her mother came in again and told her she could only take the things she absolutely needed. The next picture showed her looking out the window, while the sky had a blood red color. It then showed her writing in her book in the tree one last time, saying how she'll miss the tree, as well as her home and her belongings.

It then showed her getting on a bus. At this point, the reason she's leaving still isn't explained. The final page showed her looking from the back of the bus and it showed a METEOR hit her house! It was as big as the house, and to this day, I still wonder how she survived.

Well, it's been five years, and I haven't found any evidence of the book. If I was older, I would have showed it to someone, but I was seven at the time and I didn't know any better, so I didn't know it was abnormal. Maybe it was just a dream, but who knows. Maybe it was real, but until then, I will spend my entire life trying to find evidence. I'll go back to the classroom, I'll look on eBay, I just got to find evidence. If you find evidence, please message me, I need solid evidence. I need it. Please help.

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