The Spooky Bus Stop

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okay guys before I start you guys have to no that this is a very spoooky story and if you want to sleep within fiv days u shouldnt read it

ok so it was a dark night and there was this guy cald jim. jim worked at the office building on springers street. jim was currently renting a cheap apartment in a bad part of town and was saving up to move to a big house out of town. but bcause he was saving he didnt have a car so he had to catch a bus to work, bit he dkdnt mind bcause he liked to eat the gum under the seats on the days he couldnt afford dinner.

you see the job that he worked at didnt pay him that much so he struggld to get by paying his rent and saving for his new big house out of town, so some nights he had to skip dinner. tragick ik but sometimes these things happen.

he would sit at his computer all day at his job. he really liked computers and had built his first pc when he was 7. while at school he went to a communty collge every day after school to lesrn coding snd by the time he graduated he was confident he could get a decent coding job in a big city (his famiry had alwaysed lived in a small town in the country) so he moved there into the cheap apartment in a bad part of town with high hoped for the job interview with the coding company he had alwaysed wanted to work at the next day.

well guess what guys HE WAS WRONG bcuz wheb he went to thr interviee thry said thst he was exactly who they were looking for BUT he needed more experience in the work force so if you work at this telemarketing place for four years we will give you the spot that you want.

jim was sad but he couldnt turn it down for what coz otherwise he would never get the job and surely working at this telemarketing place for 4 years couldnt be thst bad

WRONG AGAIN M8 he hated it there. the place stank of curry and he spent all day 5 days a week trying to sell ballsack lotion to random people, but at least he got a good paycheck.

zip forward 3 years. its 5 months till the time is up and hes started saving for the big house out of town i told you about earlier. but recently his boss has been getting mad at him for not meeting his quota of bottles of ballsack lotion sold a week so he cut his paycheck and now jim is struggling to get by as mentioned earlier.

2 months later and jim is still struggling to mert his quota so he has to start working overtime. he starts working very late every day. one day he doesnt finish until aftr dark which takes us back to th scnerio at the bgining of the storey.

he walked down the street to the bus stop. the streets were empty, not a person in sight. he reached the bus stop and sat down. the metal bench was cold against his back and a chilly wind sent shivers dwn his spine.

he reached down into his bag to get his Portable Pocket Heater but then he heard something down the road. he turned his head and saw the bus rolling down the street. he stood up and signaled the driver. the indicator blinked on and it roleed up to the curb, stopping with a creek.

he was just about to get on thr bus... but then he looked thru the window and thERE WAS NO DRIVER

the end

Credited to ItWasADarkNight 
Originally uploaded on July 16, 2014

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