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One evening, about a week before execution, the twins were sat in their prison cells, and one was crying. They both were trying to sleep, and the lights were out. It was silent except for the sound of the second twin snivelling quietly. But suddenly they both heard the noise of fabric sliding against the cement floor of the prison cell, and someone standing up and giggling quietly. The first twin turned aroud to see a terrifying sight. There wa s a girl there, only 5’2 in height, and very thin, with bony arms and legs, and a gaunt face and thin, dark hair. She wore old raggedy clothing, and a maniacle grin. She was holding a knife, but she dropped it, and looked at the twin. She breathed in, and changed her smile from crazy to calm, before speaking. She said that she would let them escape if they’d help her kill others, and be the sisters they never were to her. They agreed, as they were terrified of execution. The thin girl told them that she was their missing sister, and that they were triplets, not twins, and that their evil parent kept her locked under the stairs for 9 years of her life, and that was why she was so thin, small and pale, compared to her sisters. She said that she had no name, so that when they were free, they would help her come up with one. She cut open the bars on the window with her knife, and escaped with her two sisters. They made it into the woods and hid in a cave, surrounded by oak trees and foliage. The third sister told them to be quiet, while she slept. So they sat there in complete silence, for about twenty minutes, but then one of the twins sneezed, and the third sister was up like a shot, and pinned the girl to the ground. She grabbed her tongue and sliced it off with her knife, leaving the girl crying and bleeding. She then threatened her other sister with the knife and tongue, and went back to sleep. The sister now missing her tongue held back her sobs and spat blood, before passing out from shock. Her sister held her, and was terrified of their new sister.
A few hours went by, and the bleeding stopped, and the sister was calm, but she could never talk again. Her sister taught her a few signals for stuff she needed, like "food”food" and "danger”danger" and overall, they coped. They hid out in the country for a few years, before escaping into Canada, and starting new lives there. The two sisters got jobs, one in a bakery and the other in a library, and were able to buy a house just outside of the town. Their sister spend her days in the wilderness, and hunted animals, while spending the nights sleeping in her sisters’ home. They lived for many years happily like this, and the sister who could not speak learnt sign language fluently, and used that to communicate with people.
You might be wondering why I spoke about them in past tense, but I’ll tell you why... You see, one day, about ten years ago, the two sisters were found dead, with their limbs removed, and their eyes taken out, and writing on the wall, in blood, saying; "I got sick of this, back to fun”fun" The third sister was no where to be found, and is the prime suspect. To this day, there are sightings of her, people killed in similar ways all over America and Canada. So listen to my warning, If you ever see a short woman, around 5’2, who is bony and thin and gaunt, in rags, with thin but matted hair, run, run while you still can, or you’ll be the next pile of mincemeat the police will come across...
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