The Upsetting Parody of Fear-Inducing Pastas: Difference between revisions

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Once upon a time, iI was traversing the route from my humble abode to the nearest video displaying device-based entertainment device purchasing facility when I spotted a weary, troubled, drab-looking old fellow with a video displaying device-based entertainment device he was willing to sell for approximately 1.26 Deutschsmarks. Because my predicament required the usage of such currency to obtain the video displaying device-based entertainment devices I had originally intended to obtain through the usage of said currency, I purchased and obtained it from the dusty ol' chap and proceeded to my shelter-unit. I inserted the video display device-based entertainment device into my video display device-based entertainment device decoding device and begun to indulge myself in it's contents when suddenly a hyper-realistic, bright flash caused by the chain reaction of fissile materials approximately 1.2 kilometers, 74 meters, and 234 centimeters of distance away from my exact position caused the dismantlement of my house, and my physical body, thus destroying all my life-sustaining-related physical body functions, and causing me to expire. Then, large boulders, ranging from 2-3 meters across rained from the sky, presumably caused by said previously mentioned nuclear blast. My disembodied spirit, and the disembodied spirits of all other individuals in my neighborhood slowly rose up from the sky. However, I was brought to a horrific reaction when the skeletal structure of a male Homo sapiens sapiens erupted from a local cemetery and proceeded to preform a most horrendous, terrifying action.