This Old Boy

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Before we begin, might I suggest you stay weary of those you've come to love and trust.

As I departed the bus at a friend's house I hadn't seen in 3 years, I felt lively and overwhelming joy flood over me as I grasped the knob and crept in quietly to surprise him. He was already inside the foyer, nearing the stairs to his attic as he turned to see me and his face shone like glass in the sun when I tripped in like a dolt with my shoes untied. "MY GOD! I was about to call you, my good friend! I was worried you died before I could see you a last time!" I merely grinned a goofily and got to my feet. I was immediately struck dumb when he wrapped me in a tight hug. "May I ask a favor?" he asked in a cheerful tone. I replied in a tone just slightly above his, "Of course! What do you need? I'll help any way I can!" Big mistake on my part. "Can you get me some bleach for my laundry? I would be SUPER grateful!" "Sure! Anything to help!" I shouted as I bolted for the door and passing Alex, another good friend since we were three years old, while he entered the house when Sam atempted to climb the stairs. I got to the store only to find a man with no right leg working the register. After purchasing the bleach, he asked me in a shaky voice, "Wh... Where are you taking this, young man?" "To my friend, Sam, sir! Take care!" As I flew from the counter to the exit, I believe I heard him mumble something like, "Why?... What would he want from..." I came to the house breathing heavily, for running from here to the store is roughly 15 minutes, and opened the door to find Sam standing in the foyer once again, wearing Alex's glasses with an unsettling grin. 'Why is he wearing..' Upon closer inspection, I noticed his right leg seemed awfully familiar. It was the shop owner's! And his eyes were now more like... My heart stopped... Alex descended the stairs on his stomach, eyeless and toungeless. "Why?..." I mumbled breathlessly in fear as he came closer, forcing me to step back to the closed door and put a cold hand on my shoulder, eyes bleeding lightly. "This old body will die before I can ever live my dream of a normal exitance. I believe I could use a new pair of lungs and heart too."

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