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(Created page with "{{Note|Click here for part one.}} Well, I'm back. I'm Bradley Measen, as you probably know. I prefer you read the first Tubular Times page, as this page will make much more sense if you do so. Anyway, my cousin got back from his camping trip. As soon as I found out I had to confront him on this whole story of this terrible show. I called him up and asked, "What role did you have in the making of Tubular Times?" "Me? *Ahem* Me? Well, I had a, um, uh.....")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 19:09, 29 June 2022

Click here for part one.

Well, I'm back. I'm Bradley Measen, as you probably know. I prefer you read the first Tubular Times page, as this page will make much more sense if you do so.

Anyway, my cousin got back from his camping trip. As soon as I found out I had to confront him on this whole story of this terrible show. I called him up and asked, "What role did you have in the making of Tubular Times?"

"Me? *Ahem* Me? Well, I had a, um, uh... very special role."

"Stop stalling," I said. "Just tell me what you did in the making of Tubular Times."

"I worked the lighting," He said rather quickly. "A very special role indeed."

I didn't bother to argue with him, although my suspiciousness was rising. After all, my cousin is an extremely trustworthy person. He can't lie to save his life.

"Do you have anything to say on the dark matter of Tubular Times?" I asked.

"Dark Matter?" He said. "What dark matter? From what my co-workers told me Tubular Times was going to be a happy show, revolving around a happy family of 5!"

"No, a family of 4 first off, since the dad died," I said. "Plus, did you even WORK on the show at all? Did you even look at it while you worked the lighting?"

"I only did the lighting for the very first scene of the very first episode." My cousin said.

That explained it, I thought. He only did the lights for the scene where the girls were throwing a ball. "Oh," I said. "Well, you had to know of the dark matter! You had the VHS you gave to me!"

"I never watched it, though," he said. "The cast and staff just gave it to me."

"Oh. Well, okay. I guess I don't have much else to say. Bye." I said, hanging up. That was certainly no help. I needed to do more research on this little 'event'. And I did.

For so long I've been doing extended internet searches upon extended internet searches upon extended DVD shop searches upon extended VHS shop searches upon even yard sale searches to look for more episodes. I did this for about 12 hours each day. Finally, my searching paid off.

I was at a yard sale. Funny, you wouldn't think you'd find something about Tubular Times at a yard sale. Anyway, I visited one and found a VHS tape with a sticker on it. The sticker had no writing on it. I went to the owner of the sale and asked what it was.

"It's a copy of an old show called Tubular Times," he said.

That got me all giddy. I asked him what episode. He simply said "Third" and I asked if I could buy it.

"Oh, sure," He said. "Sure you could buy it. You could have it for free!"

"Thanks!" I said and turned around. I began walking away when a thought came up. I turned right around and asked:

"How exactly did you acquire this tape?"

"Well, see, I used to work on the show," He said. "I was a co-writer."

I was almost 100% CERTAIN I was talking to Tach Venhik, that guy who worked on the show. I had to be entirely sure though. "Are you Tach Venhik?"

"Nah, but a close associate of him. How do you know about him?"

"Wait wait wait," I said. "You're the guy who replied to me on that forum!"

He opened his eyes wide and said "That was you? Wow, I never thought I would meet you in person! Why did you want to learn about that show anyway?"

"I stumbled upon a VHS tape of the pilot. Anyhoo, are you sure this is the 3rd episode?" I said.

"Certain!" He replied. "I also have the 4th and 5th episodes! Want them? Also for free?"

"Yes! You're the best," I said, trying to keep my excitement inside of me. He went inside his house to retrieve the tapes. They too were blank-stickered. I was about to turn around and walk away once again when ANOTHER question popped into my mind.

"Do you have any word on Tach Venhik? Where is he now?"

He exhaled deeply through his nose and said "Mr. Venhik is dead. He, he was murdered."

"Oh, oh my," I said. "When was this? Who murdered him? Why? Where? When - "

"I can't answer all of those questions," he said. "But I can say that Lisa Janison killed him." He turned away and walked over to another visitor of the yard sale.

I shrugged and walked back to the car. I was shocked. Then again, Lisa Janison went insane, so she probably was pressured by her mind to kill him or something. I don't know much about mental science.

Immediately I had to watch those tapes, so I drove home, grabbed a soda, sat down and popped in the 3rd episode tape. The same honky-tonk music started and deja-vu struck me. Anyways, the episode began with pure blackness. Then a light bulb turned on to the top of the screen and the son of the family was standing in the middle of a small room.

"I never saw dad's death coming," He said, trembling. "I was so scared, so saddened, so frightened, so depressed, so terrified by the sudden change in my life. I probably won't be the same again."

Then the lightbulb turned off. About 3 seconds later it turned on again to show the littlest girl, crying, clutching a teddy bear. "Why'd my daddy have to die?" She cried. "Why must the ones I love always die?!?" The acting was so believable for a little girl, I felt so bad for her.

The lightbulb turned off then again. For a full 30 seconds nothing happened, the pure darkness and silence just stayed. Then an ear-shattering scream made me jump. The light turned back on to show the older sister. Nothing frightening was on screen, and the girl didn't even look like she just screamed. It was like they just put that scream in there for no apparent reason.

"I want dad to come back," She said. "I miss him so much. I remember all the times he helped me, all the times he was such a nice person to be around. Gone."

And this is when the episode ended. Actually, I'm not sure if the episode ended here. The screen just went static and never came back. Even when I played the tape again, the screen went static at the same exact point.

Episode 4 was up to bat. I was sad to find out the tape had been tampered with. It was practically corrupt. The screen was static for what felt like forever, with unintelligible audio in the background. It was like a heavily distorted speech or some sort of death metal music. It was so for about 7 minutes until a football game appeared on the screen. It was a football game. I figured the owner must have taped over the VHS with this football game. Sighing, I took it out and put in the 5th episode.

The 5th episode began with the same honky-tonk intro. It was an extended version however, so I had to sit through 5 minutes of generic honky-tonk music until a grave was shown on the screen. A gravestone, sitting on a hill. The family was crowded around, crying. They cried and cried, just like they did in the other couple episodes. The grave's inscription was simply "Our dad".

Then in a sudden twist, a zombie hand came out of the ground. The kids scattered away, screaming their heads off. Another zombie hand came out, and then the body rose out of the ground and tackled the mom. Then, the mom went into her 'psycho' form.

You know, the pink eyes, the red irises, the look of pure insanity. She began beating up the Zombie Dad and whacking him with her purse. The zombie's guts were flying out in all directions, and he doubled over in pain. The mom poked the zombie's eyes out with her fingernails and ATE them. I felt a barf coming along, but I held it in and watched on. The zombie eventually fell over and died, guts and gore surrounding him. The episode ended.

I was now used to this type of morbid subject matter being in a 'family' 'sitcom'. I took it out and just stared at the turned-off TV for a while. I will definitely do more research, possibly making a third part. See you soon (hopefully).

Credited to RickLander

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