Tyler the Butcher

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It was another day like any other Tyler, a 25-year-old young man was getting ready to go to work, he worked as a butcher and people asked him why he didn't quit that job since his father was the owner of a very successful company, but he always responded with

"I love my job, I wouldn't trade it for anything."

In reality, Tyler wanted to say that he liked the feeling of cutting flesh and breaking bones, it satisfied his dark desires that he has repressed since he was a child, when he was younger his parents were always called to daycare with reports from teachers that their son was biting others. children with so much force that they made them bleed, for this reason Tyler was never able to fit in and make friends with other children his age, he grew up shy and very quiet, the only hobbies he had were catching some animals, the neighbor's cat, a dog ownerless and small rats that he caught with his bare hands, he liked to open them in half just to see the intestines and bones he thought it was wonderful, how each organ worked and Tyler's other hobby was talking to his imaginary friend, a boy named Jeff, he had a strange face, a big wide smile and a white hoodie, he would come in at night to talk to him, Tyler would tell him about his day and Jeff thought it was incredible to hear how that innocent little child tortured defenseless animals, whenever your parents arrived

Jeff hid wherever he could, behind the curtains, inside the toy chest and under his bed, Tyler's parents asked who he was talking to and he said it was just his imaginary friend, Tyler's mother thought it was all normal, but his father didn't say "are you sure we don't need to worry?" the hand looked at him with a sweet face to calm him down

"honey that's normal for his age, he's just trying to be less alone." Tyler's father is reluctant about what his wife says, but decides to ignore his son's fertile imagination. After a few years, Tyler received a gift from his friend Jeff, a huge knife, Jeff said:

"this is for us to have fun when the time comes"

A question mark appeared in Tyler's childish mind "What do you mean by that jeff." Jeff looks with his strange smile at Tyler's face and speaks in a voice almost as if he were whispering "Tyler, sometimes you can be such a silly child, and obviously this knife is for you to do what you always wanted, you I've always wanted to see what a person is like inside, haven't you little Tyler?" Tyler's face changes to an expression of surprise, he really thought that opening animals didn't satisfy his bizarre desire, he wanted more he wanted to open something bigger, after that day Tyler started planning what his first murder would be like,

At school Tyler met a girl she was different from the other students she didn't ignore him, she approached him and asked if he wanted to be her friend, Tyler's head was very confused at that moment he thought to himself "that's perfect, jeff you will be proud." he looked her in the eyes and shook his head making an ok sign, "my name is Mandy nice to meet you." he looks at her and tries to form some words that a person would normally say "h...hello M...Mendy my name is T...Tyler." This was the beginning of a friendship between the two, but for Mandy friendship wasn't enough she wanted more, so she asked Tyler to be her girlfriend and he accepted the request. On her birthday Mandy decided to surprise Tyler.

She called him to the middle of a forest where no one could bother him two, "Today is your birthday I want to give you the best gift ever." said Mendy with a smile on his face, "I know today mom is your birthday, but I also want to give you something you've always wanted." Mandy is surprised by the answer, so she says "okay, then I'll give you your gift, and you give me yours" Tyler nods, nodding ok, "close your eyes Mandy said. " Tyler closed his eyes in fear of what it could be, then felt a warm sensation in his mouth that he never felt when he opened his eyes. Mandy was kissing him.

Tyler wasted no time, he took the knife he got from Jeff and stabbed Mandy in the stomach, the girl falls to the ground crying in pain Tyler approaches and asks her a question "What will your meat taste like?" and quickly stabs Mandy repeatedly in the chest, with Mandy's body already lifeless, Tyler opened her body, touched each organ, felt the odor it gave him, that was the sweetest perfume in the world, Tyler took his knife and cut a good piece of meat from Mandy's thigh, his mouth salivated, it seemed appetizing to him, without thinking twice he stuck it in his mouth and chewed, he felt Mandy's soft skin and his teeth, the bitter taste of her blood running through his mouth.

Tyler had finally satisfied his darkest desires and as a gift he cut off his head and kept it under his bed, at night he could hear Mandy's head talking to him, she said that he should devour more people, that he had to satisfy his desires even more, then one day his father smelled a rotten smell , as if something was dead in that house, the smell was coming from Tyler's room his father entered his room only to see the boy sitting on his bed reading a newspaper that said "14 year old girl found dead dismembered without her head." his father looks at Tyler and asks "my God Tyler, seriously you can't smell that stench coming from your room?"

Tyler says no, but for Tyler it was like one of the most beautiful perfumes, Tyler's father notices that the stench is coming from under Tyler's bed and says "Tyler, help me lift his bed." Tyler knew very well what he had hidden under his bed and said "look dad, there are things that are better not to know why they are happening." His father pushes Tyler out of his way and lifts his bed as hard as his age allows him, only to find some pornographic magazines "so that's what you didn't want to show me." Tyler was confused because he had never read even one of those magazines "yes, that was why you couldn't see under the bed." Tyler's father comes down the stairs, disappointed because he doesn't know where the horrible smell he's been smelling is coming from, Tyler quickly bends down to see where Mandy's severed head ended up, until in the middle of those magazines there was a paper written with liquid red;

"Good luck kid."

He had no doubt it was Jeff who saved him from being sent to a psychiatric hospital, now Tyler works as a butcher and no one ever suspected that he murdered that poor little girl, with his false life made up he deceives people by pretending that he is just a good butcher who wouldn't hurt a fly, but at night he goes down to his cellar and tortures his victims and eats their flesh to satisfy his cannibalistic desires, before killing his victims in the most brutal and disturbing way he can imagine he will always ask that same question "What will your meat taste like?"

Credited to Creppy Boy2007

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