Urusei Yatsura Lost Episode

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I am a big fan of the anime "Urusei Yatsura" like many people. It tells the story of Lum - an alien who came to earth and became the wife of a guy living on earth, whose name is Ataru Moroboshi. This relationship is peculiar, because as any big fan of this anime knows - Ataru is a flirty boy and does not miss any opportunity to flirt with other girls, for which he later berates Lum.

The reboot recently began airing, which in my opinion is a rat's poop, so I decided to watch the first edition from 1981 again. After a thorough exploration of the Russian intranet, I found what I was looking for. I downloaded everything - there were TV episodes, OVAs, theatrical releases and.... a strange folder called "Urusei Yatsura Lost Episodes."

I was pleased, as I am a big fan of this anime. After entering the folder, I saw a set of files. Without waiting, I turned on the first episode. It was titled "Death Notes." This did not surprise me, as Urusei Yatsura episodes always have such simple titles.

The episode started normally. No blood or brain residue or impaled heads on the fence. Ataru was walking to school, with Lum flying behind him. He was happy and held his notebook in his hand, where he wrote down the phone numbers of more girls for the purpose of arranging dates later. Every now and then Lum would fly up and try to pick him up, but Moroboshi's reflexes were much better.

"You should take me on a date, not keep flying after others," sighed an indignant Lum

"Yes yes," replied her beloved emotionlessly

I didn't notice when Ten suddenly flew in - Lum's little cousin, whom Ataru doesn't like. He prepared a trap for him.

Unexpectedly, Moroboshi shivered.

"Hahaha Ataru blew his stupid snout again," laughed Ten.

I was shocked by Lum's cousin's vocabulary. The next scene depicted Lum taking a notebook because of the incident with Ten. She hung in the air watching her beloved try to find it. I was already about to turn the episode off, as I thought it was some inferior reworking of the episode in which Ataru took his wife on a date, but something caught my attention. The look on Lum's face. It was a smile like Jeff the Killer. Demonic and full of bloodlust.

Then an interlude was shown, after which another story or sequel was shown. Ataru got up, washed up, got dressed then ate breakfast in his piggy style and left. That's when I got seriously scared. The sky was red, the plants were dead, and there was no water but blood flowing in the river he walked by. This blood was hyper-realistic.

Moroboshi didn't realize it for a long time, until he started seeing sloppily killed girls. He didn't know what was going on. He fell into despair when he saw Shinobu hung by her intestines from a tree. Blood and organs lay all around, and the remains of the intestines had been eaten by dogs. Something caught my attention - I stopped the video and saw Ramzan Kadyrov's face in those corpses. I was shocked that Russia's most famous zoophile appeared in the anime "Urusei Yatsura," but that's not all.

I am well aware that Kadyrov was born much later than the premiere of the anime took place. This means that these episodes were not recorded in 1981.

"One of them all," Ataru heard Lum's voice and turned around.

Lum was not herself. Her outfit was stained red, but the scariest part was her eyes. They were black and red and blood dripped from them.

"They all deserved it, now you will be mine forever," she spoke, but in the style of Gasai Yuno from Mirai Nikki.

That laughter I will always remember. It was full of madness. Ataru broke down and started to run away.

"Ran, Shinobu, Ms. Sakura" he listed in despair. They had all been killed. And to all of them he had numbers written down in his notebook.

Suddenly he collided with the school gate, which had Kirill Stremusov's blood painted on it. I was shocked that a guy who quickly died when leaving Kherson appeared in Urusei Yatsura. It became obvious to me that the creators of this anime knew everything. This scared me even more - why didn't they say anything? Or maybe it wasn't recorded by the original creators? One thing also puzzled me - did Rumiko Takahashi, who created Urusei Yatsura, know about it? Is there something I don't know?

He opened the school gate and saw more gruesome things. Miss Sakura had hung herself, and a splattered mass of blood and bones hung from the school wall. He recognized from the remains of her hair that it was Ran - Lum's friend. A friend? Not necessarily. As any big fan of the Urusei Yatsura anime knows - Ran didn't exactly burn with love for Lum. She wanted to take revenge, but she didn't.

Suddenly Lum appeared in front of Ataru's eyes, and a rain of blood began to fall from the sky. This blood was hyperreal. Hill's theme from the creepypasta Sonic.exe was flying in the background.

"L-lum got scared - I-I'm...." did not finish

"It's because of you" momentarily Lum turned into her normal, not demonic form. Then the camera zoomed in on another massacred corpse, and for once in this madness I smiled, as the victim was Cherry. I never liked this grandfather, he always appeared out of nowhere and for nothing.

"L-lum" Ataru turned to Lum with horror in his voice "Why?"

"What do you mean why?" outraged the alien "You screw around with everyone you can find and forget about your wife. Since you're doing that, I had to do something."

However, she did not forget her peculiar accent.

"But what does Cherry have to do with it?"

"I was afraid that you would still mistake him for some broad" momentarily Lum turned into her demonic form.

"I'm not turned on by baldies, rest assured"

Lum returned to her demonic form and used telekinesis to tear apart her friend Oyuki. I was shocked by the sight of guts and blood, but I wasn't afraid because I have a poster of Gang Albanii on my wall.

Suddenly there was a sentence written in blood on a black background:

"What else do I have to do to make you love me?"

The next scene showed Tena, who flew in and at the sight of the slain Miss Sakura momentarily began to vomit. This vomit flew straight to Ataru's head.

"I'LL GIVE YOU SHIT!" he got heavily pissed and pulled out of I don't know where a frying pan, which was attacked by Ten. In one moment the kid flew to the wall and splattered. Blood and brains lay all around, and the guts and diaper lay mixed into a shapeless mass.

Lum treated Moroboshi with electric shocks until he passed out.

The next scene showed the moment when the demoness' beloved woke up. The scene looked similar to the one I saw in Mirai Nikki - Ataru chained to a chair, a corpse-like skull and Lum's gaze similar to that of Gasai Yuno.

"I have made a decision to perform a special love operation on you," she said.

"I mean what?" - asked Moroboshi

"Flogging, wheel-breaking and Bayer Full in Chinese."

I didn't think Lum would go so far as to do such horrible things as Bayer Full in Chinese. Her lust for being with Ataru was overwhelming. I don't know what was worse - Lum's murderous obsession or "Panties in dots" in Chinese.

"This is all your fault, you kept hitting on others then I have to get it out of your head," said Lum

Ataru broke down. He recognized how desperate his wife must have been. How much she loves him. And then I noticed that he momentarily fell in love. I know, because the song "Lionel Richie - Hello" was flying in the background.

I momentarily turned off the episode and then noticed that a Logitech F170 pad was lying in front of me. I was shocked that the pad from Titan was lying in front of me. I knew I wouldn't pass the bathyscaphe mission in GTA V on it.

Suddenly I heard strange sounds. They sounded like the opening of "Lum no Love Song" from Urusei Yatsura, but it was a demonic sound. It sounded like very loud techno.

I ran out of the house and jumped into my Renault Megane RS. I started to run. I accelerated to a high speed....

I woke up in a mental hospital. It turned out that I had only seen the car, and in fact Patrick Peretti had drunkenly crashed it.

"T-this is all because of the forbidden episode, it had to be her," I shouted blaming the haunted Lum for everything.

No one believed me and for the next few months I had a straitjacket put on me.

If you come across this cursed episode - NEVER WATCH IT! It can change your life and cause irreversible changes in your psyche.

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