User:SOMEGUY123/Talk Archive 6: Difference between revisions

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[[User:Saliohoytia2525|'''''Saliohoyia2525''''']] Excotic Butters for breakfast 23:24, October 22, 2016 (UTC)
== I'll be waitinf for your responce ==
==Regarding Salio==
Over on the FNaF Wikia, [[User:Saliohoytia2525|this user]] made a blog saying she was given death threats on this Wikia (via chat) then banned from chat. As she has been known to "cover up" (per say) stories in the past, as well as had a reputation for "complaining", I'd like to know the story from your end.
-Yossipossi, Regular user from the FNaF Wikia.

Revision as of 20:53, 23 October 2016

SG Talk Archive 1
SG Talk Archive 2
SG Talk Archive 3
SG Talk Archive 4
SG Talk Archive 5

I have noticed, as it would be hard not to notice, that you have made an edit to the page of Bob.exe. The edit, from the looks of it does not correct any grammar or spelling errors. It merely deleted the music links. As notified in the comments, the oinks are designed to add atmosphere to the story. I understand doing this just to earn badges, as it can cause a sense of accomplishment, but since the edit was not important, the best course of action for you is to change it back.

Creeper50 (talk) 20:29, January 30, 2016 (UTC)Creeper50 

format fix =/= pointsgaming. SOMEGUY123 (talk) 20:35, January 30, 2016 (UTC)

Indeed, there are those random italics that were removed, but that is not the point. The point was that the removal of the links was unnecessary, as the links were designed for increasing the atmosphere. The best course of action is adding them back.

Creeper50 (talk) 21:03, January 30, 2016 (UTC)Creeper50

Just an FYI

That S4N5 pasta you deleted wasn't a trollpasta, it was meant to be taken seriously. I found it on dA and just thought I'd put it here since it sucks, hence why I put the "Pasta Trying To Be Good But Sucks Enough To Be A Troll" category on it. That's all. FriedTunaWaffles (talk) 03:16, February 2, 2016 (UTC)

We need more chat mods

We need more chat mods

We got raided, and since Marc was AFK, he didn't do shit. Maybe we should get some new chatmods soon.

Proof of the raid:

The video in question was a condom tutorial. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Blu Jerry (talkcontribs)

Category Idea: micropatsas


I believe there should be a category added to those pastas that are very short, about a paragraph or so. I call it "micropatsas". I looked through and didn't see it, so I thought I could get an appeal from you. Get back to me as soon as possible.

Crying Nate (talk) 23:11, February 5, 2016 (UTC)

What did I do?!Perturbed Maverick (talk) 18:44, February 7, 2016 (UTC)

Uhh, one of the admins of this site keeps kicking me off the chat for no reason at all.

Sure lad

K :^) --2xninto (talk) 21:25, February 8, 2016 (UTC) Since i cant tell you in chat, spergnote is marking pastas in the unfunny category for deletipn--2xninto (talk) 21:28, February 8, 2016 (UTC)

why was i banned for being annoying? all i did was ask if anyone missed me Donut22 (talk) 21:48, February 9, 2016 (UTC)

Just a conversation


I have noticed that my "pasta", The unknown Breadwinners episode, has been deleted for being unfunny. Was that a part of The Purge 2.0™? Please reply.

Владимир Ролдаников (talk) 07:08, February 11, 2016 (UTC)

Ur evil


Shrek e cheese

Why was my troll pasta Shrek e cheese deleted

Andre64man (talk) 02:58, February 13, 2016 (UTC)

Nambona is sad

It seems you and the other admins have something against me. There are far worse trollpastas than mine still out there, yet you single mine out for deletion. Can I get a reason, please?

--Greenmario58 (talk) 06:29, February 20, 2016 (UTC)

stop deleting my pastas you cunt

please --Greenmario58 (talk) 01:32, February 22, 2016 (UTC)

bro wtf I had just started the pasta and I needed to save it, then I got back on and you just delete my page {{SUBST:User:PhantomScottCawthon/Sig|{{SUBST:#time: H:i,j-M-Y}}}} (talk) 14:44, July 20, 2016 (UTC)

Emote idea

maybe it could go under "merely pretending" or (trump card) or idk

2xninto Talk09:02, February 23, 2016 (UTC)

Crappypasta/Failpasta Deletion

Just want to ask why my failpasta, Imagination was deleted. Please respond quickly.

And Then A Skeleton Popped Out! 03:40, February 26, 2016 (UTC)

Plz Kind sir i have a question. I have a troll pasta i wwant to make called "general another setelment needs our help" (if you played fallout 4, you get wheres thats going) now i dont want to do this all at once so im asking for a  catorgory of WIP. my man yo hav ta help a brotha out.

SIR LAGS ALOT1 (talk) 01:53, February 29, 2016 (UTC)SIR_LAGS_ALOT1

Deleted Pasta

So yea, my newest pasta was deleted. Just want to know why.

GenericLad123 (talk) 17:18, February 29, 2016 (UTC)GenericLad123

is this going to stay on this wiki? tails doll (talk) 01:26, March 1, 2016 (UTC)

Bad Creepypasta Videos

Hey. Could you please see if you can add these to the locked pages soon. Thanks.

How I Met A Terrible Fate PT 1

How I Met A Terrible Fate PT 2

Playstation Suffer

SOG Videos

Hey. Can you please see if you can add these soon. The pages are sorta locked.

The Truth Behind Super Mario

The Denonic Possesed Mortal Kombat Cartridge

Sonic X Episode 80 "Revenge of the jungle trap"

My Immortal PT 1

My Immortal PT 2

PT 3

PT 4

PT 5

PT 6

PT 7

PT 8

PT 9

Finale  —Preceding unsigned comment added by Winning by Erring (talkcontribs)

"i am having an autism"


Could i err... Get a more detailed explanaition as to why my pasta got deleted? I mean the only reason it could have is "unfunny" but i've definitely seen far less humorous posts here. I don't really care munch for getting it back, after all it was just done for the hell of it but I'm kind of scared posting here now as i have no idea why this got deleted so it will be sure to happen again.Magicalfruitbasket (talk) 20:17, March 4, 2016 (UTC)

Re: pftahahahaha

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo. --

19:34, March 5, 2016 (UTC)


One last chance.. ;( AustinD-3 (talk) 21:28, March 7, 2016 (UTC)


help me please

23:15, March 8, 2016 (UTC)

Lavender Town Tru Storie

I can't find Lavender Town Tru Storie, do you have the file saved?DeraZol (talk) 20:11, March 10, 2016 (UTC)DeraZol

Abusing powers

So, u know User:2xninto right? He banned me from chat for no reason, but not only me, also a bunch of others. He was kicking people randomly off chat, and I told him to stop, which led to me being banned from chat. Please stop this.

WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!!!!!!! 02:44, March 11, 2016 (UTC)

I have just found out that my page has been deleted from this wiki. My question is why?

AwesomeHorror (talk) 18:58, March 13, 2016 (UTC)


Can you update POTM?

Ryujo111 (talk) 16:48, March 16, 2016 (UTC)

Regarding my Stories.

If you deleted the first as "Cleanup"

You may as well delete the sequals too honestly.

Sheogorath Daedric Prince of Madness (talk) 14:18, March 27, 2016 (UTC)

You deleted Gaem of war profit age

Dude, it´s not funny to delete a random trollpasta for no reason. Gaem of war profit age was worked on for hours. WalRig31 (talk) 12:01, April 3, 2016 (UTC)


Why did you stop being admin on CPW? Just asking.

الله أكبرAllahu Akbarالله أكبر 01:15, April 6, 2016 (UTC)



This would look better with the font. The Great Cool Dude Papyrus (talk) 22:59, April 9, 2016 (UTC)


Unban please 2xninto (talk) 14:08, April 12, 2016 (UTC)



My pasta with the name above had been deleted for being unfunny (according to 2xninto, apparently). Is there a way you can at least provide me with a pastebin of the original pasta? And may I have permission to re-upload the story to the wiki?

SuperSonic1991 File:Supersonic1991 2.png 21:25, April 12, 2016 (UTC)

Orphaned Pages

Hey, a pasta (SKELETONZ) of mine was deleted for being orphaned. I was wondering if I could  re-add it and clean it up a little (adding copyright, categories, etc.) so it's not in the orphaned category anymore or would that violate the rules.

Quantum Dranger (talk) 03:08, April 16, 2016 (UTC)


Yo, someone locked Link's chat mod app and claimed to be you. They also copied your profile, they should really be banned. User in question.

Regarding a Deletion

Dear SOMEGUY123,

This is regarding a troll pasta poem-- Lament for a Lost Pup that had recently been deleted. I would to know the exact reason why this pasta has been deleted, and if the issue can be sorted out; is it possible for me to have permission to re-upload the story to the wiki?

--Mmpratt99 deviantart (talk) 22:17, April 23, 2016 (UTC)

RE:Regarding a Deletion

Oh, okay. Well, thank you for restoring it back.

--Mmpratt99 deviantart (talk) 00:34, April 24, 2016 (UTC)



love, me

Hey, you deleted my entry "Tony Hawk's Last Skater" stating that it was already on here, but I can't find it from searching. There's "Tony Hawk's Skate or Die" but that's a different pasta. I would like evidence that "Tony Hawk's Last Skater" was already posted on here. Thank you.

Net Bastard (talk) 20:01, April 27, 2016 (UTC)Net_Bastard

Sorry, SG!


Knight of the Abyss (talk) 14:04, May 2, 2016 (UTC)

Ok like what the fuck

Why did you tell me to tell Sinon to turn off his rollback script, but you told him he can keep it?

Ryujo111 (talk) 00:45, May 5, 2016 (UTC)


I bought you a new hut to celebrate your genocide on armania, sorry for my bad connection turk --2xninto (talk) 19:23, May 8, 2016 (UTC)

my deleted trollpasta was the return of patrixx at least i think that's what it was because i forgot and i'd like you to store it on reddit pls.


Ah, sorry about that. None of the pictures I could find were small enough. I'll try looking for a smaller one though. MNoDead File:BankaiHollow.gif(talk be here!) 00:35, May 16, 2016 (UTC)


K, got it fixed. Tell me if it is still too big. MNoDead File:BankaiIchigo.gif(talk be here!) 00:46, May 16, 2016 (UTC)


Did you guys actually remove badges again? MNoDead File:BankaiIchigo.gif(talk be here!) 00:41, May 23, 2016 (UTC)

Chat Ban

Who is kush and why did I get a chat ban? NoScopeLife(talk) 18:39, May 25, 2016 (UTC)

Can you tell 2xnitro that my main device is an Apple device so I can't change my user pic? He's freakin blackmailing me. NoScopeLife(talk) 19:46, May 25, 2016 (UTC)


Can I discuss my chatban with you somewhere? If I can't get it shortened or removed that's okay, but I just want to be done with this. We can talk on my wiki's chat if you're okay with that.

User:SneakSnakes (talk) 21:53, May 27, 2016 (UTC)


Para praxis 01:43, May 30, 2016 (UTC)


I haven't been able to chat for 2 fucking weeks and I don't remember who banned me, so I'm asking if you could find out who did it. Also, I don't know WHY they banned me, so that's something. I'm not really interested... (talk) 20:08, June 2, 2016 (UTC)

HEY, Dolan wants a few WORDS with you.

You're abusing your power based on biased, you do know that right? Is it because of that Youtube video? Get over it man, I believe you're breaking the rules of an admin.

What does unfunny content mean?


I was wandering what unfunny content meant. Because my pasta got deleted recently, and i'm new so I just want a run down of how a trollpasta is funny

Bruser56 (talk) 19:17, June 8, 2016 (UTC)Bruser56

Shitpost General

You should probably make another continuation thread, replacing Thread: 124624 MNoDead (talk be here!) 18:57, June 13, 2016 (UTC)

dude wtf

Why was I banned? I wasn't even doing anything.

​About chat ban...

How do you tell how long one will last?

chat ban appeal

Hey, recentely I was banned by 2xninto for 365,000 days. How am I an obvious sock. I clearly am not. I joined today. I want to be unbanned from chat. I wasn't even breaking any of the rules. C'mon man.

If you could look into the ban and see if I should be banned I would appreciate it!

Deathpotato (talk) 18:19, June 19, 2016 (UTC)Deathpotato

Why did you remove ToPH.SEXE? How was it "unfunny"?Pizzaboy66 (talk) 01:23, June 22, 2016 (UTC)

How dare you?

You good-for-nothing Grecian! How dare you remove that masterpiece, Trollpasta's crowning achievement? You and I both know that story is too glorious to be so cruelly toward from the bowels of Trollpasta Wiki. I'm very disappointed in you. You are a disgrace to Corfu. Likferd (talk) 21:49, June 22, 2016 (UTC)

Admission of guilt

I know how cancerous I've been recently and as you may or may not know MOST of the Marc socks are mine.

I could say "I'm sorry and it will never happen again" but i should be punished for what i have done.

So punish me however you and the community see fit.

Bengalsfan42 (talk) 21:59, June 24, 2016 (UTC)

abusing power

dear someguy123 2xninto is abusing her powers and banning me from chat for no reason or she has a reasonPizzaman2004 (talk) 12:38, June 25, 2016 (UTC)from pizzaman2004

appeal for chat ban

I was banned for "raiding/wanting us to raid" though I did not raid or tell anyone to raid. I think this is totally unfair because of this. Some people said I said that the page was unprotected, allthough a user named "Im Somebody" said that. And they assumed I was trying to get them all to raid a wiki. Please look into the ban.

An evil carrot (talk) 17:17, June 27, 2016 (UTC)an evil carrot


your idea of locking chat has to go into effect as soon as possible, sinon has socked 8 times within 30 minutes and spammed gay porn

if you can't find a way to do this we're going to have to be ready, if you can you need to get that done as soon as possible, it's officially gotten as low as possible

RookieKnight (talk) 00:43, June 30, 2016 (UTC)


you win Agamemnon

this shit ain't worth the time and effort anymore

peace out yo



patrix90 here

thanks man

But what if Patrix90 isn't kill?File:ILLUMINATI.jpg 07:22, June 30, 2016 (UTC)patrix90

Hey, um, asshole

You deleted my story "ROGE SUX SANIC"


Hey SOMEGUY123. I just wanted to ask why my pasta The russian social experiment (GONE SEXUAL) was removed. Thank you.  Mrcheeseman (talk) 22:39, July 1, 2016 (UTC)Mrcheeseman

I'm not a sock

I promise that I am not a sock of anybody

LolzSweg333 (talk) 02:44, July 3, 2016 (UTC)





Vikingrage (talk) 04:26, July 3, 2016 (UTC)

hey someguy. Sinon has been socking today (very recently) Three accounts today. He spammed the chat with gay porn with each sock. We might need you to lock down chat for a while until its safe to unlock it!

Brenzek (talk) 18:32, July 3, 2016 (UTC)Brenzek

Deleting pastas

Why did you remove A Rant and ToPH.SExe for being "unfunny"? How exactly were they unfunny? I found them to be hilarious satires.Pizzaboy66 (talk) 01:17, July 4, 2016 (UTC)

Open the chat dude

I need to get in, man. With hate, the Death Metal Skeleton. Your attempt at a comeback goes here. 04:02, July 4, 2016 (UTC)

Open chat

Hey I got locked out could you please open the cat? ALinkToThePasta (talk) 04:14, July 4, 2016 (UTC)

Open chat

Hey I got locked out could you please open the chat? ALinkToThePasta (talk) 04:14, July 4, 2016 (UTC)

why do you keep deleting my pastas

You probably don't care but shortly after you left, Tuna banned me for arguing that veganism is retarded. -Vandaz

Vanilladazzle (talk) 18:52, July 6, 2016 (UTC)

Strange Deletion

After visiting this wiki after a long time, I noticed that BOB HEIMER GOES TO HELL was deleted. No reason was given as to why. I don't understand why it was deleted when many godawful ALL CAPS EVIL PATRIXXX SHREK memepastas get to remain. I've only uploaded 2 pastas and I avoid using memes (they're usually just unoriginal and typically used by lazy people in favor of actual humor). I don't use incomprehensible grammar everywhere, for small sections (1 or 2 sentences) designed to throw the reader off guard. It may have been removed for being unfunny but even then I don't see why it would be removed in favor of something unforgivably terrible like 666 or Raeped by shrek remain.

I probably won't get a response, though I hope that you see that I'm not trying to be a cringy memelord who spams shrek and spooky skeletons in an attempt to be a hilarious troll. Cxero (talk) 03:44, July 7, 2016 (UTC)

Yeah it's Vandaz... Link permabanned me from chat. I guess because I wouldn't unblock Sard from my wiki or PMs. Mai said I didn't have to unblock her.

Vanilladazzle 04:59, July 8, 2016 (UTC)

Really SG? You're gonna let Celt permaban me? Vanilladazzle 01:19, July 9, 2016 (UTC)

Hey SG ban me

Can you permaban me from the chat i'm done with it thanks

also fred savage has a really punchable face (talk) 07:23, July 9, 2016 (UTC)

Another one to ban

User:Kaleb.schultz GOD (talk) 13:34, July 9, 2016 (UTC)

just a question

I like to lurk the forums a lot, and have only interacted with this community once or twice, but since you seem to be the leader of this wiki, I have to ask what happened with 2xninto, as I remember a bunch of demotion threads, most of them being jokes, but did one of those actually get to ninto and he quit? You dont have to answer this if this is too personal, but thank you for reading.--WhatIsDees (talk) 18:57, July 9, 2016 (UTC)


Thanks for responding.--WhatIsDees (talk) 18:59, July 9, 2016 (UTC)


Could you ban me from chat? I dont do much here and I dont like chatting, so I think the only thing that could prevent me from going on the chat and being a edgy loser would be a chat ban. I would prefer a permanent ban. WhatIsDees (talk) 02:51, July 10, 2016 (UTC)

the agreement

Its been broken by your good little doggo

Sinon 42. (talk) 08:44, July 12, 2016 (UTC)

Yeah he was pretty much threatening us and boasting about how we couldn't touch him or else he'd start socking again.

Whatever the hell you decide to do about this, I only banned him because everybody in the chat who was present wanted him banned, so I figured it would be the best solution, albeit a likely temporary one.

With hate, the Death Metal Skeleton. Your attempt at a comeback goes here. 09:02, July 12, 2016 (UTC)

Come to lmr i want to talk

Sinon 42. (talk) 17:33, July 12, 2016 (UTC)

Why did you make the Rather Unnecessary Edits to BOB.exe?

Just asking.These Edits are Unnecessary and weren't needed.KinglyJwop (talk) 22:56, July 12, 2016 (UTC)


Well, why was I banned when I didn't do anything? I thought the wiki was going to be a place I enjoy, but I guess not. I'm just gonna find somewhere else to go, bye. Leaving the chat (talk) 13:23, July 16, 2016 (UTC)

I'm not a fucking lost cause Hugh Jass 06:00, July 17, 2016 (UTC)

Why was my pasta deleted? I tried figuring out the reason, but honestly don't know.

Midasmas (talk) 10:10, July 17, 2016 (UTC)Midasmas

You're a cool dude Hugh Jass 02:28, July 18, 2016 (UTC)

wtf is wrong with chat

when I enter chat it has no text in it and no people are in it, though the bar that shows the people in chat shows that other people are in chat

nvm chat's working now

also, about minetest "access denied. Reason: Player name not allowed."

Jeparko (talk) 15:22, July 20, 2016 (UTC)Jeparko

MoonMan MoonMan Can't you see? Alexthestupidnword (talk) 06:09, July 23, 2016 (UTC)

Ehy SOMEGUY123. I saw that my trollpasta (for reference, "Human.exe") has been deleted. Now, I'm not going to pull a JC-The-Hyena and be all like "zomg u piece of shit y u delete me work" or anything like that, I just want to know exaclty why it was deleted in the first place. I admit it, it was pretty shit, but it was also my first work. I didn't seem to receive a message or a notification about that matter, so I just want to know exaclty why my Trollpasta was deleted. Is it for quality reasons (Is that even a thing here?). Dumb category usage? 

Please answer me as soon as possible. Again, I'm not mad, the story WAS shit, but I just want to know the reason as to why it was deleted. 


Not So Serious Nick.

Not So Serious Nick (talk) 14:53, July 25, 2016 (UTC)

Asking why one of my stories got deleted.

Ehy SOMEGUY123. I saw that my trollpasta (for reference, "Human.exe") has been deleted. Now, I'm not going to pull a JC-The-Hyena and be all like "zomg u piece of shit y u delete me work" or anything like that, I just want to know exaclty why it was deleted in the first place. I admit it, it was pretty shit, but it was also my first work. I didn't seem to receive a message or a notification about that matter, so I just want to know exaclty why my Trollpasta was deleted. Is it for quality reasons (Is that even a thing here?). Dumb category usage? 

Please answer me as soon as possible. Again, I'm not mad, the story WAS shit, but I just want to know the reason as to why it was deleted. 


Not So Serious Nick.

Not So Serious Nick (talk) 14:56, July 25, 2016 (UTC)

Also ended up posting this twice because I'm a dumbass. 

About the deleted story...

Thank you for answering me but...Is that it? I don't want to start a war or anything like that, but... 

You know what, that's okay. I've seen much worse in this site but I guess I should've seen this coming either way. 

Thank you for asnwering, still. 

Not So Serious Nick (talk) 16:18, July 25, 2016 (UTC)

Deleted stories

I aksed this twice but you never answered, why did you delete "Toph.SExe" and "A Rant". You deleted them for being "unfunny" but how were they unfunny?

Deleted Story

You recently deleted my story, "PSA: Demon Summoning," and the reason you gave was that it was unfunny.

What about it wasn't funny, and how can I make it funnier?

The Goddamn Dorkpool (talk) 22:53, July 25, 2016 (UTC)


congrats on making the TPotM, I loved it Hugh Jass (talk) 00:27, August 2, 2016 (UTC)


USERS WERE HARASSING ME AND CELTIC JUST BANNED ME AND NO ONE ELSE PLEASE HELP (also why is ryu blocked?) be here!|contribs be here!)

um who is this kid trying to imitate me wtf. Bomba!(talk) 00:30, August 10, 2016 (UTC)

How long til my ban is up? 

Dear SOMEGUY123. Were you that butthurt from a story I wrote? People enjoyed that story... okay no one enjoyed it... okay maybe 4... okay maybe 2...

My point is, those were my first 2 stories that you had no rights to delete. I'm triggered. Please restore that story. I'm waiting. I'm triggered. Please. Restore. I'm desperate. I fed my kids with those stories. They are starving now. They're gonna die. Please, Mister! I don't hve enough money to divorce my abusive wife. PLEASE! I BEG OF YOU! FOR THE LOVE OF PATRIXXX! PLEASE, MR SAINTPESPSIPROFILEPICTURE!





I'm going back to tumblr now. Thank you.


...and i'm triggered

FedoraEpic (talk) 22:19, August 8, 2016 (UTC)

Uh, excuse me but I'm curious about the reason the trollpasta Phoenix Fright got deleted. I did not write it, only find it and think that the righteous place for it was in the Trollpasta wiki, it's usually the place bad pastas from the creepypasta wiki itself end up. I don't really care for the pasta except I had sent the link to Yuriofwind in hopes that he would read it in his segment.

SaikrTheThief (talk) 00:12, August 9, 2016 (UTC)

Hello why deleted my trollpasta Knuckless Boom.EXE ?????????

Fuck you. With hate, the Death Metal Skeleton. Your attempt at a comeback goes here. 00:33, August 11, 2016 (UTC)

why was my le trollpasta delete?

Chair10 (talk) 06:46, August 11, 2016 (UTC)


This guy would like to be unbanned.


Can you please put my story back up?

Why do you guys remove trollpastas just becasue YOU personally don't find them funny? I get if they're just the same word repeated over and over again or some shit, but if they're somewhat well made, why remove them without any warning? Mrcheeseman (talk) 19:32, August 15, 2016 (UTC)

Story Deletion

Hey there!

I want to know why my story called Number 17 was deleted.

Can you please answer?



GodzillaFan1 (Talk) 06:44, August 22, 2016 (UTC)

GodzillaFan1 (Talk) 07:28, August 23, 2016 (UTC)

It was the use of the wod "Ebay" wasn't it? I can never add a page on a wiki without it getting taken down for sme reason. What a shame... oh well, I understand. EmojiJoker (talk) 16:38, August 22, 2016 (UTC)


Ok, you should get that button visible for this message.

Hey dawg, check the Sanic video again and look closely at around 16:59...

Also I have no idea how wiki message thingies work at all so if this fucks stuff up then I apologize

You know you were wrong

This isn't the first time something like this happened. There was the bullshit with Kerbin back in May (xd may lmao), that everyone blamed only me for until two months later when you finally pulled your heads out of your asses and realized, Hey, wait, Celtic was right the whole time: Kerbin's just a whiny bitch. Now here you are, you know I'm easy to piss off and you know how much I hate kicking, so you kicked me for something that a fuckton of other users did and weren't punished with intent to start a flamewar, you started one, couldn't admit that you were wrong. SG lied about what he posted, you lied too, even Tuna started whiteknighting you. You kicked only me for something other users were guilty of, then quickly pulled some bullshit to make yourself look good by kicking others for doing it too, knowing they'd be kicked because if you just stopped at me everyone would know the truth.

Then after you and everyone else lie some more, you pull an excuse out of your ass to ban me for drama that you were knowingly responsible for, all in an effort to get everyone ganging up on me and ban me again, just to watch a huge dramafest begin because you couldn't be rational and not kick me for something everyone else did. There's not even any drama bullshit until you or Spoooky shows up and you know it, because you two love to piss me off and whiteknight yourselves.

You couldn't even simply be honest about everyone else posting the ASCII and try to pull another excuse out of your ass. Instead you had to keep up your lie, let every other retard get roped into thinking you're right, try to make me out to be the bad guy and find a good cover-up excuse to ban me for something you caused. That kick wasn't justified, nor the ban. We both know that I was right, but you couldn't grow up and be an honest person, which automatically makes you a degenerate with a vagina, because no real man would lie.

This is your last chance. Show some goddamned integrity, lift the bullshit ban, admit you were wrong and move on. If you don't, everyone might think you're right, but you'll go about the rest of your life knowing you lied and never admitted it, and by extension are equivalent to a little bitch with no integrity and a disgrace to the human race, and I might be banned for a few days, but hey, that gives me time to find another hobby and go about the rest of my life knowing I'm a man of my word. On the other hand if you do, you could grow up, be a man, move on, end this drama bullshit that you started, everyone might go back to liking you, you'll probably get to keep your rights and I can go back to having a happy fun time shitposting because I have nothing better to do. It's you're choice, what you'll do, but we both know what happened and what should happen. MayIsBae (talk) 10:15, September 24, 2016 (UTC)

Why you banned me from chat? :(

Why you banned me

It would be good if you would say the reason. --Hi/Bye (talk) 23:02, October 3, 2016 (UTC)

SOMEGUY123, please tell me why you deleted my pasta. I believe it didn't violate any rules.

There's no punishment for adding admin only categories?

I'm noticing this guy:

didn't get blocked. (S)He added the Do Not Delete tag to his "pasta" (it wasn't even a pasta, it was Lorem Ipsum the latin publishers use)

If someone can get blocked for taking the deletion template off their pasta, then they should get blocked for putting "Do Not Delete" on. It's effectively trying to do the same thing-prevent their pasta from being deleted.

Hi There...

Hi... I'm new...So I feel like making A trollpasta... got any ideas?

Saliohoyia2525 Excotic Butters for breakfast 23:24, October 22, 2016 (UTC)

I'll be waitinf for your responce

Regarding Salio

Over on the FNaF Wikia, this user made a blog saying she was given death threats on this Wikia (via chat) then banned from chat. As she has been known to "cover up" (per say) stories in the past, as well as had a reputation for "complaining", I'd like to know the story from your end.

-Yossipossi, Regular user from the FNaF Wikia.